WebCenter Content REST API v1.1

WebCenter Content REST API

About the REST APIs

The WebCenter Content REST APIs allow you to interact with content in WebCenter Content.

REST Overview

REST, or Representational State Transfer, uses basic methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE over a standard protocol, such as HTTPS, to submit requests from a client application to operate on objects stored on a server.

A request is in the form of a uniform resource identifier (URI) that identifies the resource (such as a dDocName, dID, or GUID) on which to operate and includes any parameters necessary for the operation.

Each REST request from the client to a server contains all of the information necessary to understand the request and does not rely on the server to store information about the individual request or about any relationship between requests. Session state is stored (cached) entirely on the client.

Each REST request is translated to an IdcService request and the results of the service are returned as a JSON response. The primary IdcService called by each REST API is noted in the description of each API.

Getting Started

To use WebCenter Content REST APIs, install a REST client like Postman.


The WebCenter Content REST API uses Basic Auth to authenticate REST calls. Anonymous calls are not currently supported.

Resourse URI

A REST call includes an HTTPS method, such as POST, GET, PUT, or DELETE, and a resource identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

The URI is in this format:


For example:


REST Request

A REST API supports a direct URL and JSON data format for REST requests.

In general, the WebCenter Content REST APIs use parameter names similar to the IdcService names.

Path Parameters

Path parameters are resourse parameters passed directly in the URI resource before the ? charater.

Query Parameters

Query parameters are resourse parameters passed directly in the URI resource after the ? charater.

Body Parameters

Body parameters are resourse parameters passed in the HTTP body of the REST request.

FormData Parameters

FormData parameters are used in multi-part requests and passed in the HTTP body of the REST request. WebCenter Content REST APIs make use of this when uploading files.

REST Response

The REST API supports returning the following data:

In general, the responses of the WebCenter Content REST APIs use parameter names similar to the IdcService names.

HTTP Response Codes

The WebCenter Content REST APIs may return any valid HTTP response code. The most commonly returned codes are defined in the following table.

HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK The request was successfully completed.
201 Created The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. The response includes a Location header containing the canonical URI for the newly created resource.
400 Bad Request The request could not be processed because it contains missing or invalid information (such as a validation error on an input field or a missing required value).
401 Unauthorized The request is not authorized. The authentication credentials included with this request are missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user cannot be authenticated. The user does not have authorization to perform this request.
404 Not Found The request includes a resource URI that does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Error Responses

The following table describes the fields for error messages that can be returned when an error is returned.

Name Description
type A link that describes the type of error.
title A brief summary error message.
detail Details about the error from the server; the service StatusMessage.
errorKey When the error comes from the service layer; the service StatusMessageKey
o:errorCode When the error comes from the service layer StatusCode. A negative number inidcates that the service failed.

REST API Definitions


Upload Document

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/data


Upload a new file, creating a new document. (CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
metadataValues formData The metadata to associate with this document in JSON format. Some fields are required, some are optional; this can vary based on how the server is configured. These fields are required:
•dDocType – The type of document being uploaded
•dDocTitle – The title of the document being uploaded
•dRevLabel – The revision of the document being uploaded
•dSecurityGroup – The security group of the document being uploaded
Additional fields might be required.
Yes string
primaryFile formData The primary file for this document. Yes file
alternateFile formData The alternate file for this document. No file


Code Description Schema
201 Document successfully uploaded.
Returns Header Location which is a URI to get the metadata of the new document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Upload a file.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/data

Request Body

FormData Parameters

metadataValues = {“dDocTitle”:“Rest”,“dSecurityGroup”:“Public”,“dDocType”:“Document”}

primaryFile = [filePath]

HTTP Response

Status = 201


Location = …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006201

Upload Document Revision

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/data


Uploads a new document as a new revision of an existing document. (CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to add the revision to. Yes string
metadataValues formData The metadata to associate with this revision in JSON format. Fields that are not provided will be inherited. The dDocName field may be required depending on the server configuration. Yes string
primaryFile formData The primary file for this revision. Yes file
alternateFile formData The alternate file for this revision. No file


Code Description Schema
201 Revision successfully uploaded.
Returns Header Location which is a URI to get the metadata of the new document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Upload a new revision with a new dDocTitle.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006201/data

Request Body

FormData Parameters

metadataValues = {“dDocTitle”:“Rest Update Title”}

primaryFile = [filePath]

HTTP Response

Status = 201


Location = …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006201

Download Document

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/data


Downloads file content for the specified document as a stream. (GET_FILE)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to download. Yes string
version query The version of the document to download. If not provided, the latest released version is assumed. No string
rendition query The rendition of the document to retrieve. If rendition is not specified, primary rendition of the document is assumed. Allowed renditions:
No string


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the complete stream of the document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Download a document


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006201/data

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


stream of file contents as application/octet-stream

Download Revision of a Document by its dID

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/{dID}/data


Downloads file content for the specified document revision as a stream by providing its dID. (GET_FILE)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dID path Revision identifier of the content item. Yes string
rendition query The rendition of the document to download. It can be primary or alternate or web or rendition:T. If rendition is not specified, primary rendition of the document is assumed. No string


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the complete stream of the document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Download a document by dID


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/6205/data

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


stream of file contents as application/octet-stream

Copy Document Revision

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/{dID}/copyRevision


Create a new document by copying the revision of an existing document. (COPY_REVISION)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to be used as the source of the copy. Yes string
dID path The dID of the document to be used as the source of the copy. Yes string
body body The metadata as JSON to apply to the newly created copy. Any field not set in the JSON will be inherited from the source file. If the dDocName used does not exist on the server, a new document is created; if the dDocName exists, a new revision is created. The dDocName field may be required depending on server configuration. No MetadataChangeObjectParameter


Code Description Schema
201 Revision copy successfully created.
Returns Header Location which is a URI to get the metadata of the new document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Create a copy of ID14006201 and dID 6202 as a new content item.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006201/6202/copyRevision

Request Body

Set dDocName and dDocTitle on the new content item.

{ “dDocName”: “createCopyRevision”,

“dDocTitle”:“Rest copyRevision” }

HTTP Response

Status = 201


Location = …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006205

Get Document Information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}


Get the document information for a document. (DOC_INFO_LATESTRELEASE or DOC_INFO_SIMPLE_BYREV)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to return information. Yes string
version query The version of the document to return information. If not provided, the latest released version is returned. No string
fields query This parameter is optional. When it is not provided, all fields that would be returned by the DOC_INFO family of services are returned. When provided, the field is a comma seperated list of explicit fields returned. No string


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the metadata MetadataObjectResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get the metadata for CREATECOPYREVISION.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/CREATECOPYREVISION

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body



"dID": 6203,

"dDocType": "Document",

"dDocTitle": "Rest copyRevision",

"dRevLabel": "1",

"dSecurityGroup": "Public",

"dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

"dStatus": "RELEASED",

"dOriginalName": "exif-xmp.jpg",

"dFormat": "image/jpeg",

"dFileSize": 129756,

"dDocCreator": "weblogic",

"dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

"dDocOwner": "weblogic",

"dIndexedID": 6203,

"dIsWebFormat": false,

"dCharacterSet": null,

"dRendition1": null,

"dPublishType": null,

"dRendition2": null,

"dDocClass": null,

"dInDate": "2024-05-21 16:08:00Z",

"dRevRank": "0",

"dDocID": 6405,

"dWebExtension": "jpg",

"dCheckoutUser": null,

"dLocation": null,

"dIsPrimary": false,

"dExtension": "jpg",

"dReleaseState": "Y",

"dProcessingState": "Y",

"dWorkflowState": null,

"dIndexerState": null,

"dReleaseDate": "2024-05-21 16:08:00Z",

"dFlag1": null,

"dCreateDate": "2024-05-21 16:08:00Z",

"dOutDate": null,

"dRevClassID": 6203,

"dLanguage": null,

"xExternalDataSet": null,

"dRevisionID": 1,

"dIsCheckedOut": false,

"dDocAccount": null,

"dPublishState": null,


Get Document Information by dID

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/{dID}


Get the document information for a document by dID. (DOC_INFO_SIMPLE_BYREV)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dID path The dID/Revision identifier of the document. Yes string
fields query This parameter is optional. When it is not provided, all fields that would be returned by the DOC_INFO family of services are returned. When provided, the field is a comma seperated list of explicit fields returned. No string


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the metadata MetadataObjectResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get the metadata for content item with dID 6203.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/6203

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body



"dID": 6203,

"dDocType": "Document",

"dDocTitle": "Rest copyRevision",

"dRevLabel": "1",

"dSecurityGroup": "Public",

"dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

"dStatus": "RELEASED",

"dOriginalName": "exif-xmp.jpg",

"dFormat": "image/jpeg",

"dFileSize": 129756,

"dDocCreator": "weblogic",

"dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

"dDocOwner": "weblogic",

"dIndexedID": 6203,

"dIsWebFormat": false,

"dCharacterSet": null,

"dRendition1": null,

"dPublishType": null,

"dRendition2": null,

"dDocClass": null,

"dInDate": "2024-05-21 16:08:00Z",

"dRevRank": "0",

"dDocID": 6405,

"dWebExtension": "jpg",

"dCheckoutUser": null,

"dLocation": null,

"dIsPrimary": false,

"dExtension": "jpg",

"dReleaseState": "Y",

"dProcessingState": "Y",

"dWorkflowState": null,

"dIndexerState": null,

"dReleaseDate": "2024-05-21 16:08:00Z",

"dFlag1": null,

"dCreateDate": "2024-05-21 16:08:00Z",

"dOutDate": null,

"dRevClassID": 6203,

"dLanguage": null,

"xExternalDataSet": null,

"dRevisionID": 1,

"dIsCheckedOut": false,

"dDocAccount": null,

"dPublishState": null,


Delete Document

DELETE /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}


Deletes the document and all its revisions. (DELETE_DOC)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to be deleted. Yes string
version query The version number of the document to delete. If the version is not specified, the content item and all its versions will be deleted. No string


Code Description Schema
204 Successfully deleted document
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Delete the content item with dDocName CREATECOPYREVISION.


DELETE …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/CREATECOPYREVISION

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 204



Delete Revision of a Document by its dID

DELETE /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/{dID}


Deletes a document revision. (DELETE_REV_EX)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dID path The dID (revision) of the document to be deleted. Yes string


Code Description Schema
204 Successfully deleted the document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Delete the content item with dID 6206.


DELETE …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/6206

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 204



Get Document Version Information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/versions


Get all the revision information of a document. (DOC_INFO_BY_NAME)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to return revision information. Yes string
fields query This parameter is optional. When it is not provided, all fields that would be returned by the DOC_INFO family of services are returned. When provided, the field is a comma seperated list of explicit fields returned. No string


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the metadata MetadataVersionsResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get the metadata for all the versions of the content item with dDocName ID14006204.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006204/versions

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body

"dDocName": "ID14006204",    
"dRevLabelLatest": "2",
"count": 2,
"items": [
        "dDocName": "ID14006204",
        "dID": 6205,
        "dDocType": "Document",
        "dDocTitle": "Rest Update Title",
        "dRevLabel": "2",
        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",
        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",
        "dStatus": "RELEASED",
        "dOriginalName": "exif-xmp.jpg",
        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",
        "dFileSize": 129756,
        "dDocCreator": "weblogic",
        "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",
        "dDocOwner": "weblogic",
        "dIndexedID": 6205,
        "xIdcProfile": null,
        "dIsWebFormat": false,
        "xIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,
        "dCharacterSet": null,
        "xComments": null,
        "xDecimal": null,
        "dRendition1": null,
        "dPublishType": null,
        "dRendition2": null,
        "dDocClass": null,
        "xReqText": null,
        "dInDate": "2024-05-21 19:19:14Z",
        "dRevRank": "0",
        "dDocID": 6409,
        "dMessage": null,
        "dWebExtension": "jpg",
        "dCheckoutUser": null,
        "dLocation": null,
        "xPartitionId": null,
        "xWebFlag": null,
        "dIsPrimary": false,
        "dExtension": "jpg",
        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",
        "dReleaseState": "Y",
        "dProcessingState": "Y",
        "dWorkflowState": null,
        "dIndexerState": null,
        "xLongText": null,
        "xTest": 0,
        "xOptionList": null,
        "xAnnotationDetails": 0,
        "xMemo": "Test memo",
        "dReleaseDate": "2024-05-21 19:24:05Z",
        "dDocFunction": null,
        "dFlag1": null,
        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-21 19:19:14Z",
        "dOutDate": null,
        "dRevClassID": 6204,
        "dLanguage": null,
        "xExternalDataSet": null,
        "dRevisionID": 2,
        "dIsCheckedOut": false,
        "dDocAccount": null,
        "dPublishState": null,
        "xDate": null,
        "xLibraryGUID": null
        "dDocName": "BB14006204",
        "dID": 6204,
        "dDocType": "Document",
        "dDocTitle": "Rest",
        "dRevLabel": "1",
        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",
        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",
        "dStatus": "RELEASED",
        "dOriginalName": "Mugs.jpg",
        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",
        "dFileSize": 53834,
        "dDocCreator": "weblogic",
        "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",
        "dDocOwner": "weblogic",
        "dIndexedID": 6205,
        "xIdcProfile": null,
        "dIsWebFormat": false,
        "xIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,
        "dCharacterSet": null,
        "xComments": null,
        "xDecimal": null,
        "dRendition1": null,
        "dPublishType": null,
        "dRendition2": null,
        "dDocClass": null,
        "xReqText": null,
        "dInDate": "2024-05-21 19:18:39Z",
        "dRevRank": "1",
        "dDocID": 6407,
        "dMessage": null,
        "dWebExtension": "jpg",
        "dCheckoutUser": null,
        "dLocation": null,
        "xPartitionId": null,
        "xWebFlag": null,
        "dIsPrimary": false,
        "dExtension": "jpg",
        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",
        "dReleaseState": "O",
        "dProcessingState": "Y",
        "dWorkflowState": null,
        "dIndexerState": null,
        "xLongText": null,
        "xTest": 0,
        "xOptionList": null,
        "xAnnotationDetails": 0,
        "xMemo": "Test memo",
        "dReleaseDate": "2024-05-21 19:18:41Z",
        "dDocFunction": null,
        "dFlag1": null,
        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-21 19:18:39Z",
        "dOutDate": null,
        "dRevClassID": 6204,
        "dLanguage": null,
        "xExternalDataSet": null,
        "dRevisionID": 1,
        "dIsCheckedOut": false,
        "dDocAccount": null,
        "dPublishState": null,
        "xDate": null,
        "xLibraryGUID": null


GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/search/items


Search for documents in the server. (GET_SEARCH_RESULTS)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
q query The search query which is used to filter content items. No string
fields query The names of metadata fields to be returned for each content item . There is a set of fields that are always returned whether or not this parameter is passed. No string
orderBy query The sort field and sort order which will be used to arrange the filtered content items. No string
limit query The maximum number of items listed per page. No integer
offset query Specifies the point from which items are listed for the response. No integer


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the search results SearchResultsResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Search for all files in the Public security group.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/search/items

Request Body

query parameter q = dSecurityGroup <matches> `Public`

HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"totalResults": 5,

"query": "dSecurityGroup <matches> \`Public\`",

"offset": 0,

"limit": 20,

"count": 5,

"hasMore": "false",

"pageNumber": 1,

"items": [


        "dDocName": "ID14006204",

        "dID": 6205,

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "dDocTitle": "Rest Update Title",

        "dRevLabel": "2",

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

        "dStatus": "Released",

        "dOriginalName": "exif-xmp.jpg",

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "dFileSize": 129756,

        "dDocCreatedDate": "2024-05-21 19:18:39Z",

        "dDocCreator": "weblogic",

        "dDocLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-21 19:24:04Z",

        "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "dIndexedID": 6205,

        "dDocOwner": "weblogic",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "URL": "/cs/groups/public/documents/document/yje0/mda2/~edisp/id14006204.jpg",

        "dRendition2": null,

        "VaultFileSize": 129756,

        "dDocClass": null,

        "dInDate": "2024-05-21 19:19:14Z",

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

        "dDocFunction": null,

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-21 19:19:14Z",

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dRevClassID": 6204,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "dRevisionID": 2,

        "dDocAccount": null,



        "dDocName": "ID14006201",

        "dID": 6202,

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "dDocTitle": "Rest Update Title",

        "dRevLabel": "2",

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

        "dStatus": "Released",

        "dOriginalName": "exif-xmp.jpg",

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "dFileSize": 129756,

        "dDocCreatedDate": "2024-05-21 14:54:46Z",

        "dDocCreator": "weblogic",

        "dDocLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-21 15:49:16Z",

        "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "dIndexedID": 6202,

        "dDocOwner": "weblogic",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "URL": "/cs/groups/public/documents/document/yje0/mda2/~edisp/id14006201.jpg",

        "dRendition2": null,

        "VaultFileSize": 129756,

        "dDocClass": null,

        "dInDate": "2024-05-21 15:49:16Z",

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

        "dDocFunction": null,

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-21 15:49:16Z",

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dRevClassID": 6201,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "dRevisionID": 2,

        "dDocAccount": null,



        "dDocName": "ID14006002",

        "dID": 6002,

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "dDocTitle": "Rest",

        "dRevLabel": "1",

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

        "dStatus": "Released",

        "dOriginalName": "Mugs.jpg",

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "dFileSize": 53834,

        "dDocCreatedDate": "2024-05-13 16:53:42Z",

        "dDocCreator": "weblogic",

        "dDocLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-13 16:53:42Z",

        "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "dIndexedID": 6002,

        "dDocOwner": "weblogic",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "URL": "/cs/groups/public/documents/document/yje0/mda2/~edisp/id14006002.jpg",

        "dRendition2": null,

        "VaultFileSize": 53834,

        "dDocClass": null,

        "dInDate": "2024-05-13 16:53:42Z",

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "xPartitionId": null,

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "dDocFunction": null,

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-13 16:53:42Z",

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dRevClassID": 6002,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "dRevisionID": 1,

        "dDocAccount": null,



        "dDocName": "ID14005802",

        "dID": 5802,

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "dDocTitle": "file",

        "dRevLabel": "1",

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dDocAuthor": "UserB",

        "dStatus": "Released",

        "dOriginalName": "Mugs.jpg",

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "dFileSize": 53834,

        "dDocCreatedDate": "2024-05-09 16:25:20Z",

        "dDocCreator": "UserB",

        "dDocLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-09 16:25:20Z",

        "dDocLastModifier": "UserB",

        "dIndexedID": 5802,

        "dDocOwner": "UserB",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "URL": "/cs/groups/public/documents/document/yje0/mda1/~edisp/id14005802.jpg",

        "dRendition2": null,

        "VaultFileSize": 53834,

        "dDocClass": null,

        "dInDate": "2024-05-09 16:24:00Z",

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

        "dDocFunction": null,

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-09 16:25:20Z",

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dRevClassID": 5802,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "dRevisionID": 1,

        "dDocAccount": null,



        "dDocName": "1715255331863",

        "dID": 5801,

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "dDocTitle": "Copy Title",

        "dRevLabel": "1",

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

        "dStatus": "Released",

        "dOriginalName": "CSASampleImage.jpg",

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "dFileSize": 25382,

        "dDocCreatedDate": "2024-05-09 11:48:53Z",

        "dDocCreator": "weblogic",

        "dDocLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-09 11:48:53Z",

        "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "dIndexedID": 5801,

        "dDocOwner": "weblogic",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "URL": "/cs/groups/public/documents/document/mju1/mzmx/~edisp/1715255331863.jpg",

        "dRendition2": null,

        "VaultFileSize": 25382,

        "dDocClass": null,

        "dInDate": "2024-05-09 11:48:53Z",

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "xPartitionId": null,

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "dDocFunction": null,

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-09 11:48:53Z",

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dRevClassID": 5801,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "dRevisionID": 1,

        "dDocAccount": null,



"sortOrder": "dInDate:Desc"


Resubmit a document

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/resubmitConversion


Resubmit a document that failed conversion. (RESUBMIT_FOR_CONVERSION)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to be resubmitted. Yes string
version query The version number of the document to be resubmitted. If the version is not specified, the latest version will be resubmited. No string
alwaysResubmit query By default, only files in a failed conversion state can be resubmited. Setting this to true allows files that were sucessfully converted to be resubmitted. No boolean


Code Description Schema
202 The file has been resubmitted.
401 Unauthorized
409 The file is not in a failed converted state, and could be resumbitted with the alwaysResubmit parameter. ResubmitConflictErrorResponse
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. GeneralErrorResponse


Resumbit content item ID14006204.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14006204/resubmitConversion

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 202



Resubmit a document by dID

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/{dID}/resubmitConversion


Resubmit a document that failed conversion. (RESUBMIT_FOR_CONVERSION)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dID path The dID of the document. Yes string


Code Description Schema
202 The file has been resubmitted
401 Unauthorized
409 The file is not in a failed converted state, and could be resumbitted with the alwaysResubmit parameter ResubmitConflictErrorResponse
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Resumbit revision 6205 (but it has not failed conversion).


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/6205/resubmitConversion

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 409



“type”: “https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-409-conflict”,

“title”: “Resubmit Not Required”,

“detail”: “The content item is not in a failed conversion state.”,

“o:errorCode”: -1


Get Work in Progress

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/workInProgress/items


Returns a list of items in GENWWW or DONE status and not present in a workflow. (WORK_IN_PROGRESS)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
fields query The names of metadata fields to be returned for each content item. There is a set of fields that is always returned whether or not this parameter is passed. No string
orderBy query The sort field and sort order which will be used to arrange the filtered content items. No string
limit query The maximum number of items listed per page. No integer
offset query Specifies the point from which items are listed for the response. No integer


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned work in progress. WorkInProgressResponse
204 There is no work in progress.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse

Update Document

PUT /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}


Updates the document. Update the document metadata or update a metadate file to a different file (the file can only be updated once from a metadata file). (UPDATE_DOCINFO_BYFORM & UPDATE_DOCINFO)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The dDocName of the document to be updated. Yes string
version query The version of the document to be updated. If not provided, the latest version is updated. No string
createPrimaryMetaFile query When true, a primary metafile is checked in and the primaryFile parameter is ignored. No boolean
createAlternateMetaFile query When true, an alternate metafile is checked in and the alternateFile parameter is ignored. No boolean
metadataValues body The metadata as JSON to update. Any field set in the JSON set on the document; fields which are not present will not be updated. Yes MetadataChangeObjectParameter
primaryFile formData The new primary file for this document (can only update from a metadata file). No file
alternateFile formData The new alternate file for this document (can only update from a metadata file). No file


Code Description Schema
201 Document successfully updated.
Returns Header Location which is a URI to get the metadata of the updated document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Update the latest released version of the METADATA document to set the field xComments to ‘my update’.


PUT …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/METADATA

Request Body

FormData Parameters

metadataValues = {“xComments”: “my update”}

HTTP Response

Status = 204


Location = …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/METADATA

Update Document by dID

PUT /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/{dID}


Updates the document. Update the metadata or update a metadate file to a different file (the file can only be updated once from a metadata file). (UPDATE_DOCINFO_BYFORM & UPDATE_DOCINFO)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dID path The dID of the document to be updated. Yes string
createPrimaryMetaFile query When true, a primary metafile is checked in and the primaryFile parameter is ignored. No boolean
createAlternateMetaFile query When true, an alternate metafile is checked in and the alternateFile parameter is ignored. No boolean
metadataValues body The metadata as JSON to update. Any field set in the JSON set on the document; fields which are not present will not be updated. Yes MetadataChangeObjectParameter
primaryFile formData The new primary file for this document (can only update from a metadata file). No file
alternateFile formData The new alternate file for this document (can only update from a metadata file). No file


Code Description Schema
201 Document successfully updated.
Returns Header Location which is a URI to get the metadata of the updated document.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Assume the file revision 7603 exists with a metadata file. This update will update the file and set the field xComments to ‘changeFile’.


PUT …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/7603

Request Body

FormData Parameters

metadataValues = {“xComments”: “changeFile”}

primaryFile = [filePath]

HTTP Response

Status = 204


Location = …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID14007635

Get Content Item workflow information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/workflow


Workflow information based on the dDocName of a document in the workflow. (GET_WORKFLOW_INFO_BYNAME)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path The name of a document in an active workflow Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 Workflow information based on the dDocName of a document in the workflow. WorkflowInfoResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get information on the workflow state for content item ID45654.


GET …documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID45654/workflow

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"dWfName": "criteriawf1",

"dWfStepID": 4,

"remainingStepUsers": "weblogic",

"doc_info": {

    "dDocName": "ID45654",

    "dID": 8446,

    "dDocType": "Document",

    "dDocTitle": "workflow demo",

    "dRevLabel": "1",

    "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

    "dStatus": "REVIEW",

    "dOriginalName": "Desert.jpg",

    "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

    "dFileSize": 845941,

    "dVitalState": "Y",

    "xReportType": null,

    "xRecordSupersededDate": null,

    "xDeleteApproveDate": null,

    "xIsEditable": 1,

    "xHasFixedClone": 0,

    "xIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

    "dCharacterSet": null,

    "xComments": "criteriawf1",

    "xRelatedContentTriggerDate": null,

    "dRendition1": null,

    "xNewRevisionDate": "5/22/24 9:34 AM",

    "dRendition2": null,

    "xRecordCancelledDate": null,

    "xRecordCutoffDate": null,

    "dLastModifiedDate": "5/22/24 9:34 AM",

    "dRecordState": null,

    "dRmaSegmentID": 3,

    "dMessage": null,

    "dWebExtension": "jpg",

    "dCheckoutUser": null,

    "xClassifiedMarkings": null,

    "xRecordExpirationDate": null,

    "xVitalPeriod": 0,

    "dIsPrimary": false,

    "dExtension": "jpg",

    "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

    "dProcessingState": "Y",

    "xIsFrozen": 0,

    "dWorkflowState": "W",

    "dIndexerState": null,

    "xIsRevisionable": 1,

    "xSuperSupersededDate": null,

    "dReleaseDate": null,

    "xRecordActivationDate": null,

    "dOutDate": null,

    "dRevClassID": 7846,

    "xIsVital": 0,

    "dLanguage": null,

    "xRelatedContentList": null,

    "dIsCheckedOut": false,

    "xIsDeletable": 1,

    "xSupersededContent": null,

    "xIdcProfile": null,

    "dIsWebFormat": false,

    "xFreezeID": 0,

    "xIsSubjectToAudit": 0,

    "dRmaProcessState": "Y",

    "xRecordDestroyDate": null,

    "xFreezeReason": null,

    "dPublishType": null,

    "xVitalPeriodUnits": null,

    "xClbraUserList": null,

    "xSource": null,

    "xIsRecord": 0,

    "xRecordFilingDate": "5/22/24 9:32 AM",

    "xFolderID": null,

    "dInDate": "2024-05-22 16:32:00Z",

    "dRevRank": "0",

    "xRecordReviewDate": null,

    "dDocID": 13691,

    "xClbraAliasList": null,

    "dLocation": null,

    "xSupplementalMarkings": null,

    "xCpdIsTemplateEnabled": 0,

    "xPartitionId": null,

    "xWebFlag": null,

    "dReleaseState": "E",

    "xCpdIsLocked": 0,

    "xRecordObsoleteDate": null,

    "xAnnotationDetails": 0,

    "xVitalReviewer": null,

    "dFlag1": null,

    "dCreateDate": "2024-05-22 16:34:00Z",

    "xIsFixedClone": 0,

    "xRecordRescindedDate": null,

    "xExternalDataSet": null,

    "xReportContentType": null,

    "dRevisionID": 1,

    "xLongName": null,

    "xCategoryID": null,

    "dPublishState": null,

    "xAuditPeriod": null,

    "dDocAccount": null,

    "xIsCutoff": 0,

    "xNoLatestRevisionDate": null,

    "xLibraryGUID": null


"workflowInfo": {

    "dWfID": 2,

    "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

    "dWfDescription": "Criteria Workflow1",

    "dCompletionDate": null,

    "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "dWfStatus": "INPROCESS",

    "dWfType": "Criteria",

    "dIsCollaboration": 0


"wf_doc_info": {

    "dWfID": 2,

    "dDocName": "ID45654",

    "dWfDocState": "INPROCESS",

    "dWfComputed": null,

    "dWfCurrentStepID": 4,

    "dWfDirectory": "public"


"workflowStep": {

    "dWfStepID": 4,

    "dWfStepName": "step1",

    "dWfID": 2,

    "dWfStepDescription": null,

    "dWfStepType": ":R:C:CE:",

    "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

    "dWfStepWeight": 1,

    "dWfStepIsSignature": 0,

    "dUsers": "weblogic",

    "dHasTokens": "false"


"workflowSteps": [


        "dWfStepID": 3,

        "dWfStepName": "contribution",

        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfStepDescription": null,

        "dWfStepType": ":C:CA:CE:",

        "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

        "dWfStepWeight": 1,

        "dWfStepIsSignature": 0



        "dWfStepID": 4,

        "dWfStepName": "step1",

        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfStepDescription": null,

        "dWfStepType": ":R:C:CE:",

        "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

        "dWfStepWeight": 1,

        "dWfStepIsSignature": 0



"workflowActionHistory": [


        "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

        "dWfStepName": "contribution",

        "wfAction": "CHECKIN",

        "wfActionTs": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "wfUsers": "weblogic",

        "wfMessage": null



        "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

        "dWfStepName": "contribution",

        "wfAction": "APPROVE",

        "wfActionTs": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "wfUsers": "weblogic",

        "wfMessage": null



        "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

        "dWfStepName": "step1",

        "wfAction": "WORK_NOTIFICATION",

        "wfActionTs": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "wfUsers": "weblogic",

        "wfMessage": "Content item 'ID45654' is ready for workflow step 'step1'.\n"



Approve a workflow

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/workflow/.approve


Approve a content item in a workflow. (WORKFLOW_APPROVE)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path dDocName of the document in workflow Yes string


Code Description Schema
204 The content item has been approved.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Approve content item ID9400002010 in its workflow.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID9400002010/workflow/.approve

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 204



Approve a workflow

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/{dID}/workflow/.approve


Approve a content item revision in a workflow. (WORKFLOW_APPROVE)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dID path dID of a document in workflow. Yes string


Code Description Schema
204 The content item has been approved.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Approve item revision 23454323 in its workflow.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/23454323/workflow/.approve

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 204



Reject a workflow

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/{dDocName}/workflow/.reject


Reject a content item in a workflow. (WORKFLOW_REJECT)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dDocName path dDocName of the document in workflow Yes string
rejectMessage query The rejection message. No string


Code Description Schema
204 The content item has been rejected.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Reject content item ID9400002011 in its workflow.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ID9400002011/workflow/.reject

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 204



Reject a workflow

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/{dID}/workflow/.reject


Rejects content item revision in a workflow. (WORKFLOW_REJECT)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dID path Revision identifier of the content item in workflow. Yes string
rejectMessage query The rejection message. No string


Code Description Schema
204 The content item has been rejected.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Reject item revision 24353523 in its workflow.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/.by.did/24353523/workflow/.reject

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 204




Get Workflow information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/{dWfName}


Get workflow information by its name. (GET_WORKFLOW)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dWfName path Workflow name Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 Workflow information WorkflowInformationResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get information on workflow criteriawf1.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/criteriawf1

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"workflow": {

    "dWfID": 2,

    "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

    "dWfDescription": "Criteria Workflow1",

    "dCompletionDate": null,

    "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "dWfStatus": "INPROCESS",

    "dWfType": "Criteria",

    "dIsCollaboration": 0


"workflowSteps": [


        "dWfStepID": 3,

        "dWfStepName": "contribution",

        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfStepDescription": null,

        "dWfStepType": ":C:CA:CE:",

        "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

        "dWfStepWeight": 1,

        "dWfStepIsSignature": 0



        "dWfStepID": 4,

        "dWfStepName": "step1",

        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfStepDescription": null,

        "dWfStepType": ":R:C:CE:",

        "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

        "dWfStepWeight": 1,

        "dWfStepIsSignature": 0,

        "dAliases": "weblogic\tuser"



"workflowStepEvents": [


        "dWfStepName": "step1",

        "wfEntryScript": null,

        "wfExitScript": null,

        "wfUpdateScript": null



Get content item revisions in a workflow

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/{dWfName}/docrevisions


Get a list of content item revisions that are in the workflow. (GET_WORKFLOWDOCREVISIONS)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dWfName path Workflow name Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 Workflow information WorkflowInformationRevisionsResponse
204 There are no content items in this workflow.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get information on revisions in the workflow criteriawf1.


GET …documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/criteriawf1/docrevisions

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"wf_info": {

    "dWfID": 2,

    "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

    "dWfDescription": "Criteria Workflow1",

    "dCompletionDate": null,

    "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "dWfStatus": "INPROCESS",

    "dWfType": "Criteria",

    "dIsCollaboration": 0


"workflowSteps": [


        "dWfStepID": 3,

        "dWfStepName": "contribution",

        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfStepDescription": null,

        "dWfStepType": ":C:CA:CE:",

        "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

        "dWfStepWeight": 1,

        "dWfStepIsSignature": 0,

        "dHasTokens": "false"



        "dWfStepID": 4,

        "dWfStepName": "step1",

        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfStepDescription": null,

        "dWfStepType": ":R:C:CE:",

        "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

        "dWfStepWeight": 1,

        "dWfStepIsSignature": 0,

        "dUsers": "user:weblogic",

        "dHasTokens": "false"



"wfDocuments": [


        "dWfID": 2,

        "dDocName": "ID45654",

        "dWfDocState": "INPROCESS",

        "dWfComputed": null,

        "dWfCurrentStepID": 4,

        "dWfDirectory": "public",

        "dVitalState": "Y",

        "xReportType": null,

        "xIsEditable": "1",

        "xHasFixedClone": 0,

        "dCharacterSet": null,

        "xRelatedContentTriggerDate": null,

        "xRecordCutoffDate": null,

        "dLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-22 16:34:18Z",

        "dRecordState": null,

        "dMessage": null,

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "xClassifiedMarkings": null,

        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

        "dIndexerState": null,

        "xSuperSupersededDate": null,

        "dReleaseDate": null,

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dRevClassID": 7846,

        "xIsVital": "0",

        "xRelatedContentList": null,

        "xIsDeletable": "1",

        "dRmaProcessState": "Y",

        "xRecordDestroyDate": null,

        "xVitalPeriodUnits": null,

        "xSource": null,

        "xRecordFilingDate": "2024-05-22 16:32:00Z",

        "dStatus": "REVIEW",

        "dInDate": "2024-05-22 16:32:00Z",

        "xRecordReviewDate": null,

        "xCpdIsTemplateEnabled": 0,

        "xPartitionId": null,

        "dReleaseState": "E",

        "xCpdIsLocked": 0,

        "xIsFixedClone": 0,

        "xReportContentType": null,

        "xCategoryID": null,

        "dPublishState": null,

        "xAuditPeriod": null,

        "dID": 8446,

        "xLibraryGUID": null,

        "xRecordSupersededDate": null,

        "xDeleteApproveDate": null,

        "xIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

        "xComments": "criteriawf1",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "xNewRevisionDate": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "dRendition2": null,

        "xRecordCancelledDate": null,

        "dRmaSegmentID": 3,

        "dDocTitle": "workflow demo",

        "dCheckoutUser": null,

        "dFileSize": 845941,

        "xRecordExpirationDate": null,

        "xVitalPeriod": 0,

        "dIsPrimary": 1,

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "dProcessingState": "Y",

        "xIsFrozen": "0",

        "dWorkflowState": "W",

        "xIsRevisionable": "1",

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "xRecordActivationDate": null,

        "dLanguage": null,

        "dIsCheckedOut": 0,

        "xSupersededContent": null,

        "xIdcProfile": null,

        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

        "dIsWebFormat": 0,

        "xFreezeID": "0",

        "xIsSubjectToAudit": "0",

        "xFreezeReason": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "xClbraUserList": null,

        "xIsRecord": "0",

        "xFolderID": null,

        "dRevRank": 0,

        "dDocID": 13691,

        "xClbraAliasList": null,

        "dLocation": null,

        "xSupplementalMarkings": null,

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "dOriginalName": "Desert.jpg",

        "xRecordObsoleteDate": null,

        "xAnnotationDetails": 0,

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "xVitalReviewer": null,

        "dFlag1": null,

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "xRecordRescindedDate": null,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "dRevisionID": 1,

        "xLongName": null,

        "dRevLabel": "1",

        "dDocAccount": null,

        "xIsCutoff": "0",

        "xNoLatestRevisionDate": null



Active Workflows

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/active/items


Get active workflows. (GET_ACTIVE_WORKFLOWS)


Code Description Schema
200 The list of active workflows. WorkflowActiveResponse
204 There are no active standard workflows in the system.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


List the active workflows.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/active/items

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"count": 3,

"items": [


        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

        "dWfDescription": "Criteria Workflow1",

        "dCompletionDate": null,

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dWfStatus": "INPROCESS",

        "dWfType": "Criteria",

        "dIsCollaboration": 0



        "dWfID": 201,

        "dWfName": "criteriawf2",

        "dWfDescription": null,

        "dCompletionDate": null,

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dWfStatus": "INPROCESS",

        "dWfType": "Criteria",

        "dIsCollaboration": 0



        "dWfID": 402,

        "dWfName": "criteriawf4",

        "dWfDescription": "Criteria 4 on Secure Group",

        "dCompletionDate": null,

        "dSecurityGroup": "Secure",

        "dWfStatus": "INPROCESS",

        "dWfType": "Criteria",

        "dIsCollaboration": 0



Get Current Workflow Assignments

GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/inqueue/items


Get the user’s current workflow assignments.(GET_WORKFLOW_INQUEUE_LIST,GET_WORKFLOW_INQUEUE_LIST_EX)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
fields query A comma separated list of fields to be returned for each content item. By default, all fields will be returned. No string
orderBy query The sort field and sort order which will be used to arrange the filtered content items. For example dwfQueueLastActionTs:Desc will sort the specified field in descending order. No string
limit query The maximum number of items listed per page. If not provided, the limit is calculated from the config setting WfInqueueMaxRows. If neither are set, the default is 20. No number
offset query Specifies the point from which items are listed for the response. No number
doMarkSubscribed query When 1 adds a fIsSubscribed field in the resultset to indicate if the folder is subscribed. No number


Code Description Schema
200 Workflow in queue for the user. WorkflowInQueueResponse
204 The workflow in queue is empty.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


The user’s workflow assignments.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/workflows/inqueue/items

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"count": 1,

"hasMore": false,

"numPages": 1,

"pageNumber": 1,

"totalRows": 1,

"startRow": 1,

"endRow": 1,

"items": [


        "dUser": "weblogic",

        "dDocName": "ID45654",

        "dID": 8446,

        "dWfID": 2,

        "dWfName": "criteriawf1",

        "dWfStepName": "step1",

        "dwfQueueActionState": null,

        "dwfQueueEnterTs": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "dwfQueueLastActionTs": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "wfMessage": null,

        "dVitalState": "Y",

        "xReportType": null,

        "xIsEditable": "1",

        "xHasFixedClone": 0,

        "dCharacterSet": null,

        "xRelatedContentTriggerDate": null,

        "dwfMessage": null,

        "xRecordCutoffDate": null,

        "dLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-22 16:34:18Z",

        "dWfStepType": ":R:C:CE:",

        "dRecordState": null,

        "dMessage": null,

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "xClassifiedMarkings": null,

        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

        "dIndexerState": null,

        "dWfStepID": 4,

        "xSuperSupersededDate": null,

        "dReleaseDate": null,

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dRevClassID": 7846,

        "xIsVital": "0",

        "xRelatedContentList": null,

        "xIsDeletable": "1",

        "dWfStepDescription": null,

        "wfQueueLastActionTs": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "dRmaProcessState": "Y",

        "xRecordDestroyDate": null,

        "xVitalPeriodUnits": null,

        "dWfStepWeight": 1,

        "xSource": null,

        "xRecordFilingDate": "2024-05-22 16:32:00Z",

        "dStatus": "REVIEW",

        "dInDate": "2024-05-22 16:32:00Z",

        "xRecordReviewDate": null,

        "dWfStepIsAll": 0,

        "xCpdIsTemplateEnabled": 0,

        "xPartitionId": null,

        "dReleaseState": "E",

        "xCpdIsLocked": 0,

        "xIsFixedClone": 0,

        "xReportContentType": null,

        "xCategoryID": null,

        "dPublishState": null,

        "xAuditPeriod": null,

        "xLibraryGUID": null,

        "xRecordSupersededDate": null,

        "xDeleteApproveDate": null,

        "xIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

        "xComments": "criteriawf1",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "xNewRevisionDate": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "dRendition2": null,

        "xRecordCancelledDate": null,

        "wfQueueActionState": null,

        "dRmaSegmentID": 3,

        "dDocTitle": "workflow demo",

        "dCheckoutUser": null,

        "dFileSize": 845941,

        "xRecordExpirationDate": null,

        "xVitalPeriod": 0,

        "dIsPrimary": 1,

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "dProcessingState": "Y",

        "xIsFrozen": "0",

        "dWorkflowState": "W",

        "xIsRevisionable": "1",

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "xRecordActivationDate": null,

        "dLanguage": null,

        "dIsCheckedOut": 0,

        "xSupersededContent": null,

        "xIdcProfile": null,

        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

        "dIsWebFormat": 0,

        "xFreezeID": "0",

        "xIsSubjectToAudit": "0",

        "xFreezeReason": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "xClbraUserList": null,

        "xIsRecord": "0",

        "xFolderID": null,

        "dRevRank": 0,

        "dDocID": 13691,

        "xClbraAliasList": null,

        "dLocation": null,

        "xSupplementalMarkings": null,

        "wfQueueEnterTs": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "dOriginalName": "Desert.jpg",

        "dWfStepIsSignature": 0,

        "xRecordObsoleteDate": null,

        "xAnnotationDetails": 0,

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "xVitalReviewer": null,

        "dFlag1": null,

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-22 16:34:05Z",

        "xRecordRescindedDate": null,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "dRevisionID": 1,

        "xLongName": null,

        "dRevLabel": "1",

        "dDocAccount": null,

        "xIsCutoff": "0",

        "xNoLatestRevisionDate": null





PING Server

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/system/ping


Verify the server is running (PING_SERVER).


Code Description Schema
204 The server is available
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Validate the server is responding.


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/system/ping

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 204



Get DocProfiles Information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/system/docProfiles

Get information about all docProfiles.


List information about all the docProfiles. (GET_DOCPROFILES)


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the docProfiles information. DocProfilesResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get all the docProfiles.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/system/docProfiles

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"defFileExists": true,

"dpDidSetDefaultTriggerField": 1,

"dpTriggerField": "dSecurityGroup",

"count": 2,

"items": [


        "dpName": "Profile_1",

        "dpDescription": "Profile 1",

        "dpTriggerValue": "Secure",

        "dpDisplayLabel": "Profile_1",

        "dDocClass": "Base",

        "isValid": true



        "dpName": "Profile_2",

        "dpDescription": "Profile 2",

        "dpTriggerValue": "Public",

        "dpDisplayLabel": "Profile_2",

        "dDocClass": "Base",

        "isValid": true





Browse the root folder

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/browse/


List the content and structure of the root (FLD_ROOT) folder. (FLD_BROWSE)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
fldapp query Specifies the Folders Application of the location being returned No string
doCombinedBrowse query When true, data will be returned in a combined pagination mode. No boolean
foldersFirst query When true, folders are listed before files in the combined pagination mode. No boolean
folderCount query The number of folders to return. No integer
folderStartRow query The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. No integer
fileCount query The number of files to return. No integer
fileStartRow query The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. No integer
combinedCount query The number of items (folders+files) to return. No integer
combinedStartRow query The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. No integer
doRetrieveTargetInfo query When true, returns target folder’s information for all shortcuts retrieved in a resultset ChildTargetFolders. No boolean
doMarkFavorites query When true, adds a ‘fIsFavorite’ field in the resultset to indicate if the folder/file is favorite. It is favorite if it has a shortcut in Favorites folder. No boolean
doMarkSubscribed query When true, adds a ‘fIsSubscribed’ field in the resultset to indicate if the folder is subscribed. A folder is subscribed if the Subscription table has an entry for folder and the user calling the API. No boolean
doRetrieveDocumentURL query When true, adds a URL field returned data; the web location of the document. No boolean
doRetrieveUniqueLinks query When true, post processes array to return only unique links. For example, if folder’s shortcut and folder itself are in the array, only folder itself will be returned. No boolean
foldersSortField query The field Name from FolderFolders table on which to sort the records. No string
foldersSortOrder query Sort order on foldersSortField field. No string
filesSortField query The field name from FolderFiles table on which to sort the records. No string
filesSortOrder query Sort order on filesSortField field. No string
combinedSortField query The Field name (common to both FolderFiles and FolderFolders tables) on which to sort the items. No string
combinedSortOrder query Sort order on combinedSortField field. No string
foldersFilterParams query The comma separated list of filter parameters on the browse. For example foldersFilterParams=fIsContribution&fIsContribution=1 will return folders with fIsContribution=1. No string
foldersFilterQuery query The Standard Query syntax for filtering out the folders. This is in DATABASE engine format on FolderFolders table. For example. foldersFilterQuery=fFolderName‘ent’ No string
fieldName query The value for the specified field in foldersFilterParams and filesFilterParams No string
filesFilterParams query The comma separated list of filter parameters on the browse. For example, filesFilterParams=fOwner&fOwner=sysadmin will return folders with fOwner=sysadmin No string
filesFilterQuery query The Standard Query syntax for filtering out the files. This is in DATABASE engine format on FolderFiles table. For example, filesFilterQuery=fFileName‘test’ No string


Code Description Schema
200 The structure of a folder. FolderBrowseResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Browse the FLD_ROOT folder. This example shows an additional folder and file.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/browse/

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"numFolders": 3,

"hasMoreChildFolders": 0,

"numFiles": 1,

"totalChildFoldersCount": 3,

"totalChildFilesCount": 1,

"hasMoreChildFiles": 0,

"hasMoreChildItems": 0,

"folderPath": "/",

"folderInfo": {

    "fFolderGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

    "fParentGUID": "idcnull",

    "fFolderName": "/",

    "fFolderType": "owner",

    "fInhibitPropagation": 0,

    "fPromptForMetadata": 0,

    "fIsContribution": 1,

    "fIsInTrash": 0,

    "fRealItemGUID": null,

    "fLibraryType": null,

    "fIsLibrary": 0,

    "fDocClasses": null,

    "fTargetGUID": null,

    "fApplication": "framework",

    "fOwner": "sysadmin",

    "fCreator": "sysadmin",

    "fLastModifier": "sysadmin",

    "fCreateDate": "2024-03-18 20:15:54Z",

    "fLastModifiedDate": "2024-03-18 20:15:54Z",

    "fSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "fDocAccount": null,

    "fClbraUserList": null,

    "fClbraAliasList": null,

    "fClbraRoleList": null,

    "fFolderDescription": null,

    "fChildFoldersCount": 5,

    "fChildFilesCount": 1,

    "fFolderSize": 0,

    "fAllocatedFolderSize": -1,

    "fAllocatorParentFolderGUID": null,

    "fApplicationGUID": null,

    "fIsReadOnly": 0,

    "fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

    "fDisplayName": "/",

    "fDisplayDescription": null,

    "fIsBrokenShortcut": null,

    "isLeaf": "0",

    "itemType": "1",

    "folderPermissions": "RWDA"


"childFolders": [



        "fParentGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

        "fFolderName": "Enterprise Libraries",

        "fFolderType": "owner",

        "fInhibitPropagation": 0,

        "fPromptForMetadata": 0,

        "fIsContribution": 1,

        "fIsInTrash": 0,

        "fRealItemGUID": null,

        "fLibraryType": null,

        "fIsLibrary": 0,

        "fDocClasses": null,

        "fTargetGUID": null,

        "fApplication": "framework",

        "fOwner": "sysadmin",

        "fCreator": "sysadmin",

        "fLastModifier": "sysadmin",

        "fCreateDate": "2024-03-18 20:15:54Z",

        "fLastModifiedDate": "2024-03-18 20:15:54Z",

        "fSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "fDocAccount": null,

        "fClbraUserList": null,

        "fClbraAliasList": null,

        "fClbraRoleList": null,

        "fFolderDescription": "Enterprise Libraries",

        "fChildFoldersCount": 0,

        "fChildFilesCount": 0,

        "fFolderSize": 0,

        "fAllocatedFolderSize": -1,

        "fAllocatorParentFolderGUID": null,

        "fApplicationGUID": null,

        "fIsReadOnly": 0,

        "fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

        "fDisplayName": "Enterprise Libraries",

        "fDisplayDescription": "Enterprise Libraries"



        "fFolderGUID": "D6413BD3FD74C638A5ED5352AEF456C1",

        "fParentGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

        "fFolderName": "Folder",

        "fFolderType": "owner",

        "fInhibitPropagation": 0,

        "fPromptForMetadata": 0,

        "fIsContribution": 1,

        "fIsInTrash": 0,

        "fRealItemGUID": null,

        "fLibraryType": null,

        "fIsLibrary": 0,

        "fDocClasses": null,

        "fTargetGUID": null,

        "fApplication": "framework",

        "fOwner": "weblogic",

        "fCreator": "weblogic",

        "fLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "fCreateDate": "2024-05-22 20:46:39Z",

        "fLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-22 20:46:39Z",

        "fSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "fDocAccount": null,

        "fClbraUserList": null,

        "fClbraAliasList": null,

        "fClbraRoleList": null,

        "fFolderDescription": null,

        "fChildFoldersCount": 0,

        "fChildFilesCount": 0,

        "fFolderSize": 0,

        "fAllocatedFolderSize": -1,

        "fAllocatorParentFolderGUID": null,

        "fApplicationGUID": null,

        "fIsReadOnly": 0,

        "fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

        "fDisplayName": "Folder",

        "fDisplayDescription": null



        "fFolderGUID": "FLD_USERS",

        "fParentGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

        "fFolderName": "Users",

        "fFolderType": "owner",

        "fInhibitPropagation": 0,

        "fPromptForMetadata": 0,

        "fIsContribution": 1,

        "fIsInTrash": 0,

        "fRealItemGUID": null,

        "fLibraryType": null,

        "fIsLibrary": 0,

        "fDocClasses": null,

        "fTargetGUID": null,

        "fApplication": "framework",

        "fOwner": "sysadmin",

        "fCreator": "sysadmin",

        "fLastModifier": "sysadmin",

        "fCreateDate": "2024-03-18 20:15:54Z",

        "fLastModifiedDate": "2024-03-18 20:15:54Z",

        "fSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "fDocAccount": null,

        "fClbraUserList": null,

        "fClbraAliasList": null,

        "fClbraRoleList": null,

        "fFolderDescription": null,

        "fChildFoldersCount": 0,

        "fChildFilesCount": 0,

        "fFolderSize": 0,

        "fAllocatedFolderSize": -1,

        "fAllocatorParentFolderGUID": null,

        "fApplicationGUID": null,

        "fIsReadOnly": 0,

        "fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

        "fDisplayName": "Users",

        "fDisplayDescription": "Users"



"childFiles": [


        "fFileGUID": "D7B229794E0E9A57985D771CD070C750",

        "fParentGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

        "fTargetGUID": null,

        "fFileName": "Mugs.jpg",

        "fPublishedFileName": "Mugs.jpg",

        "fFileType": "owner",

        "fIsInTrash": 0,

        "fRealItemGUID": null,

        "fDocClass": "Base",

        "fInhibitPropagation": 0,

        "dDocName": "ID14006204",

        "dRevisionID": 1,

        "dPublishedRevisionID": 1,

        "fApplication": "framework",

        "fOwner": "weblogic",

        "fCreator": "weblogic",

        "fLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "fCreateDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:40Z",

        "fLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:40Z",

        "fSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "fDocAccount": null,

        "fClbraUserList": null,

        "fClbraAliasList": null,

        "fClbraRoleList": null,

        "fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": "0",

        "dID": 6207,

        "dDocType": "Document",

        "dDocTitle": "file",

        "dDocAuthor": "weblogic",

        "dRevClassID": 6205,

        "dRevLabel": "1",

        "dIsCheckedOut": 0,

        "dCheckoutUser": null,

        "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

        "dCreateDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:40Z",

        "dInDate": "2024-05-22 20:46:00Z",

        "dOutDate": null,

        "dStatus": "RELEASED",

        "dReleaseState": "Y",

        "dFlag1": null,

        "dWebExtension": "jpg",

        "dProcessingState": "Y",

        "dMessage": null,

        "dDocAccount": null,

        "dReleaseDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:42Z",

        "dRendition1": null,

        "dRendition2": null,

        "dIndexerState": null,

        "dPublishType": null,

        "dPublishState": null,

        "dWorkflowState": null,

        "dRevRank": 0,

        "dDocID": 6413,

        "dIsPrimary": 1,

        "dIsWebFormat": 0,

        "dLocation": null,

        "dOriginalName": "Mugs.jpg",

        "dFormat": "image/jpeg",

        "dExtension": "jpg",

        "dFileSize": 53834,

        "dLanguage": null,

        "dCharacterSet": null,

        "xComments": null,

        "xExternalDataSet": null,

        "xIdcProfile": null,

        "xAnnotationDetails": 0,

        "xPartitionId": null,

        "xWebFlag": null,

        "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

        "xTest": 0,

        "xReqText": null,

        "xLongText": null,

        "xMemo": "Test memo",

        "xDate": null,

        "xDecimal": null,

        "xOptionList": null,

        "xLibraryGUID": null,

        "xIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

        "dIndexedID": 6207,

        "dDocCreatedDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:40Z",

        "dDocCreator": "weblogic",

        "dDocLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:40Z",

        "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "dDocOwner": "weblogic",

        "dDocFunction": null,

        "dDocClass": null,

        "fDisplayName": "Mugs.jpg"




Browse a folder

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/browse/{fFolderGUID}


List the content and structure of the specified folder. (FLD_BROWSE)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
fFolderGUID path The folder GUID. Yes string
fldapp query Specifies the Folders Application of the location being returned No string
doCombinedBrowse query When true, data will be returned in a combined pagination mode. No boolean
foldersFirst query When true, folders are listed before files in the combined pagination mode. No boolean
folderCount query The number of folders to return. No integer
folderStartRow query The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. No integer
fileCount query The number of files to return. No integer
fileStartRow query The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. No integer
combinedCount query The number of items (folders+files) to return. No integer
combinedStartRow query The row number at which to start returning data. Used for pagination. No integer
doRetrieveTargetInfo query When true, returns target folder’s information for all shortcuts retrieved in a resultset ChildTargetFolders. No boolean
doMarkFavorites query When true, adds a ‘fIsFavorite’ field in the resultset to indicate if the folder/file is favorite. It is favorite if it has a shortcut in Favorites folder. No boolean
doMarkSubscribed query When true, adds a ‘fIsSubscribed’ field in the resultset to indicate if the folder is subscribed. A folder is subscribed if the Subscription table has an entry for folder and the user calling the API. No boolean
doRetrieveDocumentURL query When true, adds a URL field returned data; the web location of the document. No boolean
doRetrieveUniqueLinks query When true, post processes array to return only unique links. For example, if folder’s shortcut and folder itself are in the array, only folder itself will be returned. No boolean
foldersSortField query The field Name from FolderFolders table on which to sort the records. No string
foldersSortOrder query Sort order on foldersSortField field. No string
filesSortField query The field name from FolderFiles table on which to sort the records. No string
filesSortOrder query Sort order on filesSortField field. No string
combinedSortField query The Field name (common to both FolderFiles and FolderFolders tables) on which to sort the items. No string
combinedSortOrder query Sort order on combinedSortField field. No string
foldersFilterParams query The comma separated list of filter parameters on the browse. For example foldersFilterParams=fIsContribution&fIsContribution=1 will return folders with fIsContribution=1 No string
foldersFilterQuery query The Standard Query syntax for filtering out the folders. This is in DATABASE engine format on FolderFolders table. For example. foldersFilterQuery=fFolderName‘ent’ No string
fieldName query The value for the specified field in foldersFilterParams and filesFilterParams No string
filesFilterParams query The comma separated list of filter parameters on the browse. For example, filesFilterParams=fOwner&fOwner=sysadmin will return folders with fOwner=sysadmin No string
filesFilterQuery query The Standard Query syntax for filtering out the files. This is in DATABASE engine format on FolderFiles table. For example, filesFilterQuery=fFileName‘test’ No string


Code Description Schema
200 The structure of a folder. FolderBrowseResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Browse any folder.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/browse/D6413BD3FD74C638A5ED5352AEF456C1

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"numFolders": 1,

"hasMoreChildFolders": 0,

"numFiles": 1,

"totalChildFoldersCount": 1,

"totalChildFilesCount": 1,

"hasMoreChildFiles": 0,

"hasMoreChildItems": 0,

"folderPath": "/Folder",

"folderInfo": {

    "fFolderGUID": "D6413BD3FD74C638A5ED5352AEF456C1",

    "fParentGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

    "fFolderName": "Folder",

    "fFolderType": "owner",

    "fInhibitPropagation": 0,

    "fPromptForMetadata": 0,

    "fIsContribution": 1,

    "fIsInTrash": 0,

    "fRealItemGUID": null,

    "fLibraryType": null,

    "fIsLibrary": 0,

    "fDocClasses": null,

    "fTargetGUID": null,

    "fApplication": "framework",

    "fOwner": "weblogic",

    "fCreator": "weblogic",

    "fLastModifier": "weblogic",

    "fCreateDate": "2024-05-22 20:46:39Z",

    "fLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-22 20:46:39Z",

    "fSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "fDocAccount": null,

    "fClbraUserList": null,

    "fClbraAliasList": null,

    "fClbraRoleList": null,

    "fFolderDescription": null,

    "fChildFoldersCount": 1,

    "fChildFilesCount": 1,

    "fFolderSize": 0,

    "fAllocatedFolderSize": -1,

    "fAllocatorParentFolderGUID": null,

    "fApplicationGUID": null,

    "fIsReadOnly": 0,

    "fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

    "fDisplayName": "Folder",

    "fDisplayDescription": null,

    "fIsBrokenShortcut": null,

    "isLeaf": "0",

    "itemType": "1",

    "folderPermissions": "RWDA"


"childFolders": [


        "fFolderGUID": "4B4AFD71D5A999DBABB16704FEABCEBD",

        "fParentGUID": "D6413BD3FD74C638A5ED5352AEF456C1",

        "fFolderName": "jpgs",

        "fFolderType": "owner",

        "fInhibitPropagation": 17,

        "fPromptForMetadata": 0,

        "fIsContribution": 0,

        "fIsInTrash": 0,

        "fRealItemGUID": null,

        "fLibraryType": null,

        "fIsLibrary": 0,

        "fDocClasses": null,

        "fTargetGUID": null,

        "fApplication": "query",

        "fOwner": "weblogic",

        "fCreator": "weblogic",

        "fLastModifier": "weblogic",

        "fCreateDate": "2024-05-22 21:01:13Z",

        "fLastModifiedDate": "2024-05-22 21:01:13Z",

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Create Folder

POST /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders


Create a folder or a shortcut to a folder. (FLD_CREATE_FOLDER)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
fFolderName query The name of the created folder. Yes string
fParentGUID query The GUID of the parent folder where the new folder will be created. Yes string
fSecurityGroup query The security group for the new folder. The default is Public. No string
fFolderType query The type of folder to create. No string
fOwner query The owner of the folder. The default is the user making the call. No string
fInhibitPropagation query A bitmap used to determine restrictions on files/folders from propagating values from its parent. The bitmap includes:
0 - inhibit propagation is set to none indicating values can be inherited from parent
1 - inhibit propagation for metadata indicating metadata is not inherited from parent
16 - inhibit propagation for folder security indicating folder security is not inherited from parent
17 - inhibit propagation for metadata and folder security
No number
fTargetGUID query The GUID of the target folder when creating a folder shortcut. No string
ConflictResolutionMethod query The method used to resolve folder name conflict:
•ResolveDuplicates – The created folder will be given a unique name based on the fFolderName parameter
•SkipDuplicates – The folder will not be created if the name already exists
No string
isForceInheritSecurityForFolderCreation query When true, the folder will inherit the security from the parent folder. No boolean


Code Description Schema
201 Folder successfully created.
Returns Header Location which is a URI to get the metadata of the new folder.
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
409 If ConflictResolutionMethod is SkipDuplicates and the folder name exists, a new folder is not created
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Create a folder named RestCreatedFolder under FLD_ROOT


POST …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders?fParentGUID=FLD_ROOT&fFolderName=RestCreatedFolder

Request Parameters


fFolderName = RestCreatedFolder

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 201


Location = …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/BE8851AE80FBAFAB3C2BB4AA127402C0

Get Folder Information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/{fFolderGUID}


Get information about the specified folder (FLD_INFO).


Name Located in Description Required Schema
fFolderGUID path The folder GUID Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 Folder information. FolderInfoResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get folder information for the folder with GUID D6413BD3FD74C638A5ED5352AEF456C1.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/D6413BD3FD74C638A5ED5352AEF456C1

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"folderPath": "/Folder",

"folderInfo": {

    "fFolderGUID": "D6413BD3FD74C638A5ED5352AEF456C1",

    "fParentGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

    "fFolderName": "Folder",

    "fFolderType": "owner",

    "fInhibitPropagation": 0,

    "fPromptForMetadata": 0,

    "fIsContribution": 1,

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    "fSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "fDocAccount": null,

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    "fClbraAliasList": null,

    "fClbraRoleList": null,

    "fFolderDescription": null,

    "fChildFoldersCount": 1,

    "fChildFilesCount": 1,

    "fFolderSize": 0,

    "fAllocatedFolderSize": -1,

    "fAllocatorParentFolderGUID": null,

    "fApplicationGUID": null,

    "fIsReadOnly": 0,

    "fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

    "fDisplayName": "Folder",

    "fDisplayDescription": null,

    "fIsBrokenShortcut": null,

    "isLeaf": "0",

    "itemType": "1",

    "folderPermissions": "RWDA"



Get File Information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/files/{fFileGUID}


Get information about the specified file in a folder. (FLD_INFO)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
fFileGUID path The file GUID Yes string


Code Description Schema
200 File information and metadata. FileInfoResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


Get file information for the file with GUID D7B229794E0E9A57985D771CD070C750.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/files/D7B229794E0E9A57985D771CD070C750

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"filePath": "/Mugs.jpg",

"fileInfo": {

    "fFileGUID": "D7B229794E0E9A57985D771CD070C750",

    "fParentGUID": "FLD_ROOT",

    "fTargetGUID": null,

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    "fCreator": "weblogic",

    "fLastModifier": "weblogic",

    "fCreateDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:40Z",

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    "dDocLastModifier": "weblogic",

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    "dID": 6207,

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    "dIndexerState": null,

    "dIsCheckedOut": 0,

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    "dOutDate": null,

    "dProcessingState": "Y",

    "dPublishState": null,

    "dPublishType": null,

    "dReleaseDate": "2024-05-22 20:48:42Z",

    "dReleaseState": "Y",

    "dRendition1": null,

    "dRendition2": null,

    "dRevClassID": 6205,

    "dRevLabel": "1",

    "dRevRank": 0,

    "dSecurityGroup": "Public",

    "dStatus": "RELEASED",

    "dWebExtension": "jpg",

    "dWorkflowState": null,

    "fFolderType": "soft",

    "isLeaf": "1",

    "itemType": "2",

    "xAnnotationDetails": 0,

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    "xDate": null,

    "xDecimal": null,

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    "xIdcProfile": null,

    "xIsACLReadOnlyOnUI": 0,

    "xLibraryGUID": null,

    "xLongText": null,

    "xMemo": "Test memo",

    "xOptionList": null,

    "xPartitionId": null,

    "xReqText": null,

    "xStorageRule": "DispByContentId",

    "xTest": 0,

    "xWebFlag": null,

    "permissions": "RWDA"




Get Permission Information

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/users/permissions


Get a list of permissions that the current user has for the securityGroups and documentAccounts. (GET_USER_PERMISSIONS)


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the user permissions info. UserPermissionResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


List all the permissions a users has.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/users/permissions

Request Body


HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"dName": "weblogic",

"securityGroups": [


        "dGroupName": "Public",

        "privilege": "15"



        "dGroupName": "RecordsGroup",

        "privilege": "15"



        "dGroupName": "Reservation",

        "privilege": "15"



        "dGroupName": "Secure",

        "privilege": "15"



"userSecurityFlags": [


        "flag": "IsAdmin",

        "value": "1"



        "flag": "AdminAtLeastOneGroup",

        "value": "1"



        "flag": "IsSubAdmin",

        "value": "1"



        "flag": "IsSysManager",

        "value": "1"



        "flag": "IsContributor",

        "value": "1"



        "flag": "ActAsAnonymous",

        "value": "0"





Get Custom Fields

GET /documents/wcc/api/v1.1/pages/displayFields


Get information about custom metadata fields for different content server pages. (GET_DISPLAY_FIELDS)


Name Located in Description Required Schema
dpAction query The type of action; must be one of:
Yes string
dID query Required when dpAction is:
Sometimes integer
fFolderGUID query Required when dpAction is:
Sometimes integer
dpTriggerValue query The trigger value that will be used to load a profile. No string


Code Description Schema
200 Successfully returned the DisplayFields information. CustomFieldsResponse
400 Bad request GeneralErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized
403 User is not allowed to take this action
500 The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request GeneralErrorResponse


List display fields for the Search action.


GET …/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/pages/displayFields

Request Body

Query Parameters: dpAction = Search

HTTP Response

Status = 200


Expand Body


"displayFieldInfo": [


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        "requiredMsg": "Please specify a file name.",

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        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": null,

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": null,

        "order": "5001",

        "decimalScale": null,

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xIdcProfile",

        "fieldType": "Text",

        "fieldLabel": "Profile",

        "fieldLength": "30",

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": "1",

        "isTreeOptionList": null,

        "optionList": "xIdcProfile.options",

        "optionListType": "choice",

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": null,

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": null,

        "order": "5006",

        "decimalScale": null,

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xTemplateType",

        "fieldType": "Text",

        "fieldLabel": "Template Type",

        "fieldLength": "30",

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": "1",

        "isTreeOptionList": null,

        "optionList": "xTemplateType.options",

        "optionListType": "choice",

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": null,

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": null,

        "order": "5040",

        "decimalScale": null,

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xParentFolders",

        "fieldType": "Memo",

        "fieldLabel": "Parent Folder",

        "fieldLength": null,

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": null,

        "isTreeOptionList": null,

        "optionList": null,

        "optionListType": null,

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": null,

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": null,

        "order": "5100",

        "decimalScale": null,

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xTestField2",

        "fieldType": "Text",

        "fieldLabel": "TestField2",

        "fieldLength": "30",

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": "1",

        "isTreeOptionList": "1",

        "optionList": "xTestField2.options",

        "optionListType": "choice",

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": "/",

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": "/",

        "order": "20010",

        "decimalScale": "1",

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xTestMetadata",

        "fieldType": "Text",

        "fieldLabel": "TestMetadata",

        "fieldLength": "30",

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": "1",

        "isTreeOptionList": null,

        "optionList": "xTestMetadata.options",

        "optionListType": "combo",

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": null,

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": null,

        "order": "20011",

        "decimalScale": "1",

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xTestRelField",

        "fieldType": "Text",

        "fieldLabel": "TestRelField",

        "fieldLength": "30",

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": "1",

        "isTreeOptionList": "1",

        "optionList": "xTestRelField.options",

        "optionListType": "choice",

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": "/",

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": "/",

        "order": "20012",

        "decimalScale": "1",

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xTestUseView",

        "fieldType": "Text",

        "fieldLabel": "TestUseView",

        "fieldLength": "30",

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": "1",

        "isTreeOptionList": "1",

        "optionList": "xTestUseView.options",

        "optionListType": "choice",

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": "/",

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": "/",

        "order": "20013",

        "decimalScale": "1",

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



        "fieldName": "xtestUseView1",

        "fieldType": "Text",

        "fieldLabel": "testUseView1",

        "fieldLength": "30",

        "isHidden": "0",

        "isReadOnly": "0",

        "isRequired": "0",

        "requiredMsg": null,

        "defaultValue": null,

        "displayValue": null,

        "isOptionList": "1",

        "isTreeOptionList": null,

        "optionList": "xtestUseView1.options",

        "optionListType": "choice",

        "isDependent": "0",

        "dependentOnField": null,

        "isPadMultiselectStorage": "0",

        "multiselectStorageSeparator": null,

        "multiselectDisplaySeparator": null,

        "isShowSelectionPath": "0",

        "isStoreSelectionPath": "0",

        "treeNodeDisplaySeparator": null,

        "treeNodeStorageSeparator": null,

        "order": "20014",

        "decimalScale": "1",

        "isError": "0",

        "errorMsg": null,

        "isUserName": "0"



"dDocType.options": [


        "dOption": "Application",

        "dDescription": "Application - Files owned by Content Server applications"



        "dOption": "Binary",

        "dDescription": "Binary - Executables, zip files, etc"



        "dOption": "DigitalMedia",

        "dDescription": "DigitalMedia - Audio, video, and images"



        "dOption": "Document",

        "dDescription": "Document - Any generic document"



        "dOption": "RetentionCategory",

        "dDescription": "wwDocTypeDesc_RetentionCategory"



        "dOption": "System",

        "dDescription": "System - System configuration, templates, settings"



"xTemplateType.options": [


        "dOption": "HC Template",

        "dDescription": "HTML Conversion Template"



        "dOption": "GUI Template",

        "dDescription": "Classic HTML Conversion Template"



        "dOption": "Layout Template",

        "dDescription": "Classic HTML Conversion Layout"



        "dOption": "Script Template",

        "dDescription": "Script Template"



        "dOption": "Viewer Cache Template",

        "dDescription": "Viewer Cache Template"



"dDocAuthor.options": [


        "dOption": "LCMUser",

        "dDescription": "LCMUser"



        "dOption": "OracleSystemUser",

        "dDescription": "OracleSystemUser"



        "dOption": "sysadmin",

        "dDescription": "sysadmin"



        "dOption": "weblogic",

        "dDescription": "weblogic"



"dSecurityGroup.options": [


        "dOption": "Public",

        "dDescription": "Public"



        "dOption": "RecordsGroup",

        "dDescription": "RecordsGroup"



        "dOption": "Reservation",

        "dDescription": "Reservation"



        "dOption": "Secure",

        "dDescription": "Secure"





General error response

Name Type Description Required
type string A link that describes the type of error. No
title string A brief summary error message. No
detail string Details about the error from the server. The service StatusMessage. No
errorKey string When the error comes from the service layer, the service StatusMessageKey No
o:errorCode number When the error comes from the service layer, the service StatusCode No


Resubmit Conflict 409 Response

Name Type Description Required
type string https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-409-conflict No
title string Unable to resubmit. No
detail string Unable to resubmit content item. The content item is not in a failed conversion state. No
errorKey string !csUnableToResubmitItem2!csResubmitNotFailed No
o:errorCode number -1 No


The following fields are examples of what can be changed as metadata for a content item. Other fields may be allowed.

Name Type Description Required
dDocType string The type of document No
dDocTitle string The title of the document No
dRevLabel string The revision of the document No
dSecurityGroup string The security group of the document No
dDocName string The id of the document No
dDocAuthor string The author of the document No
xComments string String comments about the document No


The following fields are examples of what can be returned as metadata for a content item.

Name Type Description Required
dDocType string The type of document No
dDocTitle string The title of the document No
dRevLabel string The revision of the document No
dSecurityGroup string The security group of the document No
dDocName string The id of the document No
dDocAuthor string The author of the document No
dStatus string This field is a summary field of computations from other status fields. No
dOriginalName string The document file name No
dFormat string The document mime type No
dFileSize number The document filesize (in bytes) No
dDocCreatedDate string The date and time the document was first uploaded into the server in ISO-8601 format No
dDocCreator string The user who originally created the document No
dDocLastModifiedDate string The date and time any revision of the document was last modified in ISO-8601 format No
dDocLastModifier string The last user to modify the document No


The response returning the metadata for all versions of a document.

Name Type Description Required
dDocName string The id of the document No
count number The number of versions returned No
dRevLabelLatest string The latest revision of this document No
items array MetadataObjectResponse An array of metadata objects for each revision No


The response returning search results.

Name Type Description Required
count number The number of documents returned. No
hasMore boolean When false, all the results for the search were returned. No
offset number The offset when used to return a limited number of search results. No
totalResults number The total number of documents that satisfy the search. No
limit number The maximum number of items listed. No
q string The search query used to generate this response. No
orderBy string The sort field and sort order used to generate this response. No
pageNumber number The page number of items in the response (useful in pagination). No
numPages number The total number of pages returned. No
totalRows number The total number of rows returned. No
startRow number The start row number of items returned. No
endRow number The end row number of items returned. No
items array MetadataObjectResponse An array of metadata objects for documents that meet the search query. No


The response returning work in progress.

Name Type Description Required
count number The number of documents returned. No
hasMore boolean When false, all the results are returned. No
offset number The offset when used to return a limited number of search results. No
totalResults number The total number of documents that satisfy the search. No
limit number The maximum number of items listed. No
orderBy string The sort field and sort order used to generate this response. No
pageNumber number The page number of items in the response (useful in pagination). No
repository string The name of the repository. No
computedSearchEngineName string The name of the search engine. No
items array MetadataObjectResponse An array of metadata objects for documents that are in work in progress. No


The response when browsing a folder.

Name Type Description Required
numFolders number The number of folders in the folder. No
hasMoreChildFolders number This is 1 if the request did not return all of the child folders. This occurs when folderCount is reached and there are additional folders that could have been returned. No
numFiles number The number of files in the folder. No
totalChildFoldersCount number The total number of folders in the parent folder. No
totalChildFilesCount number The total number of files in the parent folder. No
hasMoreChildFiles number This is 1 if the request did not return all of the child files. This occurs when fileCount is reached and there are additional documents that could have been returned. No
hasMoreChildItems number This is 1 if the request did not return all fo the child items (folders+files). This occurs when count is reached and there are additional items that could have been returned. No
folderPath string The path for folder. No
folderInfo FileInfoObject Information about the folder. No
childFolders An array of FileInfoObject An array of information about all folders that exist in the folder. No
childTargetFolders An array of FileInfoObject An array of information about all folder targets that exist in the folder. No
childFiles FileInfoObject Information about all files in the folder. No


The response for folder information.

Name Type Description Required
folderPath string The path to the folder. No
targetPath string If the path is a shortcut, the path to the target folder. No
folderInfo FolderInfoObject The information about the folder. No
targetInfo FolderInfoObject If the path is a shortcut, the information about the target folder. No


The response for file information.

Name Type Description Required
filePath string The path to the file. No
fileInfo FileInfoObject The information about the file. No


Folder information.

Name Type Description Required
fFolderGUID string The folder GUID. No
fParentGUID string The GUID of the parent folder No
fFolderName string The folder name. No
fFolderType string The folder type. Can be owner for created folders or soft for shortcuts. No
fInhibitPropagation number A bitmap used to determine restrictions on files/folders from propagating values from its parent. The bitmap includes:
0 - inhibit propagation is set to none indicating values can be inherited from parent
1 - inhibit propagation for metadata indicating metadata is not inherited from parent
16 - inhibit propagation for folder security indicating folder security is not inherited from parent
17 - inhibit propagation for metadata and folder security
fPromptForMetadata number Indicates how to prompt for metadata; if 0 then do not need to prompt for metadata. No
fIsContribution number Whem 1 items can be contibuted to the folder. No
fIsInTrash number When 1 the folder is in the trash. No
fRealItemGUID string The folder actual GUID. No
fLibraryType number The library type. accepted values are:
0 - not a library folder
1 - enterprise library folder
2 - application library folder
3 - system library folder
fIsLibrary number When 1 the folder is a Library Folder. No
fDocClasses string The list folder classes. No
fTargetGUID string If the folder is a shortcut, the target GUID No
fApplication string The folder application. No
fOwner string The owner of the folder. No
fCreator string The creator of the folder. No
fLastModifier string The last modifier on the folder No
fCreateDate string The date the folder was created in ISO-8601 format. No
fLastModifiedDate string The date the folder was modified in ISO-8601 format. No
fSecurityGroup string The folder security group. No
fDocAccount string The folder account. No
fClbraUserList string The folder collaboration user list. No
fClbraAliasList string The folder collaboration alias list. No
fClbraRoleList string The folder collaboration role list. No
fFolderDescription string The folder description. No
fChildFoldersCount number The number of folders in the folder. No
fChildFilesCount number The number of files in the folder. No
fFolderSize number The number of bytes the folder uses. No
fAllocatedFolderSize number The number of bytes allocated to the folder. If the limit was not set, -1 is used. No
fAllocatorParentFolderGUID string The GUID of the parent folder the allocation effects. No
fApplicationGUID string The folder application GUID No
fIsReadOnly number When 1 the folder is read only. No
fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI number When 1 the folder should be displayed as read only. No
fDisplayName string The folder display name. No
fDisplayDescription string The folder display description. No
fIsBrokenShortcut number When 1 the shortcut broken. No
isLeaf string When 1 the folder is a leaf. No
itemType string The folder type; the value 1 is a folder, 2 is a file, and 3 is a document. No
folderPermissions string The user permissions on the folder; can be none, or a combination of Read, Write, Delete or Access. No


File information and the metadata associated with the file, fields from MetadataObjectResponse can be included in this object.

Name Type Description Required
fFileGUID string The file GUID. No
fParentGUID string The parent GUID of the file. No
fTargetGUID string The GUID of the target file. No
fFileName string The file name of the file. No
fPublishedFileName string The file name when published. No
fFolderType string The folder type. Can be owner for created folders or soft for shortcuts. No
fIsInTrash number When 1 the file is in the trash. No
fRealItemGUID string The actual file GUID. No
fDocClass string The file class. No
fInhibitPropagation number A bitmap used to determine restrictions on files/folders from propagating values from its parent. The bitmap includes:
0 - inhibit propagation is set to none indicating values can be inherited from parent
1 - inhibit propagation for metadata indicating metadata is not inherited from parent
16 - inhibit propagation for folder security indicating folder security is not inherited from parent
17 - inhibit propagation for metadata and folder security
fApplication string The file application. No
fOwner string The owner of the file. No
fCreator string The creator of the file. No
fLastModifier string The last modifier of the file No
fCreateDate string The date the file was created in ISO-8601 format. No
fLastModifiedDate string The date the file was modified in ISO-8601 format. No
fSecurityGroup string The file security group. No
fDocAccount string The file account. No
fClbraUserList string The file collaboration user list. No
fClbraAliasList string The file collaboration alias list. No
fClbraRoleList string The file collaboration role list. No
fIsACLReadOnlyOnUI number When 1 the file should be displayed as read only. No
fDisplayName string The file display name. No
fDisplayDescription string The file display description. No
fIsBrokenShortcut number When 1 the shortcut broken. No
isLeaf string When 1 the folder is a leaf. No
itemType string The folder type; the value 1 is a folder, 2 is a file, and 3 is a document. No
folderPermissions string The user permissions on the folder; can be none, or a combination of Read, Write, Delete or Access. No


The response for a content item in a workflow.

Name Type Description Required
dWfName string The name of the workflow. No
dWfStepID number The unique id of a step within the workflow. No
remainingStepUsers string A list of usernames that need to act on the workflow step No
dName string The author of the document in a workflow. No
authorAddress string The E-mail address of the author. No
doc_info MetadataObjectResponse The metadata of the document. No
workflowInfo WorkflowObject The metadata of the workflow. No
wf_doc_info WorkflowDocumentObject Additional workflow metadata. No
workflowStep WorkflowStepObject The current workflow step. No
workflowSteps An array of WorkflowStepObject An array of all workflow steps for this document. No
workflowStepEvents WorkflowStepEventObject The workflow events No
workflowActionHistory WorkflowActionObject The workflow action history. No


The response for workflow information.

Name Type Description Required
workflow WorkflowObject The metadata of the workflow. No
workflowSteps An array of WorkflowStepObject An array of all workflow steps for this workflow. No
workflowStepEvents WorkflowStepEventObject The workflow events. No
wfDocuments An array of WorkflowDocumentObject The content items associated with this workflow. No


The response for content item revisions that are in the workflow.

Name Type Description Required
wf_info WorkflowObject The workflow metadata. No
workflowSteps An array of WorkflowStepObject An array of all workflow steps for this document. No
workflowStates An array of WorkflowStateObject An array of workflow states. No
wfDocuments An array of WorkflowMetaDocumentObject An array of content item metadata objects in the workflow No


The response for active workflows.

Name Type Description Required
count number The number of active workflows No
items An array of WorkflowObject An array of active workflows. No


The following fields describe a workflow.

Name Type Description Required
dWfID number Unique counter id of the workflow. No
dWfName string User assigned name of the workflow. No
dWfDescription string Description of the Workflow. No
dCompletionDate string Date workflow last reached completion and all docs were released to web in ISO-8601 format. No
dSecurityGroup string Security Group the workflow belongs to (dSecurityGroup). No
dWfStatus string State of the workflow:
INIT = not started or inactive
INPROCESS = active
dWfType string Type of the workflow:
dProjectID string If set this workflow is a staging workflow. No
dIsCollaboration number When 1 the workflow is related to Collaboration Project. No


The following fields describe steps in workflows.

Name Type Description Required
dWfStepID number Incrementing counter used to uniquely identify step within the workflow. No
dWfStepName string The name of workflow step assigned by user. No
dWfID number Unique counter id of the workflow. No
dWfStepDescription string Description of the Workflow step. No
dWfStepType string Workflow Step type (AutoContribution, Contribution, Reviewer/Contribution, Reviewer). No
dWfStepIsAll number If requires all users to approve (1 or 0). No
dWfStepHasWeight number Enables the limited reviewer option. No
dWfStepWeight number The number of users to approve if dWfStepIsAll is false(0). No
dWfStepIsSignature number Determines whether signature is required for the current workflow step. This is “1” if signature is required (which requires “ElectronicSignatures” to be enabled), “0” otherwise. No
dAliases string The list of alias users. No


The following fields describe steps in workflows.

Name Type Description Required
dWfStepName string Name of workflow step assigned by user. No
wfEntryScript string The step entry script. No
wfExitScript string The step exit script. Must be placed within <$ and $> delimiters. No
wfUpdateScript string The step update script. Must be placed within <$ and $> delimiters. No


The following fields describe documents in a workflow.

Name Type Description Required
dWfID number Unique counter id of the workflow. No
dDocName string dDocName of the content item part of the workflow. No
dWfDocState string Current state of the workflow:
INIT = not started or inactive
INPROCESS = active
dWfComputed string Derived workflow information. No
dWfCurrentStepID number Unique identifier of step that the workflow is in. No
dWfDirectory string Location of the workflow document’s companion file. No
dClbraName string Collaboration Project Name. No


The following fields describe documents in a workflow.

Name Type Description Required
dWfID number Unique counter id of the workflow. No
dDocName string dDocName of the content item part of the workflow. No
dWfDocState string Current workflow state of document (INIT = workflow not active, INPROCESS = workflow active) No
dWfComputed string Derived workflow information. No
dWfCurrentStepID number Unique identifier of step that the workflow is in. No
dWfDirectory string Location of the workflow document’s companion file. No
dClbraName string Collaboration Project Name. No
dDocType string The type of document No
dDocTitle string The title of the document No
dRevLabel string The revision of the document No
dSecurityGroup string The security group of the document No
dDocName string The id of the document No
dDocAuthor string The author of the document No
dStatus string This field is a summary field of computations from other status fields. No
dOriginalName string The document file name No
dFormat string The document mime type No
dFileSize number The document filesize (in bytes) No
dDocCreatedDate string The date and time the document was first uploaded into the server in ISO-8601 format No
dDocCreator string The user who originally created the document No
dDocLastModifiedDate string The date and time any revision of the document was last modified in ISO-8601 format No
dDocLastModifier string The last user to modify the document No


The following fields describe workflow states of document.

Name Type Description Required
dID number Revision Identifier of the document. No
dDocName string dDocName of the document part of the workflow. No
dWfID number Unique counter id of the workflow. No
dUserName string User that has approved document. No
dWfEntryTs number The entry timestamp(in ISO-8601 format) for a user into a particular step in the workflow. No


The following fields describe workflow action on content from corresponding HDA file in datadirectory

Name Type Description Required
dWfName string Workflow name. No
dWfStepName string Workflow Step Name. No
wfAction string Action performed at the Step. No
wfActionTs string Action Time in ISO-8601 format. No
wfUsers string Workflow Step Users. No
wfMessage string Workflow Message at the step. No


The response for the workflow in queue.

Name Type Description Required
count number The number of items returned. No
hasMore boolean If false all items have been returned. No
numPages number The number of pages the queue items can be returned. No
pageNumber number The page number of the search results returned. No
totalRows number The total number of workflow items in queue for the user. No
startRow number The start row in the workflow queue. No
endRow number The last row in the workflow queue.” No
items array Each entry is a composite of fields from WorkflowInQueueObject, WorkflowStepObject, and MetadataObjectResponse No


The following fields describe a workflow queue.

Name Type Description Required
dUser string The user to which the document assigned in workflow. No
dDocName string The dDocName of the document in workflow. No
dID number The revision identifier of the document in workflow. No
dWfID number Unique counter id of the workflow. No
dWfName string User assigned name of the workflow. No
dWfStepName string The name of workflow step assigned by user. No
dwfQueueActionState string } The workflow action state. No
dwfQueueEnterTs string The workflow entry time in ISO-8601 format. No
dwfQueueLastActionTs string The timestamp when the last workflow action performed on the document in ISO-8601 format. No
wfMessage string The workflow message for the step. No
fIsFavorite number Indicates if the item is a favorite item. Applicable only when Frameworkfolders enabled. No


The response for DocProfiles information.

Name Type Description Required
defFileExists boolean True if the definition file exists. No
dpDidSetDefaultTriggerField number When 1 the default trigger field is set or 0 if not set. No
dpTriggerField string The trigger field for the profile. No
count number The number of docProfiles returned. No
items An array of DocProfileObject An array DocProfile objects. No


The following fields describe a DocProfile

Name Type Description Required
dpName string The name of the profile. No
dpDescription string The description for the profile. No
dpTriggerValue string The trigger associated with the profile. No
dpDisplayLabel string The display label of the profile. No
dDocClass string The class the proflie is assigned. No
isValid boolean True when dpTriggerValue is in optionlist of dpTriggerField; otherwise false. No


The response is used for user permissions information.

Name Type Description Required
dName string The name of user. No
documentAccounts An array of UserAccountObject An array of accounts and privileges. No
securityGroups An array of UserGroupObject An array of security groups and privileges. No
userSecurityFlags An array of UserSecurityFlagObject An array of security flags. No


The following fields decribe an accout and the privilege for the account.

Name Type Description Required
dDocAccount string The account the user has access to. No
privilege string The privilege level corresponding for the account. No


The following fields describe a group and the privilege for the security group.

Name Type Description Required
dGroupName string The security group the user has access to. No
privilege string The privilege level corresponding for the security group. No


The following fields describe security group and values.

Name Type Description Required
flag string The flags related to the security group. No
value string The value set for of this flag. No


The response is used for display fields information.

Name Type Description Required
displayFieldInfo An array of DisplayFieldInfoObject An array of custom metadata fields information. No
displayGroupInfo An array of DisplayFieldGroupObject An array showing how metadata fields can be grouped together. No
xFieldName.options An array of DisplayFieldDropDownObject An array showing how options can be used to create drop-down lists for specific fields. Note that xFieldName is the name custom metadata field, and the responses may include mutiple arrays. No


The following fields describe a custom metadata field.

Name Type Description Required
fieldName string The name of the field. No
fieldType string The type of field. No
fieldLabel string The display label for the field. No
fieldLength string The length of the field allowed. No
isHidden string When 1 the field should be a hidden form field. No
isReadOnly string When 1 the field should be a non-input form field. No
isRequired string When 1 the field should be a required form field. No
requiredMsg string The message displayed if required field is not populated. No
defaultValue string The default value for the field. No
displayValue string The display value to be used for the defaultValue. No
isOptionList string When 1 the field is a drop-down option list. No
optionList string If isOptionList is set to 1; the name of the additional table containing the options used to create the drop-down list. No
isTreeOptionList string When 1 the option list is using a tree. No
optionListType string The type of option list. No
isDependent string When 1 the field is part of DCL. The value of this field depends on another field. No
dependentOnField string When 1 the name of the field that will derive the value for this field. No
isPadMultiselectStorage string Used by option list of type multi*. No
multiselectDisplaySeparator string Used by option list of type multi*. No
multiselectStorageSeparator string Used by option list of type multi*. No
isShowSelectionPath string When 1 show the full path. The full path appears on the Info Page. No
isStoreSelectionPath string When 1 store the full path in the database. No
treeNodeDisplaySeparator string The character that must be used to display the separators. No
treeNodeStorageSeparator string The character that must be used as a separator when the path is saved in the database. No
order string The order of the field. No
decimalScale string The decimalScale if the field allows decimal values. No
isError string When 1 there was an error when retrieving information about a field. No
errorMsg string The field’s error message. No


The following fields describe a custom metadata field grouping.

Name Type Description Required
parentField string The name of the field that should appear first in the group. No
groupFieldList string The list of fields that should appear together with the parent field. No
groupHeader string The name of the group. No
defaultHide string When 1 the group should be collapsed by default. No


The following fields describe the options a custom metadata uses to create a drop-down list.

Name Type Description Required
dOption string The internal value of the option. No
dDescription string The display value of the option. No