Learn about Oracle WebCenter Content’s Redwood UI (user interface) and Redwood UI Viewer (available on Marketplace).


The Redwood UI and Viewer introduce a modern interface for WebCenter Content, created with the Oracle Redwood design system. This general-purpose interface is available as an optional standalone client application, enabling users to upload, search, browse, and manage documents within the repository. Additionally, the Redwood UI Viewer allows users to view documents, interact with document properties, and annotate documents.

There are two main entry points to access the Redwood UI features:


Both the Redwood UI and the Redwood UI Viewer are included in a WebCenter Content component named RedwoodUI. This component is enabled by default in WebCenter Content on Marketplace, but an administrator can enable or disable it using the Component Manager tool found under AdminServer. To verify that the Redwood UI is properly installed, open the Component Manager and ensure that RedwoodUI is enabled.

Component Manager page


The Redwood UI leverages WebCenter Content thumbnail renditions, and these are especially prominent when documents are presented in the card layout. By default, WebCenter Content thumbnails are too small for the card presentation and will appear blurry on the screen. To correct this, it is recommended that you configure WebCenter content to generate larger thumbnail renditions. Optimally, the card view thumbnails need a minimum width of 220px and a minimum height of 113px.

WebCenter Content can either be configured to generate the thumbnails directly on the Content server, or thumbnail generation can be delegated to the Inbound Refinery Service Digital Asset Manager feature.

  graphicwidthlimit=220, graphicheightlimit=0

See Setting Up and Managing Image Conversions in the WebCenter Content documentation for full details on how to configure Digital Asset Manager rendition sets.

Note: Inbound Refinery thumbnail generation is an asynchronous process and may take several seconds to complete.

The Redwood UI will display a file icon as the thumbnail immediately after a file is uploaded and until the thumbnail generation process is complete.

The Redwood UI

The Redwood UI is a general-purpose user interface providing access to a broad range of WebCenter Content features. It requires minimal training because it is intuitive and simple. With it, you can easily store, secure, retrieve, and share any type of document.

The Redwood UI is accessed using IdcService=REDWOODUI.


The Redwood UI is divided into five separate functional areas, or views, each accessible from the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen.

Common User Interface Elements

While each view in the Redwood UI has a unique purpose, there are some user interface elements that are common across all views.

Common User Interface Elements Diagram

Item Description
1 In the branding header located at the top of the screen, you will find the Oracle logo on the left and the user menu on the right.
2 Use the search bar to filter the results shown in the content area. You can choose from predefined facets (which vary based on view) listed below the search bar, or you can manually enter keywords. The results in the content area will be filtered automatically as filter terms are added and removed.
3 The items available to you based on the current view, permissions, and filter criteria are listed in this area of the screen. The results may include libraries, search results, child documents and folders, favorited items, or items in the trash, depending on the selected view. You can filter the results using the options in the search bar at the top of the screen. Depending on the chosen layout option, your results can be displayed as cards, list item rows, or a table.

You can select items in the content area by clicking directly on the item (anywhere other than the title text) or by selecting the item’s check box. Multi-selection is possible by selecting multiple item check boxes or using shift/alt/command to select items. Perform actions on the selected items using the action toolbar above the content area.

Clicking the title of an item will open or view it.
4 The navigation menu at the bottom of the screen is where you can switch to different areas of the Redwood UI. The currently opened view is highlighted, and you can navigate to any other view by selecting Libraries, Browse, Search, Favorites, or Trash.

The user avatar displays the logged in user initials. Clicking this item will display the user menu, containing the following items:

  • Preferences - Use to set user preferences, such as the user’s email address.
  • Help - Open WebCenter Content documentation.
  • About - Display system information details, including the WebCenter Content version and the Redwood UI component version.
  • Logout - Log out of the system.
6 The action menu displays the actions available for items in the current view. Actions that create new content in the view (such as Create Library, Upload, or Create Folder) are always present in the menu. Other actions that apply to items in the view will only appear when one or more items are selected. The actions available depend on several factors, including whether a single item or multiple items are selected, your permissions for the selected item(s), and the values of various fields on the items.

If the browser window is too narrow to display all available actions for the selected items, any actions that do not fit will be “collapsed” into a More option. Clicking the More option will open a drop-down menu that provides access to all the actions that couldn’t be displayed in the main action menu area.
7 Choose the sort order for results in the content area. Generally, you can Sort by Name, Created Date, or Last Updated date and choose whether to sort Ascending or Descending.
8 Select the layout for displayed results in the content area. Choose from Card (), List (), and Table (). See Layouts.
9 Configure the columns that will be presented in the table results. This control is only enabled when the Table () layout is active.

The Libraries View

The Libraries view is the default view presented by the WebCenter Redwood UI. You can access it at any time by selecting Libraries in the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen. In the Libraries view, you are presented with all the top-level Enterprise Libraries available to you as well as the predefined System Libraries.

Redwood UI Libraries View

Item Description
1 Enter filter criteria to narrow down the results shown in the content area. In the Libraries view, the term “Libraries” is always included in this control, restricting the results to only Libraries. (If the “Libraries” term is removed, the user interface will automatically switch to the Search view.) You can enter keywords and/or select from predefined facets.

In the Libraries view, keywords search only the names of documents in the library or folder you are browsing, not any other metadata or full-text. Results will return matching any of the keywords entered.

Select from the set of predefined facets to further filter the available results. When you select a facet, it will be added as a capsule in the filter input control. You can then click on the facet capsule to choose specific facet values. Some facets allow for multiple values. In the Libraries view, the available facets are:

Facet Selection Values
Libraries Multiple Created By You
Favorited By You
Followed By You
Library Type Single Enterprise Libraries
System Libraries
3 The libraries available to you are listed in this area of the screen. The libraries presented may be filtered by options selected in the search bar at the top of the screen. Depending on the layout option chosen, your results may be presented as cards, list item rows, or as a table.

Items in the content area can be selected either by clicking directly on the item (anywhere other than the name text) or by selecting the item’s check box. Multi-selection is possible either by selecting multiple item check boxes or shift/alt/command to select items. Perform actions on the selected item(s) in the action toolbar above the content area.

Clicking the title of the item will perform the open/view action.
4 Create a new library. Only available if you have permissions to create new libraries. When creating a new library, a dialog opens where you must provide a Name, optional Description, and Security Group for the new library.
5 Select a library and then perform an action such as open, rename, and delete. The actions available in the menu will depend on the permissions you have to the selected library or libraries. When more than one library is selected, only actions that can be performed on all libraries in the selection are presented.

Libraries Viewer vs Enterprise Libraries Folder

The Libraries View displays both top level user-defined Enterprise Libraries as well as System Libraries. System Libraries are system-defined virtual libraries that return results based on a query. Checkout-Out Content, Content In Workflow, Expired Content, and Work In Progress are examples of System Libraries.

There is also an Enterprise Libraries folder that is the parent folder of all user-defined Enterprise Libraries. It is possible to browse into this folder in the Browse View. While they look similar, the browsing into the Enterprise Libraries folder is different from the Libraries View in that System Libraries will not appear when browsing.

Library View Actions

The following table describes all of the actions that are available in the Library View action menu.

Container Actions

Container actions are not dependent on the selection and are always present (for users with appropriate permissions).

Selection Actions

The Browse View

The Browse view provides access to documents filed in FrameworkFolder folders. You can access it at any time by selecting Browse in the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen.

Redwood UI Search View

Item Description
1 Enter filter criteria to limit the results presented in the content area. In the Browse view, the currently opened folder is the first term and is always present, scoping the displayed results to this folder. (If the scope folder term is removed, the user interface will automatically navigate to the Search view.) You can enter keywords and/or select from predefined facets.

In the Browse view, keywords search only the names of documents in the library or folder you are browsing, not any other metadata or full-text. Results will return matching any of the keywords entered.

Select from the set of predefined facets to further filter the available results. When you select a facet, it will be added as a capsule in the filter input control. You can then click on the facet capsule to choose specific facet values. Some facets allow for multiple values. For Browse view, the available facets are:

Facet Selection Values
Item Type Single Documents
Items Multiple Belonging To You
Favorited By You
Followed By You
Checked Out By You
3 Expand items in the folder tree to see the full folder hierarchy within the current library. Clicking on any folder in the tree will navigate the Browse view to that folder, but the folder tree will continue to display the hierarchy for the current library. In this way, you can quickly browse around the full hierarchy of the library.

If you browse to a folder higher in the hierarchy than a library folder (either to the Enterprise Libraries folder or to the Root folder), then the root node of the tree will reset to that folder, reflecting the folder hierarchy at that level. If you re-enter a library folder at any time, the root node of the tree will change again to the library folder and remain as long as you are browsing within the library.
4 Select this button to expand or collapse to folder tree panel.
5 Use the breadcrumb to navigate through the hierarchical path from the top-level library to the currently open folder. Click on any folder in the path to navigate directly to it. To access folders above the top-level library (Enterprise Libraries and Root), use the folder drop-down menu to the left of the path. If the browser window is too narrow to display the full path, some items in the path will be truncated and collapsed into a drop-down menu for easy access.
6 Select this button to navigate to the current folder’s parent.
7 The documents and folders contained within the open folder and available to you based on permissions are listed in this area of the screen. The items presented may be filtered by criteria selected in the search bar at the top of the screen. Depending on the layout option chosen, your results may be presented as cards, list item rows, or as a table.
8 Select this action to upload new documents into the current folder. This option is always available in the menu, even when no items are selected. Note that this action uploads new content into the currently open folder only, making the new folder a sibling of the items displayed in the content area. It does not upload content into a selected subfolder. To upload content into a subfolder, first select and open the subfolder, then perform the upload action from within it.
9 Select this action to create a new subfolder within the current folder. This option is always available in the menu, even when no items are selected. Note that this action creates a subfolder only in the currently open folder, making it a sibling of the items displayed in the content area. It does not create a folder as a child of a selected subfolder. To create a folder inside a subfolder, first select and open the subfolder, then perform the create folder action from within it.
10 The action menu displays the actions available for documents and folders selected in the current view. The actions available depend on several factors, including whether a single item or multiple items are selected, your permissions for the selected item(s), and the values of various fields on the items.

Browse View Actions

The following table describes all of the actions that are available in the Browse View action menu.

Container Actions (always present)

Document Selection Actions

Folder Selection Actions

The Search View

The Search view allows you to search for documents, folders, and libraries across the repository. You can access it at any time by selecting Search in the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen.

Redwood UI Search View

Item Description
1 Enter filter criteria to limit the results presented in the content area. You can enter keywords and/or select from predefined facets.

Keyword search behavior is unique in the Search view in that results will return matching all terms.

Select from the set of predefined facets to further filter the available results. When you select a facet, it will be added as a capsule in the filter input control. You can then click on the facet capsule to choose specific facet values. Some facets allow for multiple values. For Browse, the available facets are:

Facet Selection Values
Documents Multiple Authored By You
Favorited By You
Followed By You
Type Multiple Application
Security Multiple Choose from the available security groups
Account Multiple Choose from the available accounts
3 Select from this drop-down menu to set the scope of the items to be searched. Select one of Files (the default), Folders, or Libraries.
4 Search results are displayed in this area. Depending on the layout option chosen, your results may be presented as cards, list item rows, or as a table.
5 Select this action to upload new documents into the repository. This option is always available in the menu, even when no items are selected. Items uploaded in the Search screen are unfiled and not contained in a folder.
6 Select this action to create a query folder based on the current search criteria. You will be prompted to enter a name for the new query folder and choose its location.
8 The action menu displays the actions available for documents and folders selected in the current search results. The actions available depend on several factors, including whether a single item or multiple items are selected, your permissions for the selected item(s), and the values of various fields on the items.

Search View Actions

The following table describes all of the actions that are available in the Search View action menu.

Container Actions (always present)

Document Selection Actions

Folder Selection Actions

Library Selection Actions

The Favorites View

The Favorites view provides access to favorited documents, folders, and libraries. You can access it at any time by selecting Favorites in the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen.

Redwood UI Favorites View

Item Description
1 Enter filter criteria to narrow down the results shown in the content area. In the Favorites view, the term “Favorites” is always included in this control, restricting the results to only Favorites Items. (If the “Favorites” term is removed, the user interface will automatically switch to the Search view.) You can enter keywords to further filter results.

In the Favorites view, keywords search only the names of documents in the library or folder you are browsing, not any other metadata or full-text. Results will return matching any of the keywords entered.
2 The documents, folders, and libraries you have favorited are displayed in this area of the screen. The items presented may be filtered by criteria selected in the search bar at the top of the screen. Depending on the layout option chosen, your results may be presented as cards, list item rows, or as a table.

The action menu will display actions that can be performed on the selected items in the current view. The Favorites view has a limited set of actions that may be performed. The actions are:

  • View / Open
  • Download
  • Properties

Favorites View Actions

The following table describes all of the actions that are available in the Search View action menu.

Folder and Library Selection Actions

Document Selection Actions

The Trash View

The Trash view provides access to documents, folders, and libraries that have been deleted. You can access it at any time by selecting Trash in the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen.

Redwood UI Trash View

Item Description
1 Enter filter criteria to narrow down the results shown in the content area. In the Trash view, the term “Trash” is always included in this control, restricting the results to only item in the Trash. (If the “Trash” term is removed, the user interface will automatically switch to the Search view.) You can enter keywords and/or select from predefined facets.

In the Trash view, keywords search only the names of documents in the library or folder you are browsing, not any other metadata or full-text. Results will return matching any of the keywords entered.

Select from the set of predefined facets to further filter the available results. When you select a facet, it will be added as a capsule in the filter input control. You can then click on the facet capsule to choose specific facet values. For Trash, the available facets are:

Facet Selection Values
Item Type Single Documents
3 The documents, folders, and libraries in your trash are displayed in this area of the screen. Depending on the layout option chosen, your results may be presented as cards, list item rows, or as a table.

Documents and folders in the Trash view cannot be opened or viewed. The title of the item is presented as read-only text field and clicking on the title will not perform any action. Items must be restored to their original location to be opened or viewed.

The action menu will display actions that can be performed on the selected items in the current view. The trash view has a restricted set of actions that are not based on the items type or attributes. Rather the actions are exclusive to the item being in Trash. The actions are:

  • Empty - Permanently deletes all items in the trash. This item is present at all times, even when there is no selection.
  • Delete Permanently - Permanently deletes the selected items only. This action displays a confirmation dialog before completing the action since those items cannot be recovered once deleted.
  • Restore - Removes the selected item(s) from trash. The items will be restored to their original location.

Trash View Actions

The following table describes all of the actions that are available in the Trash View action menu.

Container Actions (always present)

Selection Actions


Card Layout

In the Card layout, result items in the content area are presented as cards arranged in a grid. This view prioritizes the visual representation of each item by displaying a large icon, making it easier to visually distinguish one item from another.

Redwood UI Card Layout

The card for each result displays the following elements.

List Layout

In the List layout, result items in the content area are presented as rows in a list. The icons are smaller than in card view, but more detail is presented for each item.

Redwood UI List Layout

The list view row for each result displays the following elements.

Table Layout

The Table layout displays result items in a table format, offering more detail.

Redwood UI Table Layout

By default, the table view presents items with the following columns, in order from left to right:

The action column contains up to three action icons:

Table Configuration

In the table view layout, columns can be reordered at any time by dragging the column headers left or right. Additionally, you can use the columns button next to the layout controls to open the Columns configuration dialog, where you can show or hide columns in the table (but note that the only exception is the Name column, which cannot be hidden and must always remain in the first position.) Column configuration changes are stored locally in your browser and will not be available if you log in from a different browser.

Properties Panel

The properties drawer displays comprehensive details about a selected library, folder, or file, and allows you to edit metadata, security settings, and other attributes. Properties is present in the results listing views (Libraries, Browse, Search, etc.) as a drawer that can be accessed from either the Properties action menu action or from the Properties instant action icon on the card, list row, or table row actions column. Properties is also available in the document viewer as a collapsible sidebar on the right.

Summary Tab

The Summary tab displays general details about a document, folder, or library. The panel is divided into multiple sections.

  • Library - Displayed only for Library items. Displays the library Owner, Library ID, Created By user, Create date, Last Updated By user, and Last Updated date.
  • Folder - Displayed only for Folder items. Displays the folder Owner, Folder ID, Created By user, Create date, Last Updated By user, and Last Updated date.
  • Revision - Displayed only for document items. Displays the document Name, Title, Author, File Size, Checked Out status, Status, Create date, Release Date, Expiration Date, Comments, Profile, Type, Format, Rendition Set, and ID.
  • Renditions - Displayed only for document items. Lists the available renditions of the document, presenting the rendition Name, Format, and Size.
  • Attachments - Displayed only for document items. Lists the available attachments to the document, presenting the attachment Name and File.
  • Document - Displayed only for document items. Lists additional fields for a document including Content ID and Owner.
Properties Summary Tab

Metadata Tab

The metadata tab displays the metadata fields for a document, folder, or library. For documents, the metadata is shown according to the assigned profile, with the profile name labelled at the top of the panel. You can switch to viewing all standard fields using the Switch to Standard Fields link and return to the profile view with the Switch to {Profile Name} link.

If you have permission to edit the metadata, click the Edit button at the bottom of the panel to enter edit mode. In edit mode, you can modify metadata values. To save your changes, click Save at the bottom of the screen, or click Cancel to exit edit mode without saving.

Smart Content

When Smart Content is enabled on the WebCenter Content Server (with both SmartContent and DocumentTagging components enabled), an xDocumentTags metadata field is added to the document. If this field is included in the displayed profile, it appears on the Metadata tab with a specialized tag control. In this control, Smart Tags are identified by a “#” prefix, distinguishing them from user-added tags. In metadata edit mode, you can remove tags (including smart tags) by clicking the “x” on the tag. New tags can be added by typing directly into the tag control and pressing Enter to create a new tag entry.

Properties Metadata Tab

Security Tab

The Security tabs display security-related attributes for documents, folders, and libraries. The specific fields displayed may be limited by the profile assigned to the document, but the Security tab will display the following information when the corresponding fields are present in the profile:

  • Security Group
  • Account
  • User Access List
  • Group Access List
  • Role Access List

If you have permission to edit the metadata, click the Edit button at the bottom of the panel to enter edit mode. In edit mode, you can modify security attribute values. To save your changes, click Save at the bottom of the screen, or click Cancel to exit edit mode without saving.

Properties Security Tab

Revisions Tab

The Revisions tab lists revisions for a document. The per-item action menus allow you to:

  • Make Current (For all revisions other than the current)
  • Download
  • Delete
Properties Revisions Tab

Annotations Tab

The Annotations Tab lists annotations for a document. When accessed in the sidebar of the document viewer, if annotations are currently being displayed on the document, selecting an annotation from the list will highlight that rendition in the document.

Properties Annotations Tab

The Links tab provides access to various links associated with a document. The System Links section offers Preview and Download links for the latest version of the document. You can click these links to navigate directly to the content or use the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the URL for use in another application. The action menu to the right of the System Links section allows you to expand and view additional links. Here, you’ll find Preview and Download links for the specific revision currently being viewed in the document viewer (when accessing the Links tab from the document viewer sidebar).

Properties Links Tab

Document Upload Drawer

The document upload drawer is where you will upload new content to the repository and where you will check in new revisions of existing documents. You access this drawer by clicking the Upload action from Browse and Search Views or by clicking the Check In action for a selected document.

Redwood UI Browse View

With the drawer open, you can select documents to upload from your computer by clicking the Add (Add Action Icon) button at the top or clicking the “Document Upload” prompt in the center of the drawer. Alternatively, you can drag files from your desktop in to the drop area.

Redwood UI Browse View

After files are selected, you will see them listed in the drawer. You can repeat the above step by clicking the Add (Add Action Icon) button again to add more files, or you can click the “X” icon to the right of any item to remove it.

Redwood UI Browse View

The list displays details about the items to be uploaded, including a small thumbnail (or a generic icon for non-image file types) and the file name. If there are required metadata fields that need to be provided before uploading, the Status column will show “Not Ready,” and the Upload button at the bottom will be disabled.

While entering metadata, you can select the profile that will be used when checking in the documents. All documents in the upload will use the same profile.

Once all upload requirements are met, the Status column will change to “Ready” and the Upload button at the bottom will become enabled, allowing you to start the upload process. As each file uploads, a progress bar will appear in the row for that item, and the Status will change to “Active”. Once the upload is complete, the Status will update to “Finished”. When all items in the list have a “Finished” status, the Cancel button will change to Close, which you can click to close the drawer.

The Redwood UI Viewer

Features of the Redwood UI Viewer

The Redwood UI viewer user interface supports the following key features:

Redwood UI Viewer URL

In addition to being accessed through links from the native WebCenter Content UI, the Redwood UI Viewer can be accessed directly using the viewer service URL. The service for the viewer is displayed on the Content Information form in the UI as shown above.


URL Configuration Reference

This URL will present the viewer with all functionalities enabled. However, individual elements of the viewer can be disabled and/or enabled using the parameters on the URL. 

Parameter Type Comments
embed Boolean

If false, all options are presumed to be on unless explicitly turned off.

If true, all options are presumed to be off unless explicitly turned on.

When not provided, this option defaults to false.

dID String The dID of the document to display.
thumbnails ‘on’ | ‘off’

Determines whether the thumbnail panel is displayed.

When not provided, the default is determined by the value of the embed option. It is ‘off’ if embed is true.

topbarControls ‘on’ | ‘off’ | ‘custom’ Sets the behavior of top bar control configuration.
  • on - all config options are implicitly ‘on’. (topbarControlsConfig is ignored.)
  • off - all config options are implicitly ‘off’. (topbarControlsConfig is ignored.)
  • custom - options must be individually defined as ‘on’ or ‘off’ in the topbarControlsConfig parameter.)
topbarControlsConfig object

Required when topbarControls=custom. Default value for each property is ‘off’.

  documentLink?: 'on'|'off',
  downloadLink?: 'on'|'off',
  revisionLink?: 'on'|'off',
  • documentLink: - Display or hide the document link button.
  • downloadLink: - Display or hide the download link button.
  • revisionLink: - Display or hide the revision label/button.
properties ‘on’ | ‘off’ | ‘custom’ Sets the behavior of properties configuration.
  • on - all config options are implicitly ‘on’. (propertiesConfig is ignored.)
  • off - all config options are implicitly ‘off’. (propertiesConfig is ignored.)
  • custom - options must be individually defined as ‘on’ or ‘off’ in the propertiesConfig parameter.)
propertiesConfig object

Required when properties=custom. Default value for each property is ‘off’.

    summary?: 'on'|'off',
    metadata?: 'on'|'off',
    security?: 'on'|'off',
    revisions?: 'on'|'off',
    annotations?: 'on'|'off',
    links?: 'on'|'off'
  • summary: - Display or hide the Summary properties panel.
  • metadata: - Display or hide the Metadata properties panel.
  • security: - Display or hide the Security properties panel.
  • revisions: - Display or hide the Revisions properties panel.
  • annotations: - Display or hide the Annotations properties panel.
  • links: - Display or hide the Links properties panel.
imageControls ‘on’ | ‘off’ | ‘custom’ Sets the behavior of image controls configuration.
  • on - all config options are implicitly ‘on’. (imageControlsConfig is ignored.)
  • off - all config options are implicitly ‘off’. (imageControlsConfig is ignored.)
  • custom - options must be individually defined as ‘on’ or ‘off’ in the imageControlsConfig parameter.)
imageControlsConfig object

Required when imageControls=custom. Default value for each property is ‘off’.

    fitWidth?: 'on'|'off',
    fitPage?: 'on'|'off',
    actualSize?: 'on'|'off',
    fullWidth?: 'on'|'off',
    fullScreen?: 'on'|'off',
    zoomSlider?: 'on'|'off',
    rotation?: 'on'|'off',
    annotations?: 'on'|'off',
    filterAnnotations?: 'on'|'off',
    createAnnotations?: 'on'|'off'
  • fitWidth: - Display or hide the Fit width tool on the image viewer toolbar.
  • fitPage: - Display or hide the Fit page tool on the image viewer toolbar.
  • actualSize: - Display or hide the Actual size tool on the image viewer toolbar.
  • fullWidth: - Display or hide the Full width tool on the image viewer toolbar.
  • fullScreen: - Display or hide the Full screen tool on the image viewer toolbar.
  • zoomSlider: - Display or hide the Zoom Slider tools on the image viewer toolbar.
  • rotation: - Display or hide the Rotate left and Rotate right tools on the image viewer toolbar.
  • annotations: - Display or hide the Show annotations tool on the image viewer toolbar.
  • filterAnnotations: - Display or hide the Filter annotations tool on the image viewer toolbar.
  • createAnnotations: - Display or hide the Create annotations tool on the image viewer toolbar.
videoControls ‘on’ | ‘off’ | ‘custom’ Sets the behavior of video controls configuration.
  • on - all config options are implicitly ‘on’. (videoControls is ignored.)
  • off - all config options are implicitly ‘off’. (videoControls is ignored.)
  • custom - options must be individually defined as ‘on’ or ‘off’ in the videoControls parameter.)
videoControlsConfig object

Required when videoControls=custom. Default value for each property is ‘off’.

    fitWidth?: 'on'|'off',
    fitPage?: 'on'|'off',
    actualSize?: 'on'|'off',
    fullScreen?: 'on'|'off',
    zoomSlider?: 'on'|'off'
  • fitWidth: - Display or hide the Fit width tool on the video viewer toolbar.
  • fitPage: - Display or hide the Fit page tool on the video viewer toolbar.
  • actualSize: - Display or hide the Actual size tool on the video viewer toolbar.
  • fullScreen: - Display or hide the Full screen tool on the video viewer toolbar.
  • zoomSlider: - Display or hide the Zoom Slider tools on the video viewer toolbar.

Object properties can either be provided using a full JSON syntax or in simplified JavaScript literal syntax.


Example 1

Hide all features (only the center area is displayed):


Example 2

Hide all features and then show the thumbnails panel:


Example 3

Show all features (embed=false is implied), but hide the properties panel:


Example 4

Hide all features, but show the top bar with only the revision link button, show the thumbnails panel, and show the properties panel with only the Revisions tab:


Annotating Documents

If you have the necessary permissions, you can add or modify annotations to documents. Among other options, documents can be stamped Approved, have a particular text highlighted, or have a note addressing a specific issue added.

About Annotation Security

In some cases, not all annotations should be seen or allowed to be modified by all people. For example, upper management may annotate a request for proposal with pertinent information regarding an upcoming merger. Legally they may not be able to share that information with others in an organization who need access to that proposal, so the annotation permission is set to hide the annotation from those without proper permissions. Or perhaps a manager annotates a raise request denying the raise. The annotation can be restricted so the person who made the request cannot approve it by modifying the annotation. Or a document may contain personal information such as Social Security numbers or health issues that need to be redacted and protected. Redaction annotation can be set to restricted to prevent others from hiding or modifying them to see the information.

When you create an annotation, you can set permissions for the annotation using the annotation toolbar. The permissions you can set, and the annotations you can modify or see, are determined by the permissions you have been given by the system administrator. Generally, the following options are available in the toolbar:


If no annotation security is assigned to a person, they cannot create new or modify existing annotations. However, they still can view all Standard and Restricted annotations. This ensures that redaction annotations are applied for all people with rights to view a document. Users must be granted the security level they assign to an annotation. For example, users assigned only the restricted security level can grant only the restricted security level to any annotation they create. Users that have been assigned the standard and restricted security levels by an administrator can specify a security level of standard or restricted, but not hidden.


Redaction annotations cannot be marked hidden.

Show and Hide Annotations

In some cases when viewing a document, annotations may get in the way of seeing information on the document you need to see. Click the Show Annotations tool (hotkey “a”) in the image viewer toolbar to toggle the display of annotations on the document.

This image shows the image viewer toolbar with the “Show annotations” button highlighted with a red square.

Create Annotations

Before creating annotations, you need to first select the page on which the new annotations are to be placed. Click on the page anywhere other than on an existing annotation. Alternatively, you can select the page from the thumbnails panel to the left of the screen. Once selected, the outer border of the page will change to a highlighted state.

Next, select the type of annotation you want to create from the “Create Annotations” tool drop-down menu on the image viewer toolbar. Choose from one of the following annotation types: Box, Highlight, Line, Redaction, Stamp, or Sticky Note.

This image shows the image viewer toolbar with the ‘Create annotation’ button highlighted with a red square and its drop-down menu open, showing the available annotation types.

Upon selection, a new instance of the annotation type will appear in the center of the selected page, and it will be displayed in its selected state. You can move it by dragging it around the page, resize it by adjusting one of the eight grab handles that appear around its perimeter, or adjust its properties by first selecting the pencil icon in the upper left hand corner of the annotation and then editing its attributes in the Annotations sidebar panel.

This image shows a newly created sticky note annotation in its selected state, with create icon grab handled and move cursor.

Edit Annotations

To edit an existing annotation, you first need to select it, either by clicking it directly on the page or by selecting it from the list in the Annotation sidebar. When selecting from the list in the properties panel, the document page will be scrolled so that the selected annotation is visible in the view port.

Once selected, you can move it by dragging the annotation around the page, resize it by adjusting one of the eight grab handles that appear around its perimeter, or edit its attributes in the Annotations sidebar panel.

To access the annotation’s attributes in the Attributes properties panel, you can either click the pencil icon directly on the annotation, or click the arrow on the right hand side of the item in the annotation lists in the properties panel. The attribute details panel for that annotation will slide in to the Attributes properties, revealing all of its available attributes. The specific attributes presented will vary based on the annotation type. To edit the attributes, click the Edit button at the bottom to enter edit mode, make changes and save or cancel as necessary. At anytime, you can return to the annotation list by click the Back button at the top of the Annotations properties panel.

Delete Annotations

To delete an annotation, you first need to select it and access its attribute details view, as described above. From the details view, select the Edit button at the bottom to enter edit mode. Select the Delete icon at the bottom to delete the annotation. Since this operation cannot be undone, a dialog will appear asking you to confirm your intention to delete the selected annotation.

This image shows the Delete icon available in the Annotations tab in Edit mode.

Filter Annotations

Use the filter tool on the image viewer toolbar to filter the displayed annotations by users. You can filter out or show annotations for all users or filter out or show annotations for specific users, including the annotations created by the current users. If annotations created by the current user (you) are filtered out and you try to create a new annotation, the filter for the current user will be cleared so that the newly created annotation can be displayed.

This image shows the image viewer toolbar with the “Filter annotations” button highlighted with a red square.

Accessing the Redwood UI Viewer from the Native WebCenter Content UI

The View in Redwood Viewer option that will allow you to open a document in the Redwood UI Viewer is available as a new Actions menu item in the search results. The Redwood Viewer option is also available in the Content Information page for a document in the links section. Note that these options are only present for logged-in users. The new document viewer is not yet supported for viewing publicly accessible documents anonymously.

This image shows the View File option on the Search Results page.

This image shows the View File option on the Content Information page.

If using Trays Layout preference (configurable from the user's profile page), the new UI appears embedded within the UI as shown here. In Top Menus Layout, the viewer will appear full page within the same tab window as the client. In either case, the browser's Back button will return to the page used to launch the viewer. 

This image shows the new UI embedded within the UI. On the left side, navigation options such as My Content Server, Browse Content, Search, Content Management, and Administration are available. On the right side, tabs such as Summary, Metadata, Security, and Revisions are available.

This image shows the viewer in the Top Menus Layout. It appears full page in this layout.