Gather Information from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database System

Obtain the following information from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database System:
  • The password for the sys user.
  • The password for the user who will the create dump file (system user is preferred).
  • The database node to which the opc user can ssh.
  • The directory where you will place the dump file.
    • This directory must be accessible by the oracle user.
    • The examples provided in the instructions use /home/oracle as the location of the dump file.
  • The name of the PDB into which you will import the Java Required Files (JRF) schemas.
    If you are unsure of the PDB name, ssh to a node on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database System as the opc user and run the following commands:
    sudo su - oracle
    <At the prompt enter>:
    sys as sysdba
    <enter the password when prompted>
    show pdbs;
  • The listener alias for the PDB. See Ensure that the Listener Alias for the Pluggable Database is Defined.