Gather Information from the Oracle Database Cloud Service

Obtain the following information from the Oracle Database Cloud Service:
  • The password for the sys user.
  • The password for the user who will the create dump file (system user is preferred).
  • The database node to which the opc user can ssh.
  • The directory where you will place the dump file.
    • This directory must be accessible by the oracle user.
    • The examples provided in the instructions use /home/oracle as the location of the dump file.
  • The name of the PDB that includes the Java Required Files (JRF) schemas.
    If you are unsure of the PDB name, ssh to one of the nodes in the database as the opc user and run the following commands:
    sudo su - oracle
    <At the prompt enter>:
    sys as sysdba
    <enter the password when prompted>
    show pdbs;
  • The listener alias for the PDB. See Ensure that the Listener Alias for the Pluggable Database is Defined.