Start All Oracle WebLogic Server Processes on the Target

After you update the target domain, you must restart all Oracle WebLogic Server and Node Manager processes.

The Administration Server must be running before you start any Managed Servers.

  • Start the Administration Server on the first node and verify that it started successfully.
  • Start the Managed Servers on all nodes.

If you previously shut down the server processes by using the kill command, then Node Manager restarts them for you automatically. Otherwise, you must start the server processes manually.

  1. Identify the IP address of the node in your domain.

    The name of the node is servicename-wls-n, where servicename is the resource name prefix you provided during stack creation. The Administration Server runs on the first node, servicename-wls-0

    • If your domain is on a public subnet, then use the public IP address of the compute instance.
    • If your domain is on a private subnet, then use the public IP address of the bastion and the private IP address of the compute instance.
  2. Open an SSH connection to the node as the opc user.
    ssh -i <path_to_private_key> opc@<node_public_ip>


    ssh -i <path_to_private_key> -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i <path_to_private_key> opc@<bastion_public_ip>" opc@<node_private_ip>
  3. Change to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  4. Execute the script.
    /opt/scripts/ -o [restart]
    • restart - stop and then start the Node Manager and all servers on this node

    If you modified certain settings after creating the domain, like the administrator password or port number, then you must provide additional parameters to

    • -u - User name for the domain administrator
    • -p - Password for the domain administrator
    • --adminhost - Hostname of the administration server
    • --port - Port number of the administration server
    • --domain-name - Name of the domain
    • --domain-home - Home directory for the domain
    • --admin-servername - Name of the administration server

    If your domain is running Oracle WebLogic Server 11g and you configured the servers to use a custom trust keystore, then set the location of the file in the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable before running For example:

  5. Use SSH to connect from the Administration Server node to the host name of each Managed Server node in this domain, and then repeat step 1 through step 4.


    ssh mydomain-wls-1
  6. Disconnect from the Administration Server node.
  7. Verify that you can sign in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    See Access the WebLogic Console in Using Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI.