Troubleshoot Migration Problems

If you encounter problems migrating your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, inspect the log files for the migration tools and servers. After correcting the problems, you can restore the target instance to its initial state, and then try the migration again.

  1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node on the target instance as the opc user.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
    If you are using a private subnet, use the following command to connect to the Administration Server node in your target instance:
    ssh -i <path_to_privatekey> -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i <path_to_privatekey> opc@<Public_IP>" opc@<target_admin_IP>
  2. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  3. Check for warnings or errors in the Oracle WebLogic Deploy Tool (WDT) log files, which are located in the /u01/weblogic-deploy/logs directory.
  4. Check for warnings or errors in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain log file, which is located at /u01/data/domains/<target_domain>/servers/target_server/logs/<target_domain>.log.
  5. Fix any problems that you identify.
    For example, edit the <source_domain>.yaml model file.
  6. Access the Oracle Java Cloud Service console.
  7. Click the name of the service instance that you want to restore.
  8. On the Overview page, click the Administration tile.
  9. Click the Backup tab.
  10. Under Available Backups, beside the backup that you want to restore, click Menu Menu icon, and then select Restore.
  11. For Notes, enter any free-form text to provide additional information about the restoration. For example, describe why you are restoring the service instance.
  12. Click Restore.
  13. When prompted for confirmation, perform one of the following steps:
    • If the selected backup has an associated database backup, select the check box to confirm that you have already restored the database, and then click Continue with Restore.
    • Click Yes, Restore Service.
  14. To check the status of the restore operation, periodically click Refresh Refresh icon.
  15. Perform these tasks again.