Connect to a Domain Using Oracle JDeveloper

Before you can use Oracle JDeveloper to connect to an Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI domain, add an ingress rule to restrict Internet access to a new network channel, and then create a network channel that supports the T3S protocol to enable remote connections.


  • Oracle recommends you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect and private IP addresses to set up the connection between Oracle JDeveloper and your Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI domain. See FastConnect Overview.
  • Install Oracle JDeveloper on a separate compute instance in the same VCN as the WebLogic subnet. This allows access from the JDeveloper instance to the ports on the WLS subnet.

Add an Ingress Rule

Before you establish a network channel that supports the T3 (and secure T3) protocol, use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to create an ingress rule to restrict access from the Internet.


RMI communications in Oracle WebLogic Server use the T3/T3S protocol to transport data between WebLogic Server and other Java programs, including clients. When using a port that supports T3/T3S, Oracle recommends you limit access only to known clients.
  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the navigation menu Navigation Menu icon, select Compute. Under the Compute group, click Instances.
  3. From the Compartment dropdown, select the compartment in which your domain is created.
  4. Click the name of the domain instance that has the Administration Server node.
    The instance with the Administration Server node has wls-0 appended to the name. For example: abcde7xy-wls-0
  5. Click the Subnet value.
  6. Click the name of the default security list.
  7. Click Add Ingress Rules.
  8. In the Source CIDR field, do one of the following:
    • For a domain in a public subnet, you must limit access to the T3S port by using a restricted CIDR matching the IP range for the running JDeveloper instances.
    • For a domain in a private subnet, you can enter or set up a security rule using the IP range for the running JDeveloper instances.
  9. In the Destination Port Range field, enter 8002.
  10. Click Add Ingress Rules.

Create a Network Channel

When you use Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI to create a domain, the administration server is configured with network channels that do not support the T3 and T3S protocols. To connect to the administration server with tools that use the T3 and T3S protocols, you must create a new network channel.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the navigation menu Navigation Menu icon, select Compute. Under the Compute group, click Instances.
  3. From the Compartment dropdown, select the compartment in which your domain is created.
  4. Click the name of the domain instance that has the Administration Server node.
    The instance with the Administration Server node has wls-0 appended to the name. For example: abcde7xy-wls-0
  5. Copy the Public IP Address value.
  6. Copy the Private IP Address value.
  7. Copy the Internal FQDN value.
  8. In a browser, access the WebLogic Server Administration Console using the public IP address.
  9. In the Change Center box, click Lock & Edit.
  10. In the Domain Structure box, expand Environment (by clicking the + next to it) and click Servers.
  11. Click the name of the Administration Server node.
  12. On the Settings page for the node, click Protocols and then click Channels.
  13. Under Network Channels, click New.
  14. On the first page of the Create a New Network Channel wizard, do the following:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the channel.
    2. In the Protocol dropdown list, select t3s.
  15. On the second page of the Create a New Network Channel wizard, do the following:
    1. In the Listen Address field, enter the Internal FQDN value you copied.
    2. In the Listen Port field, enter 8002.
    3. In the External Listen Address field, enter the Private IP Address value you copied.
    4. In the External Listen Port field, enter 8002.
  16. Click Finish.
  17. In the Change Center, click Activate Changes.

Create a Connection to the Domain Through Oracle JDeveloper

After creating the ingress rule and network channel, establish and test a connection between Oracle JDeveloper and your Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI domain.

You'll need to provide the name of your Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI domain.
  1. Open the Oracle JDeveloper Console.
  2. Open the Create Application Server Connection dialog.
  3. On the Configuration page, enter the following:
    1. For WebLogic Hostname (Administration Server), enter the private IP address of the compute instance that runs the WebLogic Administration Server.
    2. For Port, enter 0.
    3. For SSL Port, enter 8002.
    4. Select the Always Use SSL check box.
    5. For WebLogic Domain, enter your WebLogic Server domain name in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The name has the suffix _domain. For example: thestack_domain
  4. Ensure No Proxy is selected in your Web Browser and Proxy setting.
  5. Test the application server connection in JDeveloper.