Access the Jenkins Console

Access the Jenkins build engine for a domain that you created with Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE.

Jenkins runs as a pod in the Kubernetes cluster and is accessible from a private load balancer. This load balancer cannot be directly accessed from the public Internet. You can use the bastion instance on a public subnet and dynamic port forwarding with a secure shell (SSH) utility.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the navigation menu Navigation Menu icon, select Developer Services. Under the Resource Manager group, click Stacks.
  3. Select the Compartment in which your domain is created.
  4. Click the stack for your domain.
  5. Click Jobs.
  6. Click the Apply job for the stack.
  7. Click Outputs.
  8. Identify the public IP address of the bastion compute instance, bastion_instance_public_ip.
  9. Click Logs.
  10. Search for the attribute jenkins_console_url. Copy the URL.
    The URL format is:

    where, internal_lb_ip is the internal load balancer IP address.


    If you provision an Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE domain without a bastion instance, you must get the internal load balancer IP address, and then use this IP address in the Jenkins URL. See Access the Load Balancer IP for No Bastion Host to get the internal load balancer IP address.

    For example, if the IP address obtained is <internal_lb_ip1>, the Jenkins URL format is:

  11. From your computer, open an SSH tunnel to an unused port on the bastion compute instance as the opc user.

    For example, you can use port 1088 for SOCKS proxy.

    Specify the -D option to use dynamic port forwarding. Provide the path to the private key that corresponds to the public key that you specified when you created the domain.

    The SSH command format is:

    ssh -C -D <port_for_socks_proxy> -i <path_to_private_key> opc@<bastion_public_ip>

    For example:

    ssh -C -D 1088 -i ~/.ssh/mykey.openssh opc@

    On a Windows platform, you can use Windows PowerShell to run the SSH command.

  12. In your browser settings, set up the SOCKS (version 5) proxy configuration. Specify your local computer and the same SOCKS port that you used in your SSH command.
  13. Browse to the Jenkins console URL.
  14. If this is the first time using the Jenkins console, you are prompted to create a new admin user.