Creating Reconciliations Using EPM Automate Utility

A Service Administrator or Power User can use the EPM Automate Utility to create reconciliations.

The createreconciliations command copies the profiles to a specified period.

Usage: epmautomate createreconciliations PERIOD SAVED_FILTER, where

  • PERIOD is the name of a period
  • SAVED_FILTER is the name of a saved public filter. If you do not specify a saved filter, the utility copies all applicable profiles


epmautomate createreconciliations "January 2015"

epmautomate createreconciliations "January 2015" "Corporate Recs"

For more information, see Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud

After the creation process is complete, a results summary is displayed. The summary displays the number of reconciliations created, the number of profiles for which reconciliation creation failed, and the reason for the failure.