Reassigning Preparers and Reviewers

Service Administrators or Power Users can reassign preparers and reviewers.

A Service Administrator or Power User can reassign:

  • The current preparer for reconciliations with the status Open with Preparer.

  • The current reviewer for reconciliations with the status Open with Reviewer.


A Service Administrator or Power User can also grant workflow users the ability to request and approve reassignments. See Allow Workflow Users to Perform and Approve Reassignment Requests.

When reconciliations are reassigned, an email notification is sent immediately to reassigned users.

To reassign preparers and reviewers:

  1. From Home, select Reconciliations.
  2. Select a reconciliation with the status Open with Preparer or Open with Reviewer.


    Service Administrators and Power Users can also reassign preparers and reviewers by using Add/Set User in the Actions panel of the Reconciliation.

  3. Select Actions, and then View.
  4. Select Actions, and then Reassign User.
  5. Select a user.
  6. Click OK, and then click Close.