Adding Users to Reconciliations

Users (preparers, reviewers, commentators, or viewers) can be added to one or more reconciliations.

Service Administrators, Power Users, or any user with the Manage Profiles and Reconciliations privilege can add users to a reconciliation.

To add a user, group, or team to one or more reconciliations:

  1. From the Home page, select Reconciliations.

  2. Select a reconciliation, then from Actions, select Add/Set User.

  3. In the Add/Set User dialog, select one of the following:

    • In Field, select the type of user (Preparer, Reviewer, Commentator, or Viewer).
    • For Preparers and Reviewers only: In Backup, click the Search icon to search for and select a backup user.
    • For Preparers only: In Start, select the date.
    • For Reviewers only: In Level, select the reviewer level.
    • For Preparers and Reviewers only: In Duration, select the duration.
    • In Value, click the Search icon to search for and select a user, group, or team.
  4. Click Apply.