Working with Transactions

Transactions are line-items preparers add to reconciliations to reconcile differences between source system and subsystem balances.

To work with transactions:

  1. From the Home Page, select Reconciliations.
  2. From the Reconciliations list, click Open to start working on a reconciliation assigned to you.
  3. See Preparing Reconciliations for an example of how to start preparing reconciliations.
  4. To work with transactions and adjustments, in this example, click the Adjustments to General Ledger tab to open the transaction details.
    transaction details

    You can take the following actions:

    • Click + (New) to manually enter a transaction. You can also edit, copy, or delete. If you select Delete (X), the Delete Transactions dialog allows you to delete All transactions or just selected transactions.
    • Click Copy from Prior Period to add transactions
    • Click Import to add transactions from a file.


      When you import transactions from within a reconciliation, the import file does not need the Reconciliation Account ID column.

      To import transactions in bulk across multiple reconciliations in one load, users can import pre-mapped transactions from the Reconciliation List under Actions > Import Pre-Mapped Data > Import Transactions. To use this option, ensure your role is set to User (under Choose Role).

    • Click Export to export transactions. See Exporting Transactions.
    • Click Refresh to refresh the page
  5. To manually enter a new transaction, click + (New) on the Transaction dialog and then enter the information for that transaction. You can Save or Save and Create Another transaction.
    add manually
  6. You can click on a transaction on the list and see the details for that transaction.
    transactions dialog
  7. You can also click Action Plan
    action plan dialog