About Report Binders in Reconciliation Compliance

Report binders are used to create versions of reconciliations that may be printed or used for offline viewing.

When you generate a report binder, it is output in one zipped file. The ZIP file name is the name that you specified for the Report Binder. The report pages are merged into an HTML report, with page breaks for sections as required, so the report can be printed with a print command. If you choose to include transaction detail, then full transaction records are included following each reconciliation summary. If you choose to include attachments, a separate attachment appendix, containing links to attachments, is created, which you can print separately. Attachments are downloaded to separate folders.

Report binders are generated as ZIP files containing these formats:

  • Report Summary: Contains a hyperlinked list of reconciliations included in the binder.

  • Reconciliation Transaction Details: One file is created for each reconciliation. The structure is very similar to the structure of the Reconciliation Actions dialog box. At a minimum, the file includes lists of transactions of each type included in the reconciliation. If you choose to include transaction details, full record details are provided for each transaction.

  • Attachments: One folder is included for each reconciliation containing attachments to the reconciliation, but only if the user chooses to include attachments when creating the binder.

If you saved the report binder as a ZIP file, you can extract everything from the ZIP, which creates a directory structure with the same name as the report binder. You can see the report binder by opening the HTML page in the directory.

The report page contains this information:

  • Account Name
  • Warnings
  • Balance Summary
  • Additional Properties
  • Workflow
  • History
  • Questions
  • Attachments
  • Comments


If you had previously generated the balance reports (Balance Report Summary or Balance Report Transactions), and attached them to the reconciliation, these reports are included when you generate a report binder.