Reconciliation Compliance Report Output Descriptions

This section describes the output columns for Reconciliation Compliance reports.

Reconciliation Compliance Analysis Report

Reconciliation Compliance Analysis Report
Output Columns Descriptions


The name of the user

Total Assigned

The total number of reconciliations assigned to this user for action

On Time

The total count of reconciliations assigned to the user, where the user completed their assigned workflow certification on or before the due date, or where the certification is not yet complete and not past due.

% on Time

The percent completed on time calculated by dividing On Time by Total Assigned


The total count of reconciliations assigned to the user, where the workflow role was completed after the due date, including reconciliations where the role is not yet complete and the due date has passed.


The number of reconciliations assigned to user for workflow preparation role.


The number of reconciliations assigned to user for workflow review role.

% Late

The percent of reconciliations where workflow role completed work Late.

Reconciling Items

The count of reconciliations that contain at least one Reconciling Item transaction where the user is assigned the preparer role that is yet to be completed, or where the user completed the preparer role and the role is not open for re-completion.

# Rejections

If the user was assigned a preparer role on a reconciliation, display the count of rejections attributable to the user. Note that a reconciliation may be counted more than one time. For example, if Sally’s reconciliation 100-1500 was rejected twice and this is the only reconciliation she had rejected, then the # Rejections column should display 2.

Reconciliation Performance Analysis by Organizational Unit Report

Reconciliation Performance Analysis by Organizational Unit
Output Columns Descriptions

Organizational Unit

The name of the organizational unit

Total Reconciliations

The total number of reconciliations assigned to this organizational unit for action

On Time

The total count of reconciliations assigned to the organizational unit where the user completed their assigned workflow certification on or before the due date, or where the certification is not yet complete and not past due.

% on Time

The percent completed on time calculated by dividing On Time by Total Assigned


The total count of reconciliations assigned to the user, where the workflow role was completed after the due date, including reconciliations where the role is not yet complete and the due date has passed.


The number of reconciliations assigned to user for workflow preparation role.


The number of reconciliations assigned to user for workflow review role.

% Late

The percent of reconciliations where workflow role completed work Late.

Reconciling Items

The count of reconciliations that contain at least one Reconciling Item transaction where the user is assigned the preparer role that is yet to be completed, or where the user completed the preparer role and the role is not open for re-completion.

# Rejections

If the user was assigned a preparer role on a reconciliation, display the count of rejections attributable to the user. Note that a reconciliation may be counted more than one time. For example, if Sally’s reconciliation 100-1500 was rejected twice and this is the only reconciliation she had rejected, then the # Rejections column should display 2.

Balance by Account Type Report

Balance by Account Type
Output Columns Descriptions

Account Type

A system attribute that is defined in System Settings representing the type of account

Current Period Balance

The Source System balance in the current period from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Prior Period Balance

The balance in the prior period from the currency bucket selected as input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Change from Prior Period

The period activity from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

% Change from Prior Period

Calculated as Period Activity divided by Prior Period Balance, formatted as a percentage.

Unreconciled Balance

The value of Current Period Balance, where the status of the reconciliation is not Closed. Note that this reflects the value of the Source System Balance where the reconciliation is not yet complete and thus isn’t "reconciled".

Unexplained Balance

The Unexplained Difference from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The Balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Reconciling Items

The Adjustments to Source System from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Balance by Organizational Unit Report

Balance by Organizational Unit
Output Columns Descriptions

Organizational Unit

The organization unit values defined by the administrator during configuration.

Current Period Balance

The Source System balance in the current period from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Prior Period Balance

The balance in the prior period from the currency bucket selected as input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Change from Prior Period

The period activity from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

% Change from Prior Period

Calculated as Period Activity divided by Prior Period Balance, formatted as a percentage.

Unreconciled Balance

The value of Current Period Balance, where the status of the reconciliation is not Closed. Note that this reflects the value of the Source System Balance where the reconciliation is not yet complete and thus isn’t "reconciled".

Unexplained Balance

The Unexplained Difference from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The Balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Reconciling Items

The Adjustments to Source System from the currency bucket selected as the input parameter value. The balance is translated using the currency and the currency and rate type parameters provided by the user.

Invalid Profiles Report

Invalid Profiles Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Account ID

Unique identifier for account

Account Name

The reconciliation name

Reason for Invalid Status

Lists any reasons for the invalid status

Late Reconciliations Report

Late Reconciliations Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Account ID

Unique identifier for account

Account Name

The reconciliation name

Days Late (Preparation)

If preparation is currently late, displays the number of days late in preparation. if not late, this is blank.


Name of the active preparer for the reconciliation

Days Late (Review)

If review is currently late, displays the number of days late in review. if not late, this is blank.

Late Reviewers

Displays a comma separated list of each reviewer user name that is late. Displayed in order of reviewer level.

Missing Reconciliations Report

Missing Reconciliations Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Account ID

Unique identifier for account

Account Name

The reconciliation name

Open Reconciliations Aging Analysis Report

Open Reconciliations Aging Analysis Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Aging Bucket (Days Late)

The buckets are defined for an Aging Profile, which is created by an administrator in the Configuration card.


The number of reconciliation transactions in the aging bucket


Balance in the aging time period

Profile Audit Trail Report

Profile Audit Trail Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Account ID

Unique identifier for account

Account Name

The reconciliation name

Field Changed

The field that was changed (i.e. Preparer)

Changed Type

The type of change made (i.e. set, created, changed)

Old Value

The original value

New Value

The new value

Date & Time

Date and time of the change


Name of user who made the change

Reconciliation Audit Trail Report

Reconciliation Audit Trail Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Account ID

Unique identifier for account

Account Name

The reconciliation name


The period in which the change was made

Field Changed

The field that was changed (i.e. Reconciliation)

Changed Type

The type of change made (i.e. Submitted, Approved)

Old Value

The original value

New Value

The new value

Date & Time

Date and time of the change


Name of user who made the change

Reconciliation Result Report

Reconciliation Result Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Reconciliation Result

Describes the status of the reconciliation:
  • Fully Reconciled = reconciliation status is closed without adjustments to source system
  • Reconciled with Open Items = reconciliation status is closed but had adjustments to source system
  • Unreconciled = still pending for action


The sum of the Source System Balance, translated into a currency selected by the user, using a rate type selected by the user.

Balance %

Calculated percentage of the total of the balance in each category.

Reconciliation Trend Analysis Report

Reconciliation Trend Analysis Report

This report shows the trend over time for a given chosen attribute.

Output Columns Descriptions

Account ID

Unique identifier for account

Account Name

The reconciliation name

Reported In The reporting currency
Attribute One of the following attributes: Source System Balance, Subsystem Balance, Adjustments to Source System, Adjustments to Subsystem, Unexplained Difference, Late Reconciliations, Late Preparations Late Reviews.

Rejected Reconciliation Report

Rejected Reconciliation Report
Output Columns Descriptions

Account ID

Unique identifier for account

Account Name

The reconciliation name

Preparer The name of the active preparer
Rejected By Display a comma separated list of User Names (First/Last Names) of each reviewer that rejected the reconciliation. The list is ordered by reviewer level.

Transaction Aging Analysis Report

Transaction Aging Analysis Report

The output shows the percent of each bucket transaction amount subtotal compared to the total transaction amount.

Users with Late Reconciliations Report

Users with Late Reconciliations Report
Output Columns Descriptions
Name Name of user with the workflow role that is late
Preparation The count of reconciliations where the preparer certification is currently late
Review The count of reconciliations where the reviewer certification is currently late
Total The sum of preparer and reviewer certifications that are late

Currency Rates Report

currency rates report
Output Columns Descriptions
From Currency The From currency for the currency rate
To Currency The To currency for the currency rate
Rate The currency rate value
Rate Type The rate type for the currency rate
Last Updated By The user who last updated the currency rate
Last Updated Date The date on which the currency rate was last updated

Reconciliation Comments Report

currency rates report
Output Columns Descriptions
Account ID The unique identifier for the account
Name The reconciliation name
Risk Rating The risk rating of the reconciliation
Currency Bucket The currency bucket enabled for the reconciliation
Source System Balance The source system balance for the reconciliation
Currency The name of the currency used by the reconciliation
Comments The reconciliation comment. If there are more than one comments for a reconciliation, the report contains one row for each comment in a reconciliation.
Commented By The name of the use who added the comment
Comment Creation Date The date and time when the comment was created
Status (Detailed) The status of the reconciliation
End Date (Actual) The date on which the reconciliation status changes to "Closed"