About Security in Account Reconciliation Reports

Security clauses can be specified for predefined and custom reports.

Standard (Predefined) Reports Security

A security clause is in all standard Reconciliation Compliance report queries. This means that the reports have a security filter enforced on these reports by default. For example, Power User security (established under Access Control), to allow access to certain profiles is enforced on reports. A Power User with access to only certain profiles can only see reports for those profiles/reconciliations.

Administrators can edit reports to give users access to that report using the Access tab in the Edit Report dialog. This ensures that if you allow users to see reports, they can only see data appropriate for them as determined by the Administrator.

The security clause is also part of the following Transaction Matching report queries:

  • Supported Transactions Report
  • Open Adjustments Report
  • Closed Adjustments Report
  • Reconciliation Status Report

Custom Reports Security

For custom reports, you can determine when you create your query whether you want to have a security clause inserted into the query and then assign access to the report to users. This means that the creator of the report determines who should be given access.