What Happens When Processing an Archive and Purge in Transaction Matching?

Account Reconciliation performs a set of actions when processing an archive and purge operation.

During the archive, the following actions are performed:

  • A validation check is run to ensure the profiles linked to Balance Comparison with Transaction Matching or Account Analysis with Transaction Matching have no matched transactions with an Accounting Date greater than the Locked Through Date that are going to be purged. There will be a log file message if any of the transactions (or adjustments) to be purged have at least one transaction (or adjustment) with an Accounting Date that is greater than the Locked Through date, and the purge for that Profile will be ignored.

  • For Transaction Matching profiles that are integrated with Reconciliation Compliance, if a profile contains one or more unmatched transactions whose age is greater than the number of days specified for purging, then no transactions will be purged from the profile.

    To determine the age of unmatched transactions, use the Unmatched Transactions tab or the Transactions tab in the Matching card and sort Age (in descending order) or Date (in ascending order). You can now see the unmatched transactions that are preventing the purge operation from completing.

  • For profiles that use the Account Analysis with Transaction Matching or Balance Comparison with Transaction Matching methods, if the Accounting Date of one or more transactions in the match set is lower than the Purged Through Date, no transactions are purged.

During the purge:

  • The Match Type is locked, so other tasks such as importing transactions, auto match, and interactive matching cannot be performed during the delete process.

  • Balance summaries are not updated after an archive and purge.


To perform operational matching, it is recommended that your profiles use the Transaction Matching Only method.