
There are two cards for Periods in the user interface under Applications:

  • Application > Periods - used to create, edit and delete periods as well as kick off Auto Reconcile and Generate Report Binder.
  • Application > Configuration > Periods - used for administrative tasks related to periods such as set status

Example 1: Creating, Editing and Deleting Periods

  • From Home, then Applications, you can access Periods and create, edit, or delete periods as well as kick off Auto Reconcile or Generate a Report Binder.

    Application Periods showing Action menu tasks
  • The period related tasks by an administrator under Application, then Periods are:

    • Edit - used to edit a period.
    • Delete - used to delete a period.
    • Auto-Reconcile - used to kick off auto reconcile for a period.
    • Generate Report Binder

Example 2: Most Commonly Used Period Related Tasks Such as Set Status

  • From Home, then Applications, then Configuration, then Periods, you can perform common administrative tasks for periods.

  • Application Periods Action Menu task options
  • You can access the following tasks from Application , then Configuration, then Periods:

    • Set Status to open, close, or lock a period for a reconciliation.
    • Import Currency Rates For
    • Import Data
    • Import Pre-Mapped Data
    • Create Reconciliations
    • Check for Missing Reconciliations