Setting Pivot View Properties

Use the Properties tab of the Edit Pivot dialog to set the basic properties of a pivot view.

To set the pivot view properties:

  1. In Background, select one of the following:
    • No Fill: No background color is used

    • Solid: Select the color to be used as the background color. You can optionally select a color in Gradient.

  2. In Header Color and Header Size, select a color and font size for the pivot view header.
  3. In Data Color and Data Size, select a color and font size for the data displayed in the pivot view.
  4. Select Missing Values as Zero to display a zero when data values are missing.

    This includes missing data values and values that are missing because of an applied filter.

  5. In Period, select one of the following:
    • Selection: Use the selection from the Period filter as-is.

    • Latest in Selection: Use the latest Period chronologically in the filter.

    • Prior from Selection: Create a new filter of the prior X periods based on the latest period in the filter.


      This option is not applicable to Matching List, Profiles List, and Alerts List.

      The Period selection allows you to fine tune the list of Periods for the particular pivot view. This can be done so that pivot views sharing the same global period filter can display different amounts of data, or to make it easier to show a distribution of period data based on a single local period selection.