Adding and Deleting Comments

Comments can be added to the overall reconciliation. You can also delete comments, if you have the appropriate role.

Permissions Based on Role and Status

Here's a table that describes the tasks you can perform based on the status of the reconciliation and your role:

Table 6-4 Comments

Role Status: Open with Preparer Status: Open with Reviewer Status: Closed

Can add comments

Can delete comments added by them or by other Preparers

Can add comments

Can delete comments added by them

Can add comments

Can add comments

Can delete comments added by them

Can add comments

Can delete comments added by them or by other Reviewers

Can add comments

Can add comments

Can delete comments added by them

Can add comments

Can delete comments added by them

Can add comments

Can add comments

Can delete any comment

Can add comments

Can delete any comment

Can add comments
Power User

Can add comments

Can delete any comment

Can add comments

Can delete any comment

Can add comments
Viewer Can view comments Can view comments Can view comments


For users to be able to delete their own comments, an Administrator must have allowed this in the Allow Comment Delete configuration setting under Application > Configuration > System Settings. Users can never delete another person’s comments.


A user who is a Preparer or Reviewer can still delete their own comments as long as the reconciliation is open and they continue to have access to the reconciliation.


Comments made before Release 21.10 will still follow the old rules regarding Workflow access. Therefore, the user who made the comment will need to delete it, not the current holder of the role. Administrators can now delete any comment.

Carry Forward Comments

Comments created on a reconciliation can be carried forward to future periods. When you deploy this reconciliation into a new period, it inherits all comments that are marked to be carried forward. Attachments, if any, are also carried forward along with the comments. If a carried forward comment is no longer required in a particular period, a user with the required privileges can delete the comment or change its Carry Forward option from on to off (or vice versa).

Select the Carry Forward option when creating a comment to carry forward the comment to future periods. For comments that are set to be carried forward, the Carry Forward icon (This image displays the Carry Forward icon.) at the top of this comment is enabled. All comments in a reconciliation with Carry Forward enabled are copied to the next period.

This image displays the Carry Forward option for comments. And the Carry Forward icon that indicates that a comment can be carried forward.

Users who have the privileges to delete comments can modify the Carry Forward status of a comment by selecting Carry Forward in the Actions menu. Administrators can modify the Carry Forward status of any comment. For example, if a Preparer creates a comment and marks it to be carried forward, the Carry Forward icon for this comment is enabled for this Preparer and for other users with the Preparer role. Based on the requirement, Preparers can then toggle the Carry Forward status for this comment.

When migrating reconciliations, the carry forward setting of comments is preserved. After an upgrade to Release 21.10, all comments are set to not carried forward. However, users with the required permissions can toggle this setting by clicking the Carry Forward icon adjacent to a comment.

To Add Comments

Here are the steps to add comments:

  1. From Home, select Reconciliations, then open the reconciliation you want to comment on.

  2. Click the Comments drawer.

  3. In the text box, enter a comment.

  4. Optional: To carry forward this comment to future periods, click Carry Forward.

  5. Optional: To add an attachment to an external document or a web page to the comment, select one of the following options:

    • Click Attach a File (paperclip icon) to browse to select a file as the attachment.

    • Click Attach a Link (link icon) to add the URL and Name of the attachment.

    However, you cannot upload files with the following file extensions: exe, com, cmd, bin, bat, msi, vbs, sh, class, jsp, js, ear, war, py, rpm, so, properties, and config. Account Reconciliation blocks a file containing zip slip from being uploaded.


    The option to upload a file as a comment is visible only if the Prevent File Upload option is not selected in the format that is associated with this reconciliation.


    If you want to add an attachment (file or URL) to multiple reconciliations or transactions at one time, you can perform this action from the Reconciliations or Transactions List view. Highlight multiple rows of reconciliations or transactions or use the Shift key to select the ones you want. Then click Actions, then Add Reference, and then choose either File or URL.


    You can also add one or more attachments by using drag and drop functionality available from the Add Attachments dialog box. You can rename the attachment in the Name field, if desired. If you drag and drop multiple attachments, you can upload them at one time.

    You must access the Add Attachments dialog box to properly drag and drop attachments. If you try to drag and drop from the Summary, you may experience problems.
  6. Click Post.

To Delete Comments

Users can delete comments if an Administrator has allowed this in the Allow Comment Delete configuration setting under Application > Configuration > System Settings. Refer to the Comments table above for details about the permissions required to delete comments.

To delete a comment:

  1. From Home, select Reconciliations, then open the reconciliation from which you want to delete a comment.
  2. Click the Comments drawer.
  3. Click the action to the right of the comment that you want to delete and then select Delete.

Note that the Delete option is disabled if you don’t have the permissions required to delete the comment.