Overview Tab

The Overview tab of the Matching dialog provides a high-level overview of the reconciliation. This includes the Unmatched, Open Adjustments, Open Alerts, and Balancing panels.

The Unmatched transactions chart shows:

  • Suggested matches were created by the auto match process since the match rule was configured to not automatically confirm the match. Therefore, user action is required.
  • Unmatched transactions have not yet matched as part of any match group.
  • Supported transactions are also still unmatched, however a user has flagged the transaction with an explanation for why they remain unmatched (for example, it could be a timing difference that is appropriate for now).

The Open Adjustments chart shows the number of adjustment transactions created through the auto match process or by a user during interactive matching, where the adjustment extract status is open. Adjustments are typically used when action must be taken to correct a difference in one of the sources. Once the open adjustment is extracted it is automatically marked as closed. If required, the adjustment status of open or closed can also be updated manually from the Adjustments tab described below. The pie chart distinguishes between the various adjustment types.

The Open Alerts chart shows the total number of alerts, with separate regions for each alert status used in the reconciliation.

The Balancing panel shows a balance summary for the reconciliation at that point in time, as of the date selected. As a best practice, the unexplained difference (or just difference if the match type is an Account Analysis) should be 0.00 once the period ends and related open adjustments have been posted as journals back to the source system. Click any total (Less Unmatched, Less Unmatched Supported, or Less Unmatched In-transit) to drill-down and view the transactions for that total.


To view longer transaction type names, hover over the transaction type name to see the full length displayed.

Reconciliation Properties

The Overview tab also displays the properties of the reconciliation. Click the Navigator icon on the top-right to view the properties of the selected profile. Properties include the format name, method, and match type associated with the profile. It also includes the Locked Through Date, Closed Through Date, and Purged Through Date for the reconciliation.

The Purged Through Date is the latest period end date prior to which the transactions have been purged. For example, assume that a set of matched transactions are purged on 11-Dec-2022. This date belongs to the December 2022 period, whose end date is 31-Dec-2022 (assuming that monthly periods are used). So, the Purged Through Date for this set of transactions is set to 31-Dec-2022.