Suggested Matches Tab

The Suggested Matches tab displays the matches that are suggested by Auto Match. This includes matches with adjustments that are within the specified tolerance.

At the top of this tab, by default, All is selected and all the suggested matches are displayed. Click No Adjustments to display suggested matches without an Adjustment. Click With Adjustment to display suggested matches with an adjustment.

For a Number attribute, the value displayed is based on the precision set when defining the attribute. The balancing attribute uses a precision that is inherited from the currency code of the default currency in the lowest currency bucket that is enabled for the Profile.

Click a transaction ID to display the History dialog that contains an audit history of the changes made to this transaction. Use the Previous and Next links to scroll through the lists of suggested matches.

Actions that can be performed on this tab:

  • Confirm a suggested match

    When you confirm a suggested match, the selected transactions are matched and moved to the Matches tab.

    See Confirming Suggested Matches.

  • Discard a suggested match

    When you discard a suggested match, the selected transactions are moved to the Unmatched Transactions tab. You will need to manually match these transactions.

    See Creating Manual Matches.