Unmatched Transactions Tab

The Unmatched Transactions tab displays the list of unmatched transactions in the source system and subsystem.

Unmatched Transactions Tab of the Matching dialog

If any bucketing attributes were defined for the match type, these are displayed at the top of the tab and you can use these bucketing attributes to filter transactions. If a group attribute was included as a bucketing attribute, the list displays all the member attributes of the group attribute. In the above image, Invoice is a bucketing attribute.

For each data source, you can use saved lists to customize the transactions displayed. Use + Add a Filter to add a filter on the source system transactions or subsystem transactions. See Creating Filters and Saving Views.

User Actions in the Unmatched Transactions Tab

You can perform the following actions from the Unmatched Transactions tab:

Number of Transactions Selected in Unmatched Transactions Tab

Multiple transactions can be selected by using the mouse and/or key combinations and then selecting the required transactions. See Selecting Transactions.

You can perform the following actions on multiple transactions: create exact match, create match with adjustment, adjust, support, delete, and edit. The maximum number of transactions that can be selected in this tab is 20000 for each source system and subsystem. However, to create supported transactions, the maximum number of transactions that can be selected is 5000.

When a large number of transactions are selected, the lower portion of the grid shows a "---" for the Total and Variance indicating that they are being computed. When creating adjustments and supported transactions, the confirmation dialog displays upto 1000 rows. However, all the selected rows are included when the Total and Variance are computed. The top-right of the dialog displays the number of transactions selected.