Handling Supported Transactions

Supported transactions have a legitimate reason for having no match. You can enter an explanation to justify them as correct and valid despite having no match. For example, a user can flag a transaction as legitimately unmatched (for example, to account for timing differences that are appropriate at a specific point in time).

Supporting details, entered by the preparer explaining the valid reason for not matching during Auto Match, are retained in Account Reconciliation after the transaction is matched. Once a supported transaction is matched, the status changes to Confirmed Match but the support is retained.

Supporting details are tied to the workflow of the period end reconciliation. If a preparer deletes transaction matching supporting details that are associated with a period-end reconciliation, then that period-end reconciliation will be re-opened to the preparer. Preparers can still add comments or file attachments to existing supporting details, it is only the removal of details that would cause a reconciliation to re-open.

Supported Transactions Example

Next take a look at a transaction that have a legitimate reason for having no match. These are called Supported transactions which means that there is no match but an explanation is being added to justify them as correct and valid.

To handle these:

  1. On the Unmatched Transactions dialog, select one or more transactions and click Support.


    You can also use Select All checkbox to choose all transactions. However, the number of transactions that can be supported together within a support group is limited to 5000.

    For a Number attribute, the value displayed is based on the precision set when defining the attribute. The balancing attribute uses a precision that is inherited from the currency code of the default currency in the lowest currency bucket that is enabled for the Profile.

    If a support attribute is a group attribute, its member attributes are displayed under a separate node in the Support section.

    Transaction Matching Supporting Details
  2. Select a Support Type, then enter an ID, Name and optionally, a Description.
  3. You can also enter a comment to explain why this transaction has no match.
  4. Optionally, you can add a file attachment by browsing to the file and click Open and then Support.

Viewing Supporting Details

To view supporting details:

  1. On Unmatched Transactions, in the Status column, you can see the transactions that are supported.
    Unmatched Transactions showing supported transaction
  2. Click the Supported icon.
    View Supporting Details dialog

Deleting Supporting Details

Here is an explanation about how Account Reconciliation handles deletion of supported transactions:

  • Comments and attachments that are added to supporting details cannot be individually deleted.

  • Overall Support can be deleted (which removes those supporting details from all associated transactions). If any of the related transactions have an Accounting Date that is less than or equal to submitted reconciliation(s), then the reconciliation(s) will be re-opened to the preparer if the period is not locked. If the period is locked, it must be unlocked before supporting details can be deleted.


To understand the impact of deleting supporting details in locked or closed periods, see Closing and Locking Periods.

To delete supporting details, do one of the following:

  • Use the Unsupport button in the View Supporting Details dialog
  • Delete any transaction in the support group individually
  • Delete transactions through a delete transactions job

Following are other notes about the handling of supported transactions:

  • If any transaction in the support group has an Accounting Date before the Closed Through Date, they get a warning similar to the following: WARNING: Performing this action requires one or more reconciliations to be re-opened with preparer because the accounting date of one or more transactions is on or before the closed through date. Do you want to continue YES or NO

  • If any transaction in the support group has an Accounting Date before the Locked Through Date, they get an error stating they need to unlock a period(s) in order to proceed: ERROR: You cannot perform this action because the accounting date of one or more transactions selected or in the selected support group is on or before the locked through date. Please contact your administrator to unlock the necessary periods.

  • Impact on Supported Transactions During Unmatching - If a matched transaction, which is already supported, is then unmatched on the Match dialog, it goes back to Unmatched Supported status.

  • For Transaction Matching profiles that are integrated with Reconciliation Compliance, supporting details cannot be deleted if the Accounting Date of one or more transactions in a match set is lower than the Purged Through Date.


To understand the impact of loading transactions into locked or closed periods, see Closing and Locking Periods.