Selecting Columns While Searching Transactions in Transaction Matching

Account Reconciliation enables you to select the columns that are displayed in the Transactions tab.

To see all available columns, from Actions, choose Select Columns and you can select from any of the columns listed in the table below. In addition to these columns, the following are displayed:

  • attributes from the selected match type
  • all data source attributes from the selected match type
  • all adjustment attributes
  • group attributes associated with the data source or adjustment attributes

Table 10-1 Available Columns

Column Name Filterable Description Source
Account ID Yes The unique account ID System
Accounting Date Yes The accounting date of the adjustment System
Adjusted Yes

Yes = Confirmed and has adjustment or Confirmed Adjust

No = if not Confirmed (meaning Suggested or not yet matched)

Adjusted By Yes Name of the user who created the adjustment System
Adjusted On Yes Date on which the adjustment was created System
Adjustment To Yes The data source to which the adjustment was created System
Adjustment Type Yes Adjustment type used for the match with adjustment. Blank for unmatched transactions and exact matches. System
Age Yes Number of days between today and Accounting Date. Age is calculated based on the Accounting Date. System
Alert ID Yes ID of the alert that is associated with this transaction System
Alert Name Yes Name of the alert that is associated with this transaction System
Alert Status Yes Status of the alert that is associated with this transaction System
Amount Yes The Adjustment amount System
Archive Job ID Yes The ID of the archive transactions job System
Created Date Yes Imported date System
Data Source Yes The data sources available for the Match Type. One data source a time. System
Description Yes The default Description adjustment attribute Adjustment
Edited Yes Yes = Transaction was ever Edited or Split. Otherwise, No. System
Extract Status Yes Open or Closed. Relates to status of the transaction/adjustment journal export process. System
ID   The default ID adjustment attribute Adjustment
Import Job ID Yes The ID of the import job System
Journal Export Job ID Yes   System
Match ID Yes

Blank = Unmatched Transactions

Link to view Match for both Data source and adjustments.

Match Process Name Yes

Blank = Unmatched Transactions

Matched Yes Yes = Transaction status is Confirmed or Confirmed Adjust. Otherwise, No. System
Matched By Yes You cannot search by user since the system lists an automatic designation for some unmatched transactions. System
Matched On Yes Date match performed. You cannot search by date. System
Name Yes The default Name adjustment attribute Adjustment
Profile - <segment> Yes The segments of the profile System
Profile - Account Type Yes The Account Type of the profile System
Profile - Ledger Yes The Ledger profile attribute System
Profile - Method Yes The Method of the profile System
Profile - Name Yes The Name of the profile System
Profile - Organizational Unit Yes The Organizational Unit of the profile System
Profile - Preparer Yes The Preparer of the profile System
Profile - Process Yes The Process of the profile System
Profile - Risk Rating Yes The Risk Rating of the profile System
Rule Name Yes Manual Match Rule for Manual match and actual rule name for other rules System
Rule Type Yes Blank for manual and rule type for other rules System
Status Yes
  • Suggested Match

  • Confirmed Match

  • Suggested Adjust

  • Confirmed Adjust

  • Supported

  • Unmatched

Support ID Yes Available if the transaction has support irrespective of the current status of the transaction. Support details display when you click Support ID. System
Support Type Yes Support type used while creating Support. Blank for a transaction that does not have a support. System
Transaction ID Yes System assigned value when transaction is loaded. For Adjustments, this is the system assigned value when the adjustment is created. Value is unique per data source. System
Reverse Status Yes

Indicates if the adjustment is reversed. Options are:

  • Blank = Adjustment is never reversed
  • Original Adjustment = Original adjustment which was reversed
  • Reverse Adjustment = Reverse adjustment which is created as part of reversal