Using Filters When Searching Transactions in Transaction Matching

Filters restrict the transactions displayed in the Transactions tab in Transaction Matching. The filter conditions set are applicable to transactions from all the selected data sources and adjustments (if selected).

Use the filter bar on the Transaction tab to filter transactions. You cannot change the Account ID field. If you add or remove Adjustments, or one or more data sources, from Data Source, the filter conditions are not affected.

When filtering transactions, the group attribute name is not displayed. Individual member attributes are displayed and you can select one or more of these.

The filterable attributes are listed in the following table. In addition to these, the list contains the attributes from the selected match type in the Transactions tab.

Table 10-2 Filter Bar Attributes and Supported Operators

Attribute Supported Operators for Filtering Description
Match Type Equals

Required. All the match types having a data source and at least one attached profile are available. Only one can be selected.

Data Source


Does Not Equal

Required. Data source for the match type selected. One or more data sources can be selected. To display adjustments, select Adjustments.

Account ID


Does Not Equal


Starts With

Ends With

Is Blank

Is Not Blank

If you do not select an Account ID, all Account IDs are displayed.

All attributes in Available Columns   You can add any of the attributes listed here as filters. See Selecting Columns While Searching Transactions in Transaction Matching.


Selections available in filtering are not dependent on other filters that have already been selected. For example, if the filter is set to Match Process = "GL to Bank", the Match Rule filter will show the selections across all the Match Processes for that Match Type, not just GL to Bank Match Processes.

Actions you can perform relating to filters are:

  • Hide or unhide a filter

  • Clear a filter or clear all filters

  • Add a filter

  • Remove a Filter