Types of Transaction Matching Jobs

This table describes the jobs that can be run in Transaction Matching and provides the description and frequency.

Job Name (in user interface) Description Frequency Roles


Run Automatch on already imported transactions

To run AutoMatch, you must have access to one or more profiles that are based on Transaction Matching formats. See Running Auto Match in Administering Oracle Account Reconciliation.

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows

Import Transactions

Import transactions into one or more data sources. EPM Automate supports one data source at a time.

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows

Import Transactions and Automatch

Import transactions into one or more data sources and also runs auto match. Not supported from EPM Automate.

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows

Export Journals

Export journals

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows

Reopen Journals

Reopen closed journals

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows

Export Transactions - Overview

Export transactions for different balance summary buckets.

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer, Reviewer, Viewer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows, Specifying Profile Access

Export Transactions - Unmatched

Export unmatched transactions

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer, Reviewer, Viewer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows, Specifying Profile Access

Cosmetic Changes Report

Generates the Cosmetic Changes report for Transaction Matching reconciliations that are integrated with Reconciliation Compliance.

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, User, Preparer

Delete Transactions

Delete all transactions loaded for a selected import job. If transactions were already matched, they will be automatically unmatched.

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows

Delete Profile

Deletes the profile. This job is started by the system to delete the transactions and matches associated with the profile when profile are deleted from Profiles screen

On Demand

System Administrator, Users with the Profiles And Reconciliations – Manage Role

Delete Match Process

Deletes matches and adjustments associated with match process from all reconciliation when match process is deleted.

On Demand

System Administrator, Users with the Match Type – Manage Role

Archive Transactions

Archives the specified unmatched transactions along with their support and adjustment details.

On Demand

System Administrator

Unmark Archive Transactions

Unmarks unmatched transactions that were previously archived so that they can be included in subsequent archive jobs.

On Demand

System Administrator

Export - Transactions

Export transactions for a particular match type. Within the specified match type, you can apply additional filters for data sources and account types.

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer, Reviewer, Viewer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows, Specifying Profile Access

Unmatch Transactions

Unmatch transactions that were previously matched

On Demand

System Administrator, Power User, Preparer

See Power User Security in Account Reconciliation, Assigning Profile Workflows

Purge Transactions

Purge matched transactions

On Demand

System Administrator


When the service is restarted, the status of all user jobs that were running before the service restarted is set to Error. User jobs that were in the queue, but were not yet started at the time of service restart, are run. A service is restarted:

  • during the scheduled Automatic Maintenance Window
  • when the EPM Automate commands resetService or runDailyMaintenance are run

Importing Transactions or Balances

For details on importing transactions or balances, see Understanding Data Loads in Account Reconciliation Cloud.


To understand the impact of loading transactions into locked or closed periods, see Closing and Locking Periods.