Exporting and Importing of Match Types Across Environments

System Administrators can export the Match Type configuration and then import it into an Account Reconciliation environment.

An exported Match Type configuration can be imported using one of the following options:

  • Back into the same environment

  • To another Account Reconciliation environment

For example, the System Administrator may configure and test a Match Type in their Account Reconciliation Cloud test environment, and then once it is ready, export from test and import into their production environment.


  • Always ensure you have a fresh backup of the environment before performing imports and updates of Match Types.

  • When importing a Match Type with the same name as an existing Match Type, the import process will overwrite the configuration of the existing Match Type with the Match being imported.

    • If an object within the Match Type exists in the match type zip file being imported as well as in the system, the object from the match type zip file overwrites the object in the system.
    • If an object within the Match Type exists in the match type zip file being imported but not in the system, a new object is created in the system.
    • If an object within the Match Type does not exist in the match type zip file being imported but exists in the system, the object is deleted from the system to be in sync with the match type zip file being imported.


    Objects within a Match Type can be data sources, data source attributes, match process, rules, or rule conditions.
  • If you do not wish to update the existing Match Type you can rename the existing Match Type before importing.