Exporting Match Types

If the match type being exported contains one or more group attributes, the definition and values of these group attributes are exported along with the match type.

When migrating from a test environment to a production environment, it is recommended that you keep group attributes up to date.

To export match types:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, and then Match Types.
  2. On the Match Types tab, select a match type.
  3. Optional: If you want to change the Match Type name:
    • Select the Match Type, and then click Edit.
    • On the Edit Match Type screen, click the Properties tab.
    • Enter the new ID and Name for the Match Types, and click Save.


      As a best practice, enter any details or changes made to the original Match Type in the Description.
  4. Under Actions Actions ellipsis icon, select Export. On the dialog box, select Save File, and navigate to the location you require, and then click OK.

    The export is created as a zip file. One zip file is created for each Match Type.