Importing Match Types

When the match type being imported contains one or more group attributes:

  • If your application does not contain a group attribute with the same name as that in the import file, the group attributes (including values) are imported.
  • If your application contains a group attribute with the same name as that in the import file, and this group attribute is not used by any other match type, the members and values are replaced with those in the import file.


When migrating from a test environment to a production environment, it is recommended that you keep group attributes up to date.

To import match types:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, and then Match Types.
  2. Click Import.
  3. On the Match Type dialog box, click <Select a File>,


    If the name of the Match Type you are importing matches the names of an existing Match Type, you can choose to update the existing Match Type, or Import with a New Name.
  4. On the Import dialog box, navigate to the zip file that was exported, and then click Import.

    A message advises that the Match Type has been successfully imported.

  5. On the Match Types screen, click Refresh.
  6. When the import is complete, the Status on the Match Types screen is set to Approved.