Exporting Transactions as Journal Entries

The Export Journals job in Transaction Matching enables you to export transactions as journal entries. The exported journal entries can be imported into a target system such as Oracle ERP.

The export process exports all the adjustments and transactions that are in open status and match any applied filter criteria. Filtering is available to limit the number of transactions. The default format used for date columns is MM/dd/yyyy. To use a different format, configure the Transaction Matching Journal Export Date Format setting. See Configuring Date and Time Settings.

To export transactions as journal entries:

  1. From Home, select Applications, and then Jobs.
  2. Select the Transaction Matching tab.
  3. From Actions, select Export Journals.
  4. In Type, select Transactions.
    Export transactions as journal entries
  5. In Match Type, select a match type.
  6. In Data Source, select the data source.
  7. If you applied filters to the transactions, select the filter.
  8. Click OK.

The job is now visible on Job History. Once successful, you can open or save the csv file created.

It is recommended that you download and save the .csv file that contains the exported journal entries. This file is stored in a temporary directory and it may get overwritten if temporary space needs to be reclaimed. When you try to download this file at a later date, if the file is not present in the original location, an error message is displayed indicating that the file does not exist. You can re-export the journal entries and then download the file.