A Appendix: Reconciliation List Select Column Definitions

This section provides definitions of the Reconciliation List select columns for the following dataset types that are referenced across the lists in the application:

Profile Dataset Types

This section describes definitions of the Profile dataset select columns.


The following table describes columns for Profile dataset types.

Table A-1 Profile Dataset Select Columns

Column Attributes Definition

--Profile Segments Names 1-n

'X' number of segments can be utilized

--Custom Profile Attributes

'X' number of profile attributes can be added

Account ID

Combination of Profiles Segments that makes the profile unique

Account Type

Account type is a user-configured list of values


Active / inactive setting

Auto Reconciliation Method

Auto Reconciliation Method set

Balance Range (High)

High balance value set

Balance Range (Low)

Low balance value set

Created By

Name of user who created the profile

Created On

Date-time of profile creation

Currency Bucket Default Currency (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Default currency

Currency Bucket Enabled (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Enabled Currency Bucket (Yes/No)

Days Until End Date

Count of days between current date and end date



Enabled Buckets

Count of enabled currency buckets

End Offset

Sum of start offset and durations across all roles

Enter Source System Balances

Manual Balance Entry allowed (Yes/No)

Enter Subsystem Balances

Manual Balance Entry allowed (Yes/No)

Group Profile

Group Profile Set (Yes/No)

Historical Rate

Historical Rate Set (Yes/No)

Last Updated By

Name of user the profile was last updated by

Last Updated On

Profile last updated by date-time

Match Balance Threshold (Number)

Balance Comparison Match Threshold (Number)

Match Balance Threshold (Percent)

Balance Comparison Match Threshold (%)

Match Type

Match type the format is linked to

Maximum Age Adjustments

Age violation setting - adjustment

Maximum Age Explanation

Age violation setting - explanation


Method the format is linked to


Name of the profile

Normal Balance

Normal balance credit/debit setting

Organizational Unit

Assigned organizational unit


Preparer name assigned

Preparer (Actual)

Preparer name that submitted the recon

Preparer (Backup)

Preparer (backup) name

Preparer (Claimed)

The reconciliation has been claimed by a Preparer (Yes/No)

Preparer (Primary)

Primary preparer from team who is currently assigned as Preparer for the Reconciliation. This can be:

  • The user assigned as the Preparer
  • The team assigned as the Preparer, if no one has claimed it
  • The user, on the team assigned as the Preparer, who has claimed the reconciliation
  • The backup Preparer if the main Preparer is out of office.

Preparer Duration

Duration set

Preparer End Date

End date set

Preparer End Date (Actual)

End date when role was completed

Preparer Frequency

Frequency set


Process value set

Rate Type

Foreign exchange rate type set

References (Count)

Count of attached reference files

Require Action By (Preparer)

Team set as Any vs All

Require Action By (Reviewer 1 - Reviewer 10)

Team set as Any vs All

Reviewer 1-10

Assigned reviewer

Reviewer 1-10 (Backup)

Assigned reviewer (backup)

Reviewer 1-10 (Primary)

Primary reviewer from team

Reviewer 1-10 Duration

Duration set for each role

Reviewer 1-10 End Date

End date set for each role

Reviewer 1-10 End Date (Actual)

End date when role was completed

Reviewer 1-10 Frequency

Frequency set

Reviewer 1-10 Missing

Assigned reviewing missing (Yes/No)

Reviewer 1-10 Start Date

Start date based on offset/durations set

Reviewers (Count)

Total count of assigned reviewers

Risk Rating

Assigned risk rating

Rules (Count)

Total count of rules directly on profile

Schedule From

Schedule from close or period end date

Start Offset

Start offset set

Suggested Match Transactions Source (Count)

Total count of source suggested matches

Suggested Match Transactions Subsystem (Count)

Total count of subsystem suggested matches

Summary Profile

Profile is a summary (Yes/No)

Total Duration

Count of days set to complete the recon

Unmatched New Transactions Source System (Count)

Total count of source new transactions

Unmatched New Transactions Subsystem (Count)

Total count of new subsystem transactions

Unmatched Supported Transactions Source System (Count)

Total count of unmatched supported source transactions

Unmatched Supported Transactions Sub (Count)

Total count of unmatched supported subsystem transactions

Unmatched Transactions Source System(Count)

Total count of unmatched source transactions

Unmatched Transactions Subsystem (Count)

Total count of unmatched subsystem transactions


Profile valid to create a reconciliation (Yes/No)

Valid (Detailed)

Profile detailed reason for Invalid

Reconciliation Dataset Types

This section describes definitions of the Reconciliation dataset select columns.


The following table describes columns for Reconciliation dataset types.

Table A-2 Reconciliation Dataset Select Columns

Column Attributes Definition


Name of the profile

Account ID

Combination of profiles segments that makes the profile unique

Account Type

Account type is a user-configured list of values

Adjustments to Source System (Count)

Total count of source adjustments

Adjustments to Subsystem (Count)

Total count of subsystem adjustments

Aging Violation

Aging Violation met (Yes/No)

Aging Violation (Count)

Total count of transactions with age violation

Attachments Reconciliation (Count)

Total count of attachments to reconciliation

Attachments Total (Count)

Total count of attachments to reconciliation & transactions

Auto Approved (Level 1 - Level 10)

Reconciliation was Auto Approved by Rule (Yes/No)

Auto Reconciled

Reconciliation was Auto Reconciled by Auto Reconciliation (Yes/No)

Auto Reconciliation Method

Auto reconciliation method set

Auto Submitted

Reconciliation was Auto Prepared by Rule (Yes/No)

Balance Explanations (Count)

Total count of balance explained transactions

Balance Explanations Aging Violation

Aging Violation met for Balance Explained transactions (Yes/No)

Balance Explanations Aging Violation (Count)

Total count of balance explained transactions with age violation

Balance Range (High)

High balance value set

Balance Range (Low)

Low balance value set

Comments (Count)

Total count of comments

Created By

Name of user who created the profile

Created On

Date-time of profile creation

Currency Bucket Default Currency (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Default currency

Currency Bucket Enabled (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Enabled Currency Bucket (Yes/No)

Current Due Date

Due date of active role

Current Reviewer Level

Reviewer level of active role

Days Overdue

Current date less overall end date (blank if not overdue)

End Date

End date set for last role on reconciliation

End Date (Actual)

End date when last role completed reconciliation

Enter Source System Balances

Manual Balance Entry allowed (Yes/No)

Enter Subsystem Balances

Manual Balance Entry allowed (Yes/No)

Ever Been Late

Has any Role Ever Been Late (Yes/No)

If the Preparer was late, or any Reviewer was late, then Ever Been Late is set to Yes.

Ever Been Late (Preparer)

Has Preparer Role Ever Been Late (Yes/No)

For example, assume that the Preparer was on time with the original submission. However, a Reviewer rejected the reconciliation and it is now reassigned to the Preparer. If the Reviewer was late, then Ever Been Late (Preparer) is set to Yes.

Ever Been Late (Reviewer 1-10)

Has each Reviewer Role Ever Been Late (Yes/No)

For example, assume that Reviewer 1 was late. However, all other Reviewers completed on time and the reconciliation was approved within the end date. Ever Been Late (Reviewer 1) is set to Yes because Reviewer 1 was late. However, Late is set to No because all other Reviewers completed before the end date.


Format name set

Group Profile

Group Profile Set (Yes/No)

Historical Rate

Historical Rate Set (Yes/No)

Last Updated By

Name of user the reconciliation was last updated by

Last Updated On

Reconciliation last updated by date-time


Late when the current date is greater than the Due Date of the reconciliation

Late (Preparer)

Preparer is late when either of the following is true:

  • The current date is greater than the Preparer's Due Date
  • The Reconciliation is re-opened to the Preparer after their Due Date

Once the Preparer submits the reconciliation, Late is set to No.

If the Reconciliation is re-opened to the Preparer after their submission End Date, this attribute is set to Yes. Once the Preparer submits the reconciliation, Late is set to No.

Late (Reviewer 1-10)

Reviewer is late when the current date is greater than the Due Date for any Reviewer.

If the Reconciliation is re-opened to the Reviewer after their End Date, this attribute is set to Yes. Once the Reviewer has approved, Late with Reviewer is set to No.


Assume that Reviewer 1 approves a reconciliation after the end date and the reconciliation is now assigned to Reviewer 2. While Reviewer 1 was late, both Late and Late with Reviewer 1 are set to Yes. After Reviewer 1 approves the reconciliation, the Late and Late with Reviewer 1 are set to No. However, the Ever Been Late and Ever Been Late with Reviewer 1 are set to Yes and continue to be set to Yes even after Reviewer 1 approves the reconciliation.

Match Balance Threshold (Number)

Balance Comparison Match Threshold (Number)

Match Balance Threshold (Percent)

Balance Comparison Match Threshold (%)

Maximum Age Adjustments

Age Violation setting - Adjustment

Maximum Age Explanation

Age Violation setting - Explanation


Method the format is linked to

My End Date

End date for the role you have on the reconciliation

My Role

Role you have on the reconciliation


Name of the profile

Normal Balance

Normal Balance Credit/Debit Setting

Normal Balance Violation

Actual balance loaded conflicts with normal Balance Credit/Debit Setting (Yes/No)

On Time

Active role End Date (Actual) is less than or equal to End Date (Yes/No)

Organizational Unit

Assigned organizational unit


Name of period associated with the object

Period Close Date

Close date of period selected

Period End Date

End date of period selected

Period Start Date

Start date of period selected


Preparer name assigned

Preparer (Actual)

Preparer name that submitted the recon

Preparer (Backup)

Preparer (backup) name

Preparer (Claimed)

The reconciliation has been Claimed by a Preparer (Yes/No)

Preparer (Primary)

Primary preparer from team who is currently assigned as Preparer for the Reconciliation. This can be:

  • The user assigned as the Preparer
  • The team assigned as the Preparer, if no one has claimed it
  • The user, on the team assigned as the Preparer, who has claimed the reconciliation
  • The backup Preparer if the main Preparer is out of office.

Preparer Duration

Duration set

Preparer End Date

End date set

Preparer End Date (Actual)

End date when role was completed

Preparer Frequency

Frequency set


Process value set

Rate Type

Foreign exchange rate type set

Reassignment Requested

Reassignment Request Active (Yes/No)

Rejections (Count)

Total count of rejections across all reviewers

Require Action By (Preparer)

Team set as Any vs All

Require Action By (Reviewer 1-10)

Team set as Any vs All


Name of active user for the reconciliation

Reviewer 1-10

Assigned reviewer

Reviewer 1-10 (Actual)

Reviewer who approved the recon

Reviewer 1-10 (Backup)

Assigned reviewer (backup)

Reviewer 1-10 (Primary)

Primary reviewer from team

Reviewer 1-10 Claimed

The reconciliation has been claimed by a Reviewer (Yes/No)

Reviewer 1-10 Duration

Duration set for each role

Reviewer 1-10 End Date

End date set for each role

Reviewer 1-10 End Date (Actual)

End date when role was completed

Reviewer 1-10 Frequency

Frequency set

Reviewer 1-10 Missing

Assigned Reviewing Missing (Yes/No)

Reviewer 1-10 Rejections (Count)

Total count of rejections for by role

Reviewer 1-10 Start Date

Start date based on offset/durations set

Reviewers (Count)

Total count of assigned reviewers

Risk Rating

Assigned risk rating

Rules (Count)

Total count of rules directly on profile

Source System Aging Violation

Aging violation met for source (Yes/No)

Source System Aging Violation (Count)

Total count of transactions with age violation in source

Start Date

Start date


Current status

Status (Detailed)

Detail current status

Status (Icon)

Icon representation of current status

Subsystem Aging Violation

Aging violation met for subsystem (Yes/No)

Subsystem Aging Violation (Count)

Total count of transactions with age violation in subsystem

Summary Profile

Profile is a summary (Yes/No)

Total Duration

Count of days set to complete the recon

Transactions (Count)

Total count of transactions

Variance Explanations (Count)

Total count of variance explanations

Variance Period

Prior period for which current period is compared to

Balance Dataset Types

This section describes definitions of the Balance dataset select columns.


The following table describes columns for Balance dataset types.

Table A-3 Balance Dataset Select Columns

Column Attributes Definition

Adjusted Source System (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

End Balance less Adjustments = Adjusted Balance

Adjusted Subsystem (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

End Balance less Adjustments = Adjusted Balance

Adjustments to Source System (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Amount total of adjustments to source

Adjustments to Subsystem (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Amount total of adjustments to subsystem

Balance Exists

Source or subsystem balance has been loaded into any bucket

Balance Exists (Source System)

Source balance has been loaded into any bucket

Balance Exists (Subsystem)

Subsystem balance has been loaded into any bucket

Balance Explanations (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Amount total of balance explanation transactions

Difference (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Source and subsystem end balance difference

Last Balance Load

Date-time of last balance loaded

Last Balance Loaded By

Name of user who last loaded a balance

Period Activity (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Previous period end balance less current period end balance

Prior Period Balance (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

End balance from prior period according to "Prior Period" setting on Period configuration

Source System Balance (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Source balances loaded

Source System Balance (Default Currency) - Entered, Functional, and Reporting

Source system's single numeric balance for all currencies in a currency bucket.

Source System Count of Currencies (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Count of unique currencies loaded into the source system

Source System Less Matched In Transit (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Matched in transit total

Source System Less Unmatched (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Less unmatched total

Source System Less Unmatched Supported (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Less unmatched supported total

Subsystem Balance (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Subsystem balances loaded

Subsystem Balance (Default Currency) - Entered, Functional, and Reporting

Subsystem's single numeric balance for all currencies in a currency bucket.

Subsystem Count of Currencies (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Count of unique currencies loaded into the subsystem

Unexplained Difference (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Amount of unexplained difference

Variance Explanations (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Total amount of variance explanations

Variance Period Balance (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Variance period balance loaded

Transaction Dataset Types

This section describes definitions of the Transaction dataset select columns.


The following table describes columns for Transaction dataset types.

Table A-4 Transaction Dataset Select Columns

Column Attributes Definition

Action Plan

Action plan value set

Action Plan Attachments (Count)

Total count action plan attachments

Action Plan Close Date

Action plan close date set

Action Plan Closed

Action plan closed (Yes/No)

Action Plan Comments (Count)

Total count action plan comments


Days between transaction date and period-end date. If Action Plan is enabled, Age is days between Transaction Date and Action Plan Close Date.


Transaction is amortizing (Yes/No)

Amortization End Date

End date of amortization schedule

Amortization Method

Amortizing method set

Amortization Start Date

Start date of amortization schedule

Amortization Start Period

Start period for amortization schedule

Amortized/ Accreted Amount (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Amount amortized for selected period

Amount (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Remaining amortized amount for selected period

Amount Overridden (Functional, Reporting)

Transaction foreign exchange calculation override (Yes/No)

Attachments (Count)

Total count of attachments for transaction

Carried Forward

Transaction was copied forward from previous reconciliation (Yes/No)

Child Account

Child account associated with transaction

Close Date

Close date for transaction

Comments (Count)

Total count of comments


Reviewer flag set (Needs Attention/OK)

Half-Month Convention

Amortizing half-month convention set

Journal ID

Unique ID of the enterprise journal

Journal Name

Name of the enterprise journal

Journal Workflow Status

Workflow status of the Journal in Enterprise Journals

Journal Posting Status

Posting status of the enterprise journal (Posted or Not Posted)

Journal Posting Message

Message returned from ERP after posting

Last Updated By

Name of user that last updated one or more of the transaction attributes Short Description, Long Description, Transaction Date, Close Date.

Last Updated On

Transaction last updated by date-time for one or more of the transaction attributes Short Description, Long Description, Transaction Date, Close Date.

Long Description

Value of long description

Number of Periods

Count of periods in amortizing schedule

Original Amount (Entered, Functional, Reporting)

Amortizing transaction original amount

Rate Used

Exchange rate used for transaction translation

Remaining Periods

Amortizing transaction remaining periods on schedule

Short Description

Value of short description


Sub-Segment ID associated with the transaction

Transaction Date

Date of transaction


Transaction type (Adjustment to Source/Sub, Balance Explanation, Variance)