About Using Formats to Prevent File Uploads

Service Administrators can use a format-level setting to control whether files can be uploaded to reconciliations that are associated with the format.

When creating or editing a format, select Prevent File Upload to prevent file uploads to reconciliations associated with the format.

Even when the associated format prevents file uploads, users can upload files to reconciliations in the following scenarios:

  • Reconciliations in the current period contain file attachments, comments with file attachments, and transactions with file attachments, which are set up to be carried forward to the next period. The Prevent File Upload option is then selected in the format associated with those reconciliations.

    In this case, selecting Prevent File Upload will not prevent attachments in the existing reconciliations from being carried forward when reconciliations are created in the next period.
  • Consider a summary reconciliation that is set up based on a format that has Prevent File Upload selected. Some of the summary reconciliation's child accounts belong to a different format using the same method, but without the Prevent File Upload option selected. In that case, file attachments can be added to transactions in the child accounts that use the format with Prevent File Upload unselected. Then, when Generate is run in the summary reconciliation, the transactions with the file attachments will be pulled up into the summary reconciliation.