Restrictions on Changing or Deleting Formats

Certain restrictions apply when you update or delete formats.

  • Formats cannot be changed on existing reconciliations. First, delete the reconciliation, then change the format on the profile, and then copy the changed profile into the period. The system calculates the Adjustments to Source System and Adjusted Source System Balance, and subtracts one from the other to calculate the Unexplained Difference. If there is an Unexplained Difference, the preparer uses the Explained Balance and Adjustments tabs to record any adjustments to get the unexplained difference down to zero.

  • You cannot delete formats that are assigned to profiles. Remove the format from the profiles, and then delete it. You can delete formats that are assigned to reconciliations. Reconciliations point to a snapshot of the format; not to the format itself.
  • You cannot delete the Short Description on the Format since it is a required field and there are navigation links in the reconciliation that are dependent on it. You can rename it if needed, but it cannot be deleted.