About Defining Match Rules

Match rules determine how matches are made.

See Defining Rules and Rule Conditions in the Match Process.

Types of Match Rules

Account Reconciliation provides the following types of match rules:

  • Auto Match rule

    Auto Match rules are used by the auto match process. You define the rules or conditions that must be met in order for a match to be made. A match process can contain one or more Auto Match rules. To define an Auto Match rule, specify a unique ID, name, rule type, match status, and the rule conditions.

  • Manual match rule

    You can create one or more rule conditions within a manual match rule. To define a manual match rule, create one or more rule conditions. If you want to perform manual matching only, you can create a match process without any auto match rules.

See Match Rules for details about the match status for match rules and supported match rule types.

You can use the Match Type Rule Configuration report to view the configuration settings for all match rules in a particular match type or for all match rules in the system. See Working with Predefined Reports in Transaction Matching in Administering Oracle Account Reconciliation.

Best Practices for Defining Match Rules

  • Start defining match rules with the most precise rules first, those likely to create the highest number of quality matches, and then work down to the rules that may be less certain in their results.
  • Do the following to improve the performance of Auto Match for subset rules:
    • Create one or more rules (except a subset rule) by using attributes that can uniquely identify a match and configure this rule to run before the subset rule
    • Include additional attributes in the rule condition of the subset rule to uniquely identify transactions that must be matched
  • If you no longer need a rule, but there are existing matches that are matched using a rule, it is recommended that you deactivate the rule instead of deleting it. The rule can be deleted after the matches are purged for that rule.

Changing Batch Size and Number of Matching Iterations for Auto Match Rules

Transaction Matching allows you to change the default values for the number of iterations during the match process for Auto Match rules. See Changing Defaults for Maximum Iterations for Auto Match Rules.