Specifying the Properties of the Match Process

Match process properties include an ID, name, and data sources.

See About Defining Match Process Properties.

To specify the properties for a new match process:

  1. Navigate to the Properties tab of the match process. See Defining the Match Process by Creating Rules.
  2. Enter an ID for the match process and Name.
  3. Select the Number of Data Sources.
  4. Select the Source System data sources and the Sub System data sources.
  5. As a default, the Set Adjustment Accounting Date to the Match Date is selected. You can change this setting to Set Adjustment Accounting Date to the Latest Accounting Date in the Match Group.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The default attribute mapping displays the attributes from your defined data sources and shows the relationship between attributes in Source System and Subsystem data sources. See About Default Attribute Mappings.
  8. Use the + (Plus sign) under Default Attribute Mapping to add a new attribute mapping.

    The New Attribute Map dialog is displayed. It contains the attributes from your defined data sources. Use this dialog to map the Source System attributes to the Sub System attributes and define match process limits.
    1. Select the attributes from the source system and the sub system that must be mapped.
    2. In the Default Tolerance Limit section, specify the tolerance limits for matching the source system and sub system attributes.

      See About Setting Tolerance Levels.

    3. Click Save to save the attribute map definition.

    See Default Attribute Mapping Example.

  9. Use the + (Plus sign) under Bucket Attribute Mapping to configure a bucket mapping. See Configuring Buckets in Administering Oracle Account Reconciliation .