About Setting Tolerance Levels

Setting tolerance levels allows matching of transactions that have variances.

There are three ways to set tolerance levels. You can set:

  • a tolerance variance value that is applied to the transactions. For example, auto match with a variance between -1 and +3.
  • a tolerance threshold level expressed as a percentage.. For example, auto match with up to 0.5% of the value of the amount.
  • a tolerance threshold level expressed as a percentage along with a variance amount. For example, auto match with up to 1.0% of the value of the amount up to a maximum amount of 100.00.


    The percentage value can not be more than 100 for both high and low tolerance. You can use a tolerance level as a percentage for Number and Integer type data source attributes only. The option to express as a percent will not display for other types such as Date.

When setting tolerance limits, there is a Use percentage tolerance check box that allows you to express the tolerance level as a percent and you can also then set a maximum variance value.