Use Email Verification REST API

Email verification lets you verify global email addresses in your applications. You can do individual or batch verifications.

This takes as input the email address to verify. The response signifies the following:

  • Valid: The address was successfully verified.

  • Partially-Valid: The email domain is valid, but the email account could not be verified.

  • Invalid: The address was not successfully verified.

  • The request timed out before it could be completed.

Invalid and partially-valid verifications show the date of the most recent verification. To show the valid status on valid emails right away, change the verification threshold date. For example, if you're working in Oracle CX Sales and the threshold is set to 180, then 180 days after the last valid verification was run, the UI renders with the email address the Verification Status, Verification Date, a Re-verify icon, and an Overwrite icon on the Contact and Account Profile pages. To show the valid status with these icons right away, change the verification threshold to 0.

For detailed information, see Email Verify in REST API for Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification.