Bulk Email Verify: Retrieve Job Results



Bulk Email Verify Retrieve Job Results:

This API helps in retrieving the results of the verification job.

Input: Define a path parameter called jobid with the value from /api/v3/email/batch/verify response.

Output: A JSON object containing jobId,status,totalVerifiedEmails,completedOn,results,error.

Example Response: { "jobId": "1000080", "status": "Complete", "totalEmailCount": "2", "completedOn": "2024-01-03 11:33:17.474", "results": [ { "statusMessage": "", "account": "abc", "domain": "oracle.com", "status": "valid", "email": "abc@oracle.com" }, { "statusMessage": "email_account_invalid", "account": "xyz", "domain": "gmail.com", "status": "invalid", "email": "xyz@gmail.com" } ], "error": {} }

Response Atrributes

Each email result will consist of these attributes.

EmailThe email address you've sent for validation.
StatusThe status of validation. For further information, see the Status section.
StatusMessageAdditional information about the Status. For further information regarding the status messages, see the Status section.
AccountThe account portion of the email address sent for validation.
DomainThe domain portion of the email address you've sent for validation.


Your job results will return a Primary Status (Status) and a Secondary Status (StatusMessage) per email.

Primary Status

Here are the potential primary status types:

validEmail address is a valid account.
invalidEmail address is not valid. For more information, see the Secondary Status table.
accept_allIndicates that the domain always considers their emails are valid, even if they are not. This may be due to a firewall or another spam tool that can remove the message or send a bounce message later.
unknownThe email address appears to be valid, but the domain isn't responding. This could be a temporary issue if the domain is having problems, if a domain isn't working anymore, or if it's a company firewall blocking access issue.

Secondary Status

By default, the StatusMessage will return as a blank field unless there is additional information to display. Here are potential secondary status types:

email_address_invalidThe email address format is incorrect.
email_domain_invalidThe email address is associated with a domain that doesn't exist.
email_account_invalidThe email account doesn't exist at the given domain.
mailbox_full_invalidThe inbox for this account is full and can't accept incoming mail.
disposableThe email address is disposable.
role_addressThe email address was created to support a function such as support@, sales@, and so on. This may be a valid email but typically underperforms compared to individual addresses.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object

401 Response


403 Response


500 Response

An unexpected error occurred during the request.
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