Email Verify



Email Verify: This endpoint provides a way to verify an email address; that is, it confirms whether or not the provided email address is valid. Once verified, the service returns a list of items with all the details pertaining to the verified email.
The API accepts the following inputs:
1. Email ID - Address to be verified.
2. Timeout - Wait time, in ms, for the service to complete (optional).
The output is a JSON object containing a list of items which is in turn a JSON map of fields; all field values are represented as Strings.
Cost: Unless the API is not accessible for some reason, the user is charged for the service.
Functionality: Each input is a query parameter and output is a JSON list of items. The fields are described in the following table.

ResponseCodeValidValid - The email address has been fully validated (including the account portion)
Valid_CatchAll - The domain has been validated but the account could not be validated
Invalid - The email address is invalid and shouldn't be accepted
Timeout - The validation could not be completed within the timeout specified (try increasing the timeout value)
ResponseMessageEmail address was fully validatedA textual description of the ResponseCode returned.
EmailAddrestesting@test123.comThe email address that verification was attempted on.
UserAccountTestingThe account portion of the email address provided.
Domaintest123.comThe domain portion of the email address provided.
IsDisposableOrTemporaryFalseWhether the email address provided is a disposable mailbox. (Some companies create temporary mailboxes that shouldn't be used for marketing communication.)
IsComplainerOrFraudRiskTrueTrue if we recognise the email address against known lists of complainers and/or the email address has been used to defraud.
Duration0.022430881The duration (in seconds) that the email validation took (maximum timeout enforced at 15 seconds). We recommend a high timeout (at least 5 seconds) value as it will minimise the number of "Timeout" responses returned.

Example Response { "Items": [ { "ResponseCode": "Valid", "ResponseMessage": "Email address was fully validated", "EmailAddress": "", "UserAccount": "abc", "Domain": "", "IsDisposableOrTemporary": "false", "IsComplainerOrFraudRisk": "false", "Duration": "0.022430881", "type": "email" } ] }


Query Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object

401 Response


403 Response


500 Response

An unexpected error occurred during the request.
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