Replace a Dataset in a Workbook

When you replace a dataset, Oracle Analytics suggests how you can re-map the columns from the dataset that you replaced to the replacement dataset. You can accept or update these suggested mappings.

For example, you might replace a workbook's test dataset with a production dataset. Or you can copy a workbook and its visualizations, and then use the duplicate workbook as a template. After you rename the duplicated workbook, you can add a different dataset.
When you replace the dataset, any data mapping that you specify is applied to the workbook. For example, if you map a data element to None, the specific data is removed from the workbook's visualizations, calculations, and filters.
  1. On the Home page, select a workbook to use as a template, click the Actions menu, and then select Open.
  2. From the Visualize page, click Data.
  3. In the Data page, click the Data Diagram.
  4. Optional: If the dataset that you want to replace has been blended with another dataset, then in the Data Diagram click the number between the dataset icons.
    Number of column matches
  5. Optional: In the Blend Data dialog, click Delete All Matches, specify which dataset to delete conformance from, and then click OK.
  6. Locate the dataset to replace and click Actions.
    Actions Icon
  7. Select Replace Dataset.
  8. In the Replace Dataset dialog, click the replacement dataset. Click Select.
  9. Review, update, and specify the column mappings for the workbook's visualizations, calculations, and filters.
  10. Click Replace.
  11. Optional: If you want to add blending between datasets, then in the Data Diagram, click between the datasets that you want to blend, and in the Blend Data dialog add column matches.