Purchasing Frequently Asked Questions

The Oracle Fusion SCM AnalyticsPurchasing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide answers to the most commonly asked questions about your Purchasing analytics experience.

Why am I not able to see quantity metrics at subinventory and locator level in the PO Receipts subject area?

All the quantity metrics are at the Receipt line level and not at the Transaction level (Subinventory, Locator) in the PO Receipts subject area.

Which approval date or version does the Purchase Order subject area in Fusion Analytics use?

The Purchase Order subject area in Fusion Analytics uses the original version or first time approval date for analyses or metrics that are used to derive the cycle time metrics. However Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence uses the latest version or last approval date. When comparing the data between Fusion Analytics and Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, don't use the approval date for analyses because it will provide a different outcome.