Create a User in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications to Extract Data

If you want to use the password-based basic authentication to connect to your source system, then you must provide credentials of a user who has the appropriate privileges to extract data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications into Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

In Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, ensure that you’ve the Security Manager role and access the Security Console to create a user to extract data into Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse. Oracle counts this user as an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications licensed user. You must assign the appropriate data security privileges to this user for bulk data extraction. Later, specify this user while providing the source details when you’re creating your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance and updating the source details after creating the instance.

If you’re using the password-based basic authentication to connect to your source system, then you won't be able to reset the password for the ready-to-use FAWService user in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. You can continue to use the FAWService user until the existing password expires. The recommendation is to update the connection details with the new user created to extract data, such as MyFAWExtractUser before the password for the FAWService user expires to ensure continuation of data extraction. See Update the Data Source Connection Details. To provide the user credentials while creating a Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance, see Enter Details for an Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription Instance.

If you want to use the credentials of the user such as MyFAWExtractUser for validating the extracted data, then ensure that you also assign to this user the custom data BI - Abstract Role that was created for data validation; for example, FAW_CUSTOM_DATA_VALIDATION_ROLE. See Create a Custom BI Abstract Role. Otherwise, create a user such as MyFAWValidationUser and assign the custom data BI - Abstract Role created for data validation. See Create a User to Validate the Extracted Data.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and in the Navigator, click Tools, and then click Security Console.
  2. In the Console, click the Users tab and create a user that you want to use to extract data into Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse; for example, MyFAWExtractUser.
  3. Click the Roles tab and then click Create.
  4. On the Basic Information page, enter FAW_EXTRACT_ADMIN in Role Name, FAW_EXTRACT_ADMIN in Role Code, and BI - Abstract Roles in Role Category.
  5. Click Next to navigate to the subsequent pages. You can skip entering details on the Function Security Policies and Data Security Policies pages.
  6. On the Role Hierarchy page, click Add Role and in the Add Role Membership dialog, search for the following roles and click Add Role Membership to add them:
    • ESS Administrator Role: To create and manage schedules for global data extracts or jobs.
    • ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_ADMIN_ABSTRACT: To have access to global offerings and data stores or jobs.
  7. Close the Add Role Membership dialog and click Next.
  8. Skip entering details on the Segregation of Duties page and click Next.
  9. On the Users page, click Add User and in the Add User dialog, search for and select the user to whom you want to assign this role; for example, MyFAWExtractUser. Click Add Selected Users and close the Add User dialog.
  10. Click Next. Review the summary and click Save and Close.