Manage Groups

You must ensure to map application roles to groups and add user memberships to groups. This enables users to access the applicable objects and data in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse and perform various tasks.

If you've set up synchronization of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications with Oracle Identity Cloud Service, then users, job roles, and group memberships in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications are synchronized as users, groups, and group memberships respectively. If you reassign a user to a different group in Oracle Identity Cloud Service while synchronization with Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications is enabled, then the synchronization process resets or erases such assignments during its next run.

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Create a Group

As a security administrator, you can create custom groups to meet your business requirements.

You can create custom groups in the following ways:
  • If you created custom groups in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, then you can synchronize them into the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance associated with your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance and thereby make them available in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • You can create them manually in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service instance associated with your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance using the Security pages in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab, and then click New Group.
  4. In Create a New Group , enter a group name and description.
  5. Click Save.

Remove a Group

You can remove only the custom groups. When you remove a custom group, Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse removes the associated mappings of the application roles.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab.
  4. In the Groups region, search for a group and select it or select a group from the displayed list of groups.
  5. Click Remove Group.

Add Application Roles to a Group

As a security administrator, you can map the application roles available for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse with the predefined and custom groups. This enables the groups to inherit the security setup at each application role level.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab.
  4. In the Groups region, search for a group and select it or select a group from the displayed list of groups.
  5. In the group details region, click the Application Roles tab, and then click Add Mapping.
  6. In Add Application Role Mappings, search for an application role and select it or select from the displayed list of application roles.
    You can filter the display to view only the data or duty roles or view both role types.
  7. Click Save.

Copy Application Roles to a Group

As a security administrator, you can copy the application roles available from an existing group to another group.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab.
  4. In the Groups list, select the group to which you want to apply the application roles
  5. On the Groups tab, click Copy Role Mappings.
  6. In Copy Role Mappings From Another Group, search for a group that you want to copy roles from.
  7. Click the roles in the Copy Roles area to select or deselect them, and then click Copy.
  8. Click Save.

Remove Application Roles from a Group

You can remove capabilities inherited by a group from the application roles mapped to it.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, under the Groups tab, select a group from the displayed list of groups or search for a group.
  4. In the group details region, click the Application Roles tab.
  5. Select one or more roles from the displayed list or search for application roles and select the applicable role.
  6. Click Remove Mapping.
  7. In Remove Role Mapping, click Remove Mapping.

Create an Application Role While Mapping

While mapping application roles to a group, if you need an application role that isn’t available in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse, then you can create an application role.

The new role is mapped onto the specific group. You can map the new application role to other groups too. See Add Application Roles to a Group.
  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, under the Groups tab, select a group from the displayed list of groups or search for a group.
  4. In the group details region, click the Application Roles tab, and then click New Application Role.
  5. In Create a New Application Role , enter the application role name and specify the role type as data or duty.
  6. Click Save.

Assign Users to a Group

When you assign users to a group, you create user memberships for the group. You can assign one or more users to one or more groups.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab.
  4. Search for a group or select from the list of groups displayed under the Groups tab.
  5. Click Assign Users.
  6. In Assign Users, search for a user or select from the list of users displayed in this dialog.
  7. Select the check box for one or more users and click Assign.

Upload and Download User Group Mappings

You can download user group mapping template files to help you set up user group mappings, and then upload the files to your environment.

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You can download "Sample" or "Current" files. Sample provides a csv file with relevant headers to help familiarize you with the types of data you can expect. Current provides a list of current data assignments you can download to your test or production environments. Regardless of the file you download, you need to populate the USERNAME and GROUPNAME columns. Use the Operation column to make bulk changes to the user group mappings. Don't change any of the header names in the downloaded files. When you're done updating the files, you can upload them to your environment.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Uploads under Application Administration.
  3. On the Uploads page, click Download File, select User Group Mapping, and then select the type of file you want to download.
  4. Open the csv file you downloaded and complete the fields as required:
    • USERNAME: The username in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    • GROUPNAME: The group name in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    • OPERATION: Enter ADD or leave it blank to add the user group mappings or enter REMOVE to remove the user group mappings.
  5. When you're done updating the security file, save your changes.
  6. On the Uploads page, click Upload File and then select the applicable file type.
  7. Select the file you want to upload and click Upload File.
    You can review the status of the upload on the Uploads tab.
  8. Use the Actions menu next to the file name to perform actions on a specific upload file:
    • Click Properties to check the upload statistics.
    • Click Download to download the file you just uploaded in the event you want to upload the file again.
    • Click Delete if a file fails to process and you want to remove the file history.

Remove Users from a Group

You can remove one or more users from a group.

After you remove a user from a group, the applicable user may need to logout for the change to take affect. There could be a gap of around 30 seconds for the refresh to happen.
  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab.
  4. Search for a group or select from the list of groups displayed under the Groups tab.
    You see the users assigned to the group under the Users tab in the group details region.
  5. Select the check box for one or more users and click Remove User.

Copy User Mappings to a Group

As a security administrator, you can copy the users mapped to an existing group to a custom group to quickly add users to the new custom group.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab.
  4. In the Groups list, search for a group or select the group to which you want to copy the users.
  5. On the Groups tab, click Copy User Mappings.
  6. In Copy User Mappings From Another Group, search for a group that you want to copy users from.
  7. Under Copy Users, verify all the users who'll be copied to the custom group, and then click Copy.
  8. Click Save.

Enable Easy Data Access to People Leaders

As a security administrator, you can provide data access to people leaders such as line managers. This access enables line managers to create indepth analytics that influence and guide finance and human resource related decisions.

You can provide easy access by mapping the custom line manager groups from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications to the ready-to-use line manager group available in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse. This mapping ensures that the ready-to-use line manager group inherits the capabilities of the custom line manager groups.
  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console, click Security under Service Administration.
  3. On the Security page, click the Groups tab, and then search for the ready-to-use Line Manager group.

    Line Manager group

  4. Select the ready-to-use Line Manager group and click the Custom Line Manager Groups tab.
  5. In the Custom Line Manager Groups tabbed section, click Map Groups.
  6. In the Map Custom Line Manager Groups dialog, select the custom groups and click Assign Group Mapping.

    Map custom line manager groups

  7. In the Custom Line Manager Groups tabbed section, for a selected custom line manager group, click the Access Level dropdown arrow and select the appropriate access level such as Author (edit capabilities) or Consumer (read-only).

    Set access level for custom line manager groups

  8. In the Custom Line Manager Groups tabbed section, click Apply Changes.