Common Frequently Asked Questions

The Oracle Fusion SCM AnalyticsFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide answers to the most commonly asked questions about your analytics experience.

How can I assign data security in Fusion Analytics Warehouse?

You can assign data security using these methods:

How do I synchronize data security from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications with Fusion Analytics Warehouse?

To synchronize data security, you must create a pipeline for the "Security Configuration Option" functional area in the "SCM Security Configurations" offering. This pipeline enables Fusion Analytics Warehouse to extract the user security assignment details from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications (Cloud SCM) and load it into Fusion Analytics Warehouse. Based on the user configuration in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications (Cloud SCM), the synchronization process assigns the inventory organization, cost organization, manufacturing organization, requisition business unit, and procurement business unit (PO Agent) values to the users in Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

To ensure that synchronization happens frequently, you must schedule the incremental refreshes. See Set Up the Pipeline Parameters.

  1. Sign in to your service.
  2. In Fusion Analytics Warehouse, click the Navigator.
  3. In the Navigator menu, click Console.
  4. On the Console, click Data Configuration under Application Administration.
  5. On the Data Configuration page, click Supply Chain Management.
  6. On the service page, click Create, select SCM Security Configurations in Offering, select Security Configuration Option in Functional Area, and then click Next.
    Create a data pipeline to synchronize data security setup from Cloud SCM

  7. Review the parameters and click one of the options:
    • Cancel: To cancel the data pipeline for the functional area.
    • Save: To save the data pipeline for the functional area but not activate it.
    • Activate: To schedule when to run the data pipeline for the functional area. See Activate a Data Pipeline for a Functional Area.

Why am I not able to see the Project-related details in the SCM subject areas?

To view the Project-related details in the SCM subject areas, ensure that the "Project Costing" functional area has been activated in Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics.

Why do I see the metrics multiplied when a Catalog and Functional Area is selected in a report?

When building analyses, Fusion Analytics Warehouse displays the metric at the grain in which it has been designed. For example, Sales Orders are at the Fulfillment line level, therefore adding Catalog and Functional Area will multiply the metric values. To see the correct value of the metric, use the Functional area as a filter and choose an appropriate Functional area value.