Top FAQs for Data Configuration

The top FAQs for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse data configuration are identified in this topic.

What should I specify as the initial extract date in the pipeline parameters?

The initial extract date determines how far back the data will be loaded into the autonomous data warehouse as part of the initial load or after a warehouse reset is performed. This is specific to your business and reporting needs and data retention policies.

I activated a functional area. Where can I check the status?

Navigate to the Console, click Data Configuration, and then click Request History.

What’s the difference between refresh and reset?

Refresh loads incremental data only, whereas reset reloads all data as of the initial extract date.

Can I reset and refresh the data warehouse?

Yes, you can reset and refresh the data warehouse. See Reset the Data Warehouse.

Can I reset and refresh a data pipeline for a functional area?

Yes, you can reset and refresh a data pipeline for a functional area. See Reload Data for a Data Pipeline and Refresh a Data Pipeline for a Functional Area.

Where do I check the data load status?

Navigate to the Console, click Data Configuration, then click Pipeline Settings, and view Last Refresh Date.

How do I increase the frequency of data refresh?

See Schedule Frequent Refreshes of Data.

Can I load external data into the autonomous data warehouse?

Yes, you can load external data into the autonomous data warehouse from external sources and build your own augmentations using connectors. See About Managing Data Connections.

Is there a limitation on external data volume that’s extracted into the autonomous data warehouse?

By default, custom data is limited to 50GB in the autonomous data warehouse associated with Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse. For any storage of custom data beyond 50GB, you must scale up through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. This is charged to your cloud account accordingly. See Scale Up Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Can I extract Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse data and export it to external storage systems?

Yes, you can extract Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse data to export into an external storage system. However, care must be taken to ensure an adequate number of user licenses are available to access Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse data through the external system.

Can I filter the records with "Status" on the Request History page?

No. You must select both "Status" and "Submitted by" to get the applicable records.