Add Header Content to Workflow Email Notifications

Each workflow task is configured with scenarios for sending email notifications as part of the approval process. For each scenario in the Notifications subtab, the Notification Header column determines what's in the email header, which appears before the email body.

  • By default, all predefined notification scenarios have emails with blank headers.

  • Any notification scenarios you add in the Notifications subtab would have the following header value: concat(string('Task '), /task:task/task:title, string(' requires your attention.')). It is recommended to change that value to null.

For some workflow tasks, you can enable configurable email notifications based on report layouts to be used instead of the standard email notifications. The Notification Header setting doesn't apply to those configurable email notifications.

Adding Company Name or Logo

If you do want to add, for example, your company name or logo to the email header:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Task Configurations task or another approval setup task in the Application Extensions functional area or another functional area.

  2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for the workflow task in the Tasks to be configured pane.

  3. Select the task from the search results and click the Edit task icon in the toolbar.

  4. Open the Notifications subtab.

  5. For the specific notification scenario on the Notifications subtab, click the icon in the Notification Header column.

  6. In the Edit Notification Message dialog box, delete any existing content and enter the following in the Notification Message field.

    • For company name: Enter text in single quotes, for example 'Oracle'. You can also use HTML formatting, for example '<h2>Oracle</h2>'.

    • For company logo: Enter the URL to your logo, following this syntax: '<img src="" width="230" height="69" alt="Oracle Logo">'. Replace the URL and alternative text with your own.

  7. Click the Save icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.