Set Up the From Field in Workflow Email Notifications

By default, the From field in workflow email notifications shows <your pod>.fa.sender@workflow.mail.<your data center> You can change the email address, add a sender name, or do both.

For example, you indicate that Your Company is the sender name to display, and the from address should be The From field in emails would show: Your Company <>. Your setting for the from address also applies to the reply-to address.

Note: Make sure that the sender name and email address make sense together in the From field. For example, if you set up the From field to show the task submitter’s email address, you should set up the sender name to be the task submitter’s name.

Your users might get other types of email notifications, for example for things not related to workflow. Your setup here doesn't affect those emails, and you might not be able to specify the sender name for those emails.

Change the From and Reply-To Address

Before you define the address for the From and Reply-To fields, set a profile option to make that change possible. If you’re not using the default email address, you must do additional setup steps.

Here’s how you change the from and reply-to address for a specific workflow task:

  1. If you plan to use any address other than the default, you need to do these steps to avoid email delivery issues:
    • Make sure that Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is set up.
    • Verify that whichever email address you want to use is valid.
  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Applications Core Administrator Profile Values task in the Application Extensions functional area.
  3. Set the From and Reply To Email Address Configuration Enabled (ORA_FND_BPM_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ENABLED) profile option to Yes at the Site level. This setting will take effect after about an hour.
  4. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Task Configurations task in the Application Extensions functional area. Or, depending on your offering, you might use a different functional area or another approval setup task.
  5. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for the workflow task in the Tasks to be configured pane.
  6. Select the task from the search results and click the Edit task icon in the toolbar.
  7. Open the Notifications subtab.
  8. On the Notifications subtab, click the Expand More icon.
  9. Select one of the Email: From and Reply To address options.
    • Select Default email address to use the default from and reply-to address. The address that you see for this option is the default from address. The default reply-to address is separate and could be a different predefined value.
    • Select Submitter to show the task submitter’s email address. If that address can't be determined for a specific notification, the default email address is used.
    • Select the last option to show a specific email address. Enter the address in quotes, for example "".
  10. Click the Save icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.
Tip: If you later want to revert to the default email address for all workflow tasks, just set the profile option back to No at the Site level.

Add Sender Name to the From Field

You can set up the sender name in application preferences for all workflow tasks, or have different setup for specific workflow tasks. If not specified at the task level, the sender name setting defaults from the preferences.

All Workflow Tasks

Here's how you define the sender name for all workflow tasks that have no other applicable setup. This setting applies to tasks that require action as well as FYI-only tasks.

Notification section on the Application Preferences page on the Administration tab, with options to define the email sender name for all workflow tasks
  1. If you're not in BPM Worklist:

    1. Click the Notifications icon in the global header.

    2. Click Show All.

    3. On the Notifications page, click the Worklist button.

    4. In BPM Worklist, click your user name and select Administration.

    If you’re already in BPM Worklist, just open the Administration tab.

  2. On the Application Preferences page that's on the Administration tab, select one of the Email "From:" Display Name options.

    • Select to specify the text to display. Enter your value or leave blank if you want nothing to appear in the From field.

    • Select Submitter to show the person who created the task.

    • Select Previous Approver to show the previous assignee in the approval chain. When the notification is sent to the first assignee in the approval chain, the From field shows the person who created the task.

  3. Click Save.

Specific Workflow Task

To specify the sender name for a specific actionable or FYI task:

More section on the Notifications subtab on the Task Configuration tab, with options to define the email sender name for a workflow task
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Task Configurations task or another approval setup task in the Application Extensions functional area or another functional area.

  2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for the workflow task in the Tasks to be configured pane.

  3. Select the task from the search results and click the Edit task icon in the toolbar.

  4. Open the Notifications subtab.

  5. On the Notifications subtab, click the Expand More icon.

  6. Select one of the Email "From:" Display Name options.

    • Select Not Applicable so that what appears in the From field depends on the application preferences that apply to all workflow tasks.

    • Select the second option and do one of the following:
      • Enter the text to display, surrounded by quotes, for example "Oracle".
      • Leave this field blank if you want nothing to appear in the From field.
      • Follow these steps to display the task submitter's user name, which is what they enter to sign in to the application:
        1. Click the Sender Name icon after the field.
        2. In the Expression Builder, select task:creator.
        3. Click the Insert into Expression button, then OK.
    • Select Previous Approver to show the previous assignee in the approval chain. When the notification is sent to the first assignee in the approval chain, the From field shows the person who created the task.

  7. Click the Save icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.