Analytics for Roles

You can review statistics about the roles that exist in your Oracle Cloud instance.

On the Analytics page, click the Roles tab. Then view these analyses:

  • Role Categories. Each role belongs to a category that defines some common purpose. Typically, a category contains a type of role configured for an application, for example, "Financials - Duty Roles."

    For each category, a Roles Category grid displays the number of:

    • Roles

    • Role memberships (roles belonging to other roles within the category)

    • Security policies created for those roles

    In addition, a Roles by Category pie chart compares the number of roles in each category with those in other categories.

  • Roles in Category. Click a category in the Role Categories grid to list roles belonging to that category. For each role, the Roles in Category grid also shows the number of:

    • Role memberships

    • Security policies

    • Users assigned to the role

  • Individual role statistics. Click the name of a role in the Roles in Category grid to list the security policies and users associated with the role. The page also presents collapsible diagrams of hierarchies to which the role belongs.

    Click Export to export data from this page to a spreadsheet.