Simulate Navigator Menus in the Security Console

You can simulate Navigator menus available to roles or users. From a simulation, you can review the access inherent in a role or granted to a user. You can also determine how to alter that access to create roles.

Opening a Simulation

To open a simulated menu:

  1. Select the Roles tab in the Security Console.

  2. Create a visualization graph, or populate the Search Results column with a selection of roles or users.

  3. In the visualization graph, right-click a role or user. Or, in the Search Results column, select a user or role and click its menu icon.

  4. Select Simulate Navigator.

Working with the Simulation

In a Simulate Navigator page:

  • Select Show All to view all the menu and task entries that may be included in a Navigator menu.

  • Select Show Access Granted to view the menu and task entries actually assigned to the selected role or user.

In either view:

  • A padlock icon indicates that a menu or task entry can be, but isn't currently, authorized for a role or user.

  • An exclamation icon indicates an item that may be hidden from a user or role with the privilege for it, because it has been modified.

To plan how this authorization may be altered:

  1. Click any menu item on the Simulate Navigator page.

  2. Select either of the two options:

    • View Roles That Grant Access: Lists roles that grant access to the menu item.

    • View Privileges Required for Menu: Lists privileges required for access to the menu item. Lists privileges required for access to the task panel items.