Analyze User Session at Run Time

Use the Application User Session Run Time diagnostic test to analyze a user's session. A session starts when users signs in and ends when they sign out.

Run this test from the Diagnostic dashboard. Click your user image or name in the global header and go to Troubleshooting > Run Diagnostic Tests.

Application User Session Cookie

Enter the cookie to identify the user session that you want to analyze.

To get the session cookie value:

  1. Run the Application User Session Configuration diagnostic test to make sure that the ApplSession configuration values for your application are correct.

  2. Use a valid user name and password to sign in.

  3. Display the list of cookies in your browser, according to instructions for the browser.

  4. In the cookies listed for your domain site, select the cookie named ORA_FND_SESSION_<DATABASE_SID>.

    • Your domain site is the host in the URL, for example in the URL

    • <DATABASE_SID> is your database session ID.

    If you can't locate the cookie, then no application user session has been created for your application.

  5. See the Content field, which has the format pillar_name:session_cookie_value:timestamp. For the Application User Session Cookie parameter, enter the session_cookie_value part, which appears between two colons.